It is liked by kids of every age. Draw two intersecting lines inside the elephant's head to help you place the facial features later on. The best way to start when drawing a life-like representation of an elephant is to look at reference pictures. It will serve as a basis for the body of an elephant. You can also see the elephant trunk forming. All the best Realistic Elephant Drawing 37+ collected on this page. It’s great for any beginner artist or kid that wants to explore something new. Step 3: Draw two intersecting lines inside the elephant's head to help you place the facial features later on. More Tutorials in Animal Faces for Kids. The circle is immediately divided into four parts – it is useful when drawing the face. Starting at the corner of the ear, use your pencil to draw a rounded line for the head. Perhaps your hands get restless as you’re talking on the telephone. Step 4. Realistic Baby Elephant Drawing Baby Elephant G2011 08 Drawing By Svetlana Ledneva Schukina. To get the real image you need to keep trace the image. Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version. 223x226 image result for elephant side view drawing elephant elephant - Side View Of Elephant Drawing. Basic Anatomy of an Elephant Step 1 Mar, 01 2018. The body of an elephant is close in shape to an oval, and the head is in a circle. Baby Elephant And Bunny Drawing Realistic Step By Face Color Pencil. 0 0. Author asmarbdm Posted on May 29, 2017 Categories How To Draw Tags How To Draw, how to draw a cat, how to draw a dog, how to draw a rose, how to draw easy. Then, contour it with curved lines. See more ideas about elephant, elephant face drawing, elephant face. They can be also tricky to draw, since they look so simple. In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Realistic African Elephant in 8 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists. 1. Take your time when drawing the ears, it can get a bit frisky from this way on. Art. More videos . First, draw the basic outlines of the elephant's body. Like JPG. Art. They have large bumps that curve inwards their backs due to the spine. realistic elephant face drawing png images background ,and download free photo png stock pictures and transparent background with high quality; Download the realistic elephant face drawing png images background image and use it as your wallpaper, poster and banner design. Click the download button to find out the full image of How to Draw A Realistic Elephant Face Free, and download it for your computer. 31-mar-2014 - Bailee Gallivan descrubrió este Pin. I included some tip steps as well! Share this: Twitter; Facebook; Like this: Like Loading... Related. Beginners are often reluctant to use a reference, because it can feel like cheating. 0 0. Draw the direction and length of the tail. TOP. Artist: Dawn / September 20, 2010 . Mar 22, 2019 - Explore Jacquelyn Gonda's board "Elephant face drawing" on Pinterest. Step 1: Start by drawing an eye by drawing a tiny circule and shadin in. Draw a few short, curved lines at the top of the head to form a tuft of hair. To draw an elephant head in a profile view … In order to understand better, let`s look at schematic image of the head. How to Draw an Elephant Face – Step-by-Step Tutorial, Copyright © 2019 We Draw Animals | Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Advertise. Happy drawing! Next we will draw a curved line for the neck of the elephant. That is if you will follow our step by step art session on how to draw elephant. Next, begin laying down basic line work for the overall shape of the elephant. This is because elephants use their trunks for multiple uses. Start by drawing a curved line above the eye then dipping it down and forming a loop as you bring it back up. For each eye, draw a horizontal curved line and enclose an oval above it. Detail the elephant's face. Elephant Drawing Contentpark Co. Step 3: After clearing the stripe in step 2 now make your turn toward the elephant trunk, firstly it will be a crude sketch, later on, it will lead to a perfect elephant trunk shape. Please observe the body well again. Signup for Free Weekly Drawing Tutorials Please enter your email address receive free weekly tutorial in your email. Finish up the trunk. Elephants are large mammals of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea. Draw an Elephant Head - Profile, Front, Sex Differences. Elephant Face Drawing Elephant Art Elephant Tattoos Animal Tattoos Draw An Elephant Realistic Elephant Tattoo Online Drawing Guache Realistic Drawings. Yes and no. Step 1. This is a dynamic picture which means that the elephant is walking. Compare the length of the legs to the rest of the body. Step 3. There is overlapping skin that hangs over the eyes. Like JPG. 1. How to Draw an Elephant Printable Drawing Sheet by How to Draw a Turkey Face for Kids. 4. The Best Free Elephant Drawing Images Download From 6452 Free . This is a step-by-step video tutorial that makes you understand the elephant correctly from the anatomical point of view. The shapes are simple, yet still create a pretty realistic looking animal. How to Draw an Elephant Face.We will provide you the steps on how to draw an elephant face. Artist: catlucker / August 3, 2012 . Draw the eye sockets. 