Super trash (as are all the german CVs). firefighter2006. Meh gun performance but she gets twelve of 'em, so that fixes things. Her fire angles make my eyes bleed but at least her turret traverse is okay. This all said, Pommern's AP shells are far and above better, damage wise. Do mind the inevitable wall of torpedoes, though. "Bigpitz" describes her well. So there's give and take in nearly every aspect. +1, I am forever in awe at the amount of work you put into producing the many graphics used to display relative performance. By It is very difficult to land citadel hits against her with AP shells. The exhibition 'Pommern – 100 days under sail' makes … Bild SMS Pommern - Wikiwand. Pommern was equipped with the Aiming System Modification 1 upgrade, effectively making this sampling a "best case scenario" in terms of her overall dispersion area. Havent played the Pommern with the reduced Sigma, but I guess it is still a nice ship for coop-brawling. She has excellent protection against cruiser-calibre HE shells. Thankfully for Pommern (and most German battleships), her turtleback is well designed and short of shells being thrown at it from very long distances, it is guaranteed to auto-ricochet any AP rounds that punch through her belt. The final cost of virtual goods may vary depending on the selected payment method. Waiting on the LittleWhiteMouse review if I'm honest. Well this is all just an embarrassing bucket of fail. If you can line the fish up with the bow of your opponent, you're showing too much side and are in danger of taking penetrating AP hits. Base/Minimum Surface Detection: 17.28km / 13.58kmBase/Minimum Air Detection Range: 12.81km / 10.38kmDetection Range When Firing in Smoke: 16kmMaximum Firing Range:  Between 21.34km and 24.75km. Do you know if WoWS/WG internal teams use similar design sheets when they "propose" their ships? VERDICT:  Terrible, generally. Once again, a standard dispersion test. The only downsides for new players is that she forces them to sail broadside to unmask all of her guns which can lead to her getting chunked by return fire. Conversely, you can brawl with Pommern and brawl well. Begone. The 33 sec reload is a dpm killer, but can be compensated for with AR and the reload mod. The fact he's like, on the Slava review, "oh it has a longer cooldown heal and repair party..." despite the fact it gets standard repair and heal party times, "oh it has weak armor which means it can't push" despite the fact it's going to be played from the back of the map and has a 420mm plate in the nose stopping it from being citadelled through the bow. Angling against Pommern works very well in anything but a very light cruiser. This reduced battery makes RNG's influence on her awful dispersion all the more pronounced and can be frustrating. A large, well-armed ship with powerful armor protection. Flak Bursts: 7 explosions for 1,470 damage per blast at 3.5km to 5.2km.Long Ranged (up to 5.2km):  158dps at 75% accuracyShort Ranged (up to 3.0km): 466dps at 70% accuracy. Even giving time for the enemy to thin out to find opportunities to bring the secondaries into play, I often found myself uncomfortably focused and between the HE spam and glut of AP pens there wasn't often time for the secondaries to do their thing. This is particularly true when trading fire with intransient bow-on battleships or just before a brawl to tax enemy Damage Control Parties before your secondaries open up. I am waiting for that. Her last commercial voyage was done in 1939 and since 1952 Pommern has been a museum ship. I'd have refunded both of them. She's only just ahead of Friedrich der Große, the six-gun armed Georgia and the Sovetsky Soyuz-sisters when it comes to sustained HE damage output. Pommern has a toolkit that’s tailor made for brawling, with hydro, torpedos, and a vicious secondary suite. They're not terrible but they're not good. For experts, Pommern provides all of the usual German battleship brawling benefits with the added plus of the combination of torpedoes and her Hydroacoustic Search. The only other German battleship that gets both torpedoes and hydro is Odin, so this is pretty noteworthy. The forward part is only 20mm thick. World of Warships - free-to-play naval warfare-themed massively multiplayer game from Wargaming. Make the right choice. World of Warships Statistics tracker with instant update. This can be life saving if Pommern comes under focus-fire from HE spamming ships. She performs exactly as advertised and she's different enough to be fun and novel. Papugarnia Gdansk oraz Bistro Parrots: WOW - See 62 traveler reviews, 115 candid photos, and great deals for Gdansk, Poland, at Tripadvisor. Just waiting for my ship coupon to reset in December to pick this up. Go, Bigpitz! Well, gentle reader, let's take a look... Quick Summary:  A Friedrich der Große-class battleship with twelve, inaccurate 380mm guns. 1.5 sigma dispersion on her main battery. To see the final cost, click the button for the selected payment method. But Pommern didn't stray from the established formula too much. This is nice. Yuro coined it. As a certified Bigpitz, Pommern's secondaries and torpedoes are both excellent. Edit: I needed to read further before posting. Pommern seems to be a pretty standard German BB, with guns that definitely need to be close range to consistently hit, strong secondaries with good pen, hydro, turtleback, and torps. Note that this raising of her citadel happens on the. eh, ive hardly noticed the dispersion be any different from other German BBs, but i love this ship to death, its easily in the running to become my new favorite in the game, ive had no problems bouncing BB caliber shells with Pommern. World of Warships, strategy, tips, latest news, ship stats, bonus codes, developments and other content. Hit Points: 81,900Bow & stern/superstructure/upper-hull/deck:  32mm / 19mm / 145 to 235mm / 50 to 80mmMaximum Citadel Protection: 300mm belt + 150mm turtleback + 45mm citadel wallTorpedo Damage Reduction:  25%. Maybe that's just a sign of the Apocalypse. What I found was that the returns were very inconsistent. Alsace has very similar gun performance and considered pretty good, why would Pommern’s gun being about the same performance wise be considered nonexistent or bad? Pommern is pretty bog-standard for a German battleship, showing up with Hydroacoustic Search and baiting players to spec secondaries instead of their main battery. See? Pommern is honestly the ship i had been waiting for my entire WOWS career for, a BB that can get in and brawl, has torps that boost said brawling capability, has alot of guns and has German Hydro with all that, shes second only to my North Carolina for ships i love in this game, in Randoms, sure, shes nothing special really because the meta there isnt getting down and dirty in brawling, in Coop however, shes a completely different beast, if shes ever allowed into a brawling scenario whether it be in Randoms or Coop, chances are shell be taking one or 2 enemies with her, or doing a good amount of damage to them. Looks like their NDA is now 24h after the release... Shrug. While not as bad as the new American battleships, Pommern has a "reload tax" for her twelve gun armament, paying for it with an extra three seconds on each reload. The best she can hope to do is make attack runs against her expensive -- shooting down planes only after they've dropped. I think it's easiest to say that Pommern's guns are simply "sufficient" and leave it at that. 7 replies . A well designed turtleback can help mitigate citadel damage, but this needs to have very shallow angles relative to the horizontal in order to prompt ricochet checks. Really don't know what I expected to be honest, but it was the first Slava review out so it was his video or nothing. You're going to want to build her up for secondary bonuses. I dont remember to have kill other ships... Flamuu just got 1 citadel, 3 kills, 395 secondarie hits, 47 hits, 1 spot, 3 incapacitations, 3 fires = 159.474 damage. Maybe that's just a sign of the Apocalypse. Pommern's more telling weakness comes from torpedoes, bombs and fire. While this does make them a bigger target, easier to hit with ... well, anything ... it does ensure their hit point pools are on the large side. This will give you the most consistent performance out of Pommern. Trash. That's enough of my soon-to-be-retired meme-boat. It has been hyped as being more exaggerated than it is. You need to play a total of 20 battles to post in this section. She has so little going for her here. Destroyer. Pommern is blessed with all of the usual defensive boons of German battleships. Screw off. Oh well. Pommern was built in 1903. Her turning radius is a travesty. Approximate AP penetration values drawn from After that, though, everything goes the way of Harambe. The Pommern is the only four-masted merchant sailing ship in the world still in its original state. Pommern's AP penetration isn't great, but that's largely owing to 380mm guns being rather small caliber for her tier. However, only a skilled player can pull these off with any reliability outside of PVE modes. Any perfectly placed sub-waterline hits WILL citadel Pommern when she's in a turn like this. To land hits like this, Pommern needs to be giving up a near perfect broadside, so time those turns appropriately, watch out for flanking fire and it becomes largely a non-issue. I was curious but now I’m like oh never mind. Pommern's stats line up with the other 12x15" T9 BB, the Alsace. This didn't guarantee Pommern would be good, mind you -- Wargaming has mishandled such projects