0. Jul 15, 2019 - Free printable How To Draw An Elephant for kids that you can print out and color. Draw the ruffles towards the bottom right. Saved from Step 3. Elephant Face Vector. Keep in tune with the line that separates the tusk from the eyes. How to draw an elephant with our easy to go after step by step drawing advice (and the useful going to drawing printable). Erase any lines that you don’t need and darken the outside lines for a nice fish cartoon that will wow your friends. Draw the direction and length of the trunk. Here are a few more key informational points that create a realistic elephant. Contour the face. You could also print the image using the print button above the image. How to Draw a Simple Elephant Step 7. This tutorial has 8 steps that will show you how to draw an elephant in a realistic way. Traditionally, two species are recognized, the African elephant and the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), although some evidence suggests that African bush elephants and … Article by Art Ed Central. Drawings. Begin with drawing the ears a. At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Elephant Face. 0% ( votes) Step 1. Ok, now that you're informed on a few important tips for drawing a realistic elephant, let's exercise those skills! Nov 27, 2015 - How to draw an African Elephant step by step. 1. How to Draw an Elephant. Next, move your pencil a ways above the line and draw an elongated S-shape to emulate the elephant's back.. Once you're pleased with it, complete the line by transforming it into a somewhat rectangular shape. 5. Step 3: After clearing the stripe in step 2 now make your turn toward the elephant trunk, firstly it will be a crude sketch, later on, it will lead to a … Dec 12, 2012 - Hey folks, just dropping by to submit a tutorial briefly on “how to draw a realistic elephant”, step by step. Is it? Also start drawing the elephant head and a little “lens” shape at the bottom of the head. Step by Step Drawing tutorial on How to Draw an Elephant Head Elephant is a big animal and is found in various parts of the world. Follow me and I'll teach you all elephant things! In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Realistic Elephant in 8 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists. Tusks are shorter due to the perspective. Now we draw the top of the head and th etrunk. Lightly draw this with a No.2 or HB pencil. 18. 6. Examine your work and see if you've made mistakes. How to Draw an Elephant Face for Kids. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Step 1. Take your time and pretend your drawing over a ball. This is a step-by-step video tutorial that makes you understand the elephant correctly from the anatomical point of view. They can be also tricky to draw, since they look so simple. Draw a large circle in the middle of your sheet of paper. How to draw a realistic elephant – Final step By this step, you should already completely draw the elephant and begin painting the picture. Draw an oval body. Draw A Realistic Ele... 943x780 0 0. First, use a ruler to draw a horizontal line near the bottom of your paper. Step 3. 3. Enter your … 3. Artist: catlucker / August 3, 2012 . Draw a smaller one behind the trunk. Drawing tutorials for kids and beginners. 2. Next we will draw a curved line for the neck of the elephant. Sep 22, 2020 - Explore Carol Stoner's board "Elephant face" on Pinterest. Without an elephant's trunk, they could barely survive. Draw wrinkles and shadows. Shadows will … Make sure you draw it as seen in the picture. About halfway down the left side, draw a muzzle with a curved bottom that meets the bottom of the circle. The images above represents how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved. Step 5: Now draw the horns below the eye by drawing a curved thin "V". with curved lines above the eye and at the corner of the mouth. Head. Step 5. 0. disable your adblock and script blockers to view this page. Make sure to execute the, accordingly. Draw them. How to Draw Elephant.Cartoon drawing such as elephant illustration is very easy to do. I M Not Coming Out Mother And Baby Elephant Print Wildlife Fine. Step 3: Draw the trunk starting by drawing a curved line from the end of the end and making a inverted "S" which is wider at the bottom. Technorati Tags: drawing elephants, draw elephants, how to draw elephants, elephant drawing tutorial, elephant drawing lesson, how to draw, drawing lesson, drawing tutorial, step by step drawing This tutor Step 2. However, this time we will teach you how to draw a more realistic and life-like elephant which is still easy and simple enough for beginners. First, perform the general form. Mar 18, 2015 - Hey folks, just dropping by to submit a tutorial briefly on “how to draw a realistic elephant”, step by step. This will help you orient the size and proportions of your elephant. Descubre (y guarda) tus propios Pines en Pinterest. 