before (California comes to mind). These Stukas look great. Short of better defence against bombs and torpedoes, you couldn't ask for a better armour layout. Given her crappy agility and size this is much easier said than done. With Pommern's 1.5 sigma rating, RNGeebus has been given free reign to troll or bless you as He sees fit. Such a fun ship. But all of these questions of rate of fire, overmatch and flagging HE damage are all moot if you can't reliably put shells on target. There are kids on this forum for Christ's sake! It has carried timber from Scandinavia, saltpeter from Chile, and grain from Australia. E-4, PETTY OFFICER 3RD CLASS . It has a purpose. Links to the Guides on Captain Skills for Battleships and Cruisers see at the foot of this page. Ratings Calculation This website calculate players' Personal Rating (PR) , and assigns a different color according to the specification at . Truly, the best thing about Pommern is that she gets access to Hydroacoustic Search. I'm purchased like 2 ships since London, but I didn't like either of them and if not for the "Oh, you played a game, you can't get a refund" policy (which is totally [edited] btw, how am I suppose to know if I like a ship until I get to play it?!) You are definitely going to be seen for 90%+ of the game by your own choice. Her twelve guns deliver a shotgun blast of shells flying every which way. Thanks LWM. Sigma does not matter as much as input on what people are experiencing with the guns. Note that this raising of her citadel happens on the inside of her turn, not the outside which dips down somewhat. Got it upon release & have never looked back. Problem is it made most of my other boats port queens. See more reviews of Premium - Bed & Breakfast Port 21 Pura Pool & Design Hotel - Adults Only Ranked 10 out of 602 in the Pomerania region, as well as being 1 of 10 for hotels in Krynica Morska . She doesn't have enough acceleration or agility at low speeds to get out of the way of incoming threats unless she's already moving at a fair clip. Effectively, it seems to play like a hybrid of Tirpitz and FdG. This dip reduces the effective angle of her turtleback by about 2.5º or so -- it's not enough to foil her turtleback's protection but it is a slight reduction which helps with those auto-ricochet checks. Pommern's dispersion is ... well, it's not good. Pommern excellent and super fun battlewagon.. Her distributed armour scheme generally just leaves her superstructure and the very tips of her bow and stern vulnerable to direct damage from small and medium caliber HE rounds. Pommern has carried timber from Scandinavia, saltpetre from Chile and grain from Australia. Your aim can be perfect only to be plagued by overshoots and undershoots. I have around 20 matches in mine, having a hard time getting Cits with this thing, the guns are so wonky, really hit and miss.Whats your take on that? The above values have been modified by accuracy and demonstrates the numbers you're more likely to see before aircraft armour is accounted for. I love mine. Overall, Pommern is a well protected battleship -- as well protected as you could want and then some. I just ran 35 games in coop in it the last couple of days grinding out the missions. ... Georgia лучше pommern ? Saved by Denis Marasan. As awesome as full secondary builds are, the prevalence of fire damage means that such build are never optimal. While Pommern can do nothing but properly manage her Damage Control Party consumable to mitigate the resulting blazes, she is at least well protected against HE shells. The thick plates of her upper hull and along her waterline ensure that every penetrating AP shell fuses. Secondaries are fun and easy to use, automatically hoovering up damage. Pommern's HE damage is another story. The Georgia Review is the literary-cultural journal published out of the University of Georgia since 1947. VERDICT:  It's open season on your hit points. It's not that I don't think she's a good or fun ship, it's just that she treads familiar ground. Similarly, you can expect almost everyone else to huck HE at her given the difficulties of hurting her with AP. Alsace has a better AP shell and slightly faster reload. It's divided into two parts and helps plunging fire overmatching the 32mm bow from entering the citadel. They provide identical bonuses standard for tier IX premiums: It needs to be said:  Pommern's default camouflage is bloody gorgeous. The first is one of accuracy. Get the latest news and developments here and play for free! Pommern is honestly the ship i had been waiting for my entire WOWS career for, a BB that can get in and brawl, has torps that boost said brawling capability, has alot of guns and has German Hydro with all that, shes second only to my North Carolina for ships i love in this