1.5k. 2. Animal Drawing. Add the head and trunk. How to Draw a Realistic Elephant. It has a very wide base (see where … Erase the circle and add an eye, then add the neck scruff and the front legs and paws. Step 4. It is very important for young children. Draw the forehead. Baby Elephant drawing - step 6. Nov 20, 2016 - Hey folks, just dropping by to submit a tutorial briefly on “how to draw a realistic elephant”, step by step. All the best Realistic Elephant Drawing 37+ collected on this page. Step 3. The upper body is build sturdy and large. How to Draw a Realistic Elephant, Draw Real Elephant. However, this time we will teach you how to draw a more realistic and life-like elephant which is still easy and simple enough for beginners. The best way to start when drawing a life-like representation of an elephant is to look at reference pictures. Step:2 . The ear flaps have jagged rips and tears, giving the elephant a sense of aging. There’s also a bit of a perspective lesson in that the two legs that are furthest away need to be just a bit shorter than the front ones. 0% ( votes) Step 1. Make sure you draw it as seen in the picture. Draw the tusks. 2. How to draw an realistic elephant step by a face online easy head for beginners african. We temporarily stopped you from leaving DrawingHub so you could confirm, How to Draw a Realistic Elephant, Draw Real Elephant, When drawing a realistic elephant, there are some key points you should direct your focus to. Add the tip … Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version. Areas that require thick lines should be places where there's a lot of activity and use (trunk, ears, tusks). Sketch the circle and oval like shape lines for the seal's body mass. Here the main distinctive features of this animal are concentrated. Explore. Nov 20, 2016 - Hey folks, just dropping by to submit a tutorial briefly on “how to draw a realistic elephant”, step by step. Don't forget the spout hole for the trunk. This tutor. Drawing becomes interesting and simple to comprehend when introduced with alphabets. Detail the elephant's face. Draw the trunk. It's OK, take your time and keep practicing! It’s great for any beginner artist or kid that wants to explore something new. How to Draw an Elephant Seal, Draw a Realistic Elephant Seal. To get the real image you need to keep trace the image. Elephant drawing - step 18. Draw a cross on the face, keeping in mind that it's seen in perspective. How to Draw an Elephant Face for Kids. Elephant's have large wing-like ears that they use to control their body temprature. This tutorial has 8 steps that will show you how to draw an elephant in a realistic way. The elephant’s trunk is obviously the dominant feature of its face. Step 6: Draw a curved line between the ear and the horn below the eye. :) Step 1. Feb 6, 2017 - Elephants are a one of a kind - there's no other animal with such amazing tusks and trunk. Step 2: Now we draw the top of the head and th etrunk. Step 2. Hey folks, just dropping by to submit a tutorial briefly on “how to draw a realistic elephant” step by step. First, draw the basic outlines of the elephant's body. Elephant Cartoon Vector. Beginners are often reluctant to use a reference, because it can feel like cheating. I would recommend using a compass for the circle. Notice the angles of the legs while the animal walks. Then draw a circle containing a smaller circle and a tiny oval. Then, shape up the tusks, trunk and the jagged ears. Let's begin this lesson now! Sketch the circle and oval like shape lines for the seal's body mass. 4. Tusks are dug into a large fleshy mound that keeps it in place. The trunk of an elephant is full of overlapping tissue. 2. At the next stage of our lesson on how to draw a realistic elephant we will try to understand the structure of the head. Make sure to execute the, accordingly. To draw the elephant face, grab your pencil tightly and make the rough sketch. Hav. The images above represents how your finished drawing is … Elephants are large mammals of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea. . Baby Elephant Realis... 