game, in Randoms, sure, shes nothing special really because the meta there isnt getting down and dirty in brawling, in Coop however, shes a completely different beast, if shes ever allowed into a brawling … You can update your stats instantly, just close your wows client and click "take snapshot" in the player's profile page. She's about as safe of a tier IX premium as Wargaming could hope to design. I mean, at least she has a decent top speed of 31 knots. Armour,Mobility and Gun. 2 - Emden 6 - Admiral Graf Spee 6 - HSF Admiral Graf Spee 7 - München 8 - Prinz Eugen 8 - Mainz 9 - Siegfried 9 - Ägir. Much better. When it comes to her secondaries, their only major drawback  is the 26mm penetration on her 105mm guns. Pommern's 105mm secondaries not only make up the bulk of her defensive damage output, but they also have the best fire arcs. Any perfectly placed sub-waterline hits WILL citadel Pommern when she's in a turn like this. Finally there's the "Iron Cross" camouflage pattern which was earned through completing missions tied to the release of the German Aircraft Carriers. While these aren't likely to ever be citadel hits, that doesn't really matter when every salvo lands multiple penetrations. So how good are these secondaries anyway? When I first got her, I went for the manly meme build going all in for secondaries. Nothing fancy, just effective. Nah I ain't watching it, read the comments and commented myself on the Slava review since Zoup seems kind of out of touch with the playerbase right now and going full WG Shill mode on the Slava. - See 1,589 traveler reviews, 1,091 candid photos, and great deals for Sopot, Poland, at Tripadvisor. While there is an argument to "not bother", particularly when it comes to the expensive investment of skills like Concealment Expert (which could be better spent on Fire Prevention or something to boost her secondaries), the Concealment System Modification 1 upgrade is still worthwhile if only to add further disruption to enemy gunnery. Anti-aircraft defence is too short ranged. Odin, Bismarck and Tirpitz secondaries have some turrets which behave like they're occluded when they really shouldn't be. Otherwise, enjoy your tuff-bote. You an also pull off fun tricks like parking in friendly smoke and keeping her main battery guns silent and just letting your secondaries go hog-wild. The Pommern has become my second favorite T9 BB to play. You trade 1 second reload, .1 sigma and the baguettes for bratwurst powered secondaries, torps and the armor and HP to get in close enough to use them. Sopot Beach: Wow! German citadel protection, effectively making her immune to AP shell citadel hits except under extreme circumstances. Namely: German battleships aren't built lean. Though she lacks raw damage, her higher penetration is more likely to ensure her shells will do damage against bow-tanking battleships. The fact he's like, on the Slava review, "oh it has a longer cooldown heal and repair party..." despite the fact it gets standard repair and heal party times, "oh it has weak armor which means it can't push" despite the fact it's going to be played from the back of the map and has a 420mm plate in the nose stopping it from being citadelled through the bow. While you should generally stick to AP shells wherever possible, her HE rounds do have their strengths. Please be aware that her performance may change in the future. She has more raw durability than Odin does too, so it pays to play aggressive when the timing is right. You totally get bonus points if you sink a destroyer with them too. I have since reconfigured Pommern for survivability with a small buff for main battery performance and the results (for me, at least) have been better and much more consistent. I'll be honest, I don't think a tweak up to 1.6 sigma would break Pommern, but she is decent as-is. Pommern's HE DPM is pretty German -- which is to say crappy. Get the latest news and developments here and play for free! Still, the best way to keep her safe is arguably to use an island to break contact or at least to frustrate incoming fire. Good work, Wargaming. The list is hella long: Missouri, Musashi, Kronshtadt, Jean Bart, Benham have all been retired with Alaska and Georgia set to join them in the new year. Pommern-peglow's profile on linkedin,LinkedIn. Shots are coming in from left to right with the Fuso effectively bow-tanking. Her rudder shift time is upsetting. Mainz, München, Lowenhardt, Agir and Siegfried -- they're all damn respectable premiums. Still, having Hydoracoustic Search isn't enough to keep Pommern safe if she's stationary -- Pommern already needs to be moving to dodge anything. These are what good fire arcs look like! This review will focus on 3 aspects of the tank (like every review duh). Provided the shell is slowed down sufficiently to pop inside her, she takes full penetrating hits when other battleships might only suffer over-penetrations. Thunderer just sort of whimpers and dies in those situations. Chicks dig brawlers. If the turtleback is angled too steeply, aside from providing another (hopefully) thick piece of steel to slow down incoming shells, it can actually work to the ship's detriment, steering shells via normalization mechanics into the citadel rather than away from it. As Pommern's 105mm guns make up the bulk of her secondary battery, it's a bit of a bummer. Then you will like her. You're not hiding this ship. Even at these distances where her turtleback can no longer guarantee to ricochet shells, the combination of belt, turtleback and citadel armour is usually in excess of the available penetration. Hes only a shill if he is biased. For the rest of you, let's go over these drawbacks and look at them in closer detail. In PVP battles, the opportunities to use her torpedoes are uncommon because of this short reach but they are oh-so satisfying. TSG4 DOCUMENTS. It's a fun ship IMO, one of my better investments; though I initially had some doubts due to the extraordinarily low sigma. They're #2 in my books for secondaries at tier IX. Pommern in the Best WoWS Solo Warrior. They have good armour protection for shrugging off HE shells. both NOT EXIST in the game, any ship T9 has it. Yet to hear the hype surrounding this ship, she's not only decent but well liked. Her HE shells might have low damage per shell, but they have great penetration and solid fire setting chances. Her rate of turn is bad though admittedly better than some of her contemporaries. It was essentially a draft design for an H-class battleship equipped with 380 mm triple main battery turrets. In this part of the Guide, I’ll cover the selection of Captain Skills for Destroyers in World of Warship. Pommern has relatively small-calibre guns, she's slow-reloading, she has good traverse but is stuck with horrible fire angles. Hilton Gdansk, Gdansk: 2,229 Hotel Reviews, 1,100 traveller photos, and great deals for Hilton Gdansk, ranked #5 of 103 hotels in Gdansk and rated 4.5 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Dissolved and its File Number is H906531. Despite her poor damage showing, Pommern's a pretty decent fire bug for a tier IX battleship. Try it, you’ll like it! Meh at a distance. Never mind, I must of been having a bad day in it yesterday, RNG just gave me 8 Cits in one match lol. Before you hire a window contractor in Pommern, Rhineland-Palatinate, shop through our network of over 26 local window contractors. I think the last ship I saw for sale that really made me wanna crack open the wallet was...London? Turtlebacks have a reputation for providing immunity to citadel hits, but this is undeserved. RANKS and ... Forums » General Discussion » New German Battleship Pommern » » New German Battleship Pommern . E-3, SEAMAN . Build your ship towards going ham with secondaries, Hydroacoustic Search upgrades and improved rudder shift time. She is a typical cargo carrier, built 1903 in Scotland and bought by the Åland shipowner Gustaf Erikson in 1923. Thunderer has massive, quick-firing and super-accurate guns with decent fire angles but horrible gun handling. I prefer the Loewenhardt. This is 180 AP shells fired at 15km at a stationary Fuso bot. Reviews “When it all comes together around two competent teams working together, World of Warships is a glorious pre-World War 2 admiralty fantasy come to life.” 8.3/10 – IGN “Its mix of ponderous warships and huge guns—the biggest guns ever fired in anger by mankind—is beautiful, polished, and a joy to play.” 80/100 – PCGamer Look, there are two ways you can build Pommern -- optimally or the correct way. If I'm terribly honest, Pommern didn't wow me. Yes, stray shots will sometimes work out in your favour but it's not something to be relied upon. Her 33 second reload isn't so awful that her damage suffers thanks to firing so many barrels at once. Her AA DPS is largely centred around personal defence, being short-ranged and intense only within her closest aura. Thank you, Nice looking boat but she doesn't really resemble her 20th century version..:P. Pom is my absolute favorite ship in the game. the most brutal nerf  for ship germany. A broadside of four torpedoes is enough to cripple just about any battleship she comes across with only the chonkiest of thunderchunkers able to shrug off said hits and stay mean. Seven of the fifteen tier IX premiums released so far have been or are slated to be retired with two (Black & Neustrashimy) still MIA with fates undisclosed. Crack open the wallet was... London her given the difficulties of hurting her with AP shells wherever,... 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