900x681 0 0. Start off with the basic frame work for the elephant. To draw a realistic wolf, lightly draw a circle, then add a tufted ear at the back of the circle, then another just to the left of that. Elephants have long and strong forelegs that have protrusions near the upper foot. This tutor. How to draw realistic elephant with pencil see on my website below. Feel free to explore, study and enjoy paintings with Hav more. For each eye, draw a horizontal curved line and enclose an oval above it. Thanks for viewing this tutorial and good luck. In this class we will draw a realistic elephant in the wild. 3. Start by drawing a curved line from the top of the head coming down on both sides. Elephants have long and strong forelegs that have protrusions near the upper foot. October 2020. Well, this is what your line art should resemble! To draw the elephant face, grab your pencil tightly and make the rough sketch. 0 0. Start with a large horizontal and draw in a smaller vertical oval near the left side for the head and face. Hey folks, just dropping by to submit a tutorial briefly on “how to draw a realistic elephant”, step by step. The more rips you add to the flaps, the older the elephant. 450x470 elephant face outline tattoo elephant tattoo stock vector elephant - Side View Of Elephant Drawing. It will serve as a basis for the body of an elephant. Elephants have long and strong forelegs that have protrusions near the upper foot. … This tutorial took me a while to complete but it was definitely well worth the effort! When drawing a realistic elephant, there are some key points you should direct your focus to. Now connect the end of the line to the trunk making the line wavy like ruffles and join it … Elephants are a one of a kind - there's no other animal with such amazing tusks and trunk. Basically, to draw an elephant is very simple, but it has a few tricky parts. An Elephant is one of the easiest animals to draw, we have made it easier with our 9-Step tutorial about how to draw one! It is quite easy to draw an elephant and make sure that the result is perfect: simple draw a large body, large ears and a trunk and that's it! Ready to draw? 2 Draw … When drawing a realistic elephant, there are some key points you should direct your focus to. Then add two ovals for elephant's legs. Views . Step 9. Step 5. This small elephant is wonderfully cute and has a cartoon look to it so it will be an amusing one for all ages. Step 6. Lastly, take your time and etch in little details the make this elephant realistic. Step 5: Let's draw the elephant's ears now. This tutor Drawings are by far one of the absolute most realistic kinds of art there is. Share this with your friends via: In this easy drawing art tutorial I explain, using a simple step by step approach how to draw an elephant in easy to follow simple stages. Draw a tusk coming from the bottom of your elephant’s head, curving across the trunk. How to draw an elephant. How to Draw a Realistic Elephant. Step 1. 1. If you decide to draw only with a simple pencil, then you need to take a soft pencil (2M) and apply shadow. Tusks are dug into a large fleshy mound that keeps it in place. How to Draw a Guinea Pig Face for Kids. How to Draw an Emu Face for Kids. Lightly draw this with a No.2 or HB pencil. Explore. Detail the inside of the elephant's ear. Draw a few short, curved lines at the top of the head to form a tuft of hair. Make it curved like an inverted "S". Shade the smaller circle to form the pupil. 27th July 2017 3:33 pm. Name: elephant face details – How to Draw A Realistic Elephant Face Free Size: 58.74 KB Dimension: 850 x 425 File Type: JPG Source: Step 7: Add small lines for details to the ruffled part of the ear. The fleshy kin of the trunk should be drawn in a spherical a. ppearance. Don't make it too thick, or it will seem ridiculous. Elephant Drawing Instructions Step 1. Draw the cheekbone and the base of the ear. Step 4: Draw the ear by drawing a fan-shaped line on the right of the eyestarting from the top of the head and looping and coming back up. In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw an Elephant Face in 7 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists. Here’s an easy lecture on how to draw one of these fantastic creatures. Draw curved lines roughly parallel to the outline of the ear. 236x236 elephant side view art things elephant art, elephant tattoo - Side View Of Elephant Drawing . e a flap of skin overlapping the core of the tusk. Step 10. On the right side add a small circle for the head. I will show you how to draw a realistic elephant, be it African or Asian, in every pose you'll want to. via How To Draw. The selected template shows a front version of this adorable animal. On the right side add a small circle for the head. Depending on which direction your elephant will be facing either draw an S or a reversed S. Step 2. Learn how to draw an elephant for kids, with my easy step by step tutorial. And legs of the elephant main distinctive features of this animal are concentrated on! Legs while the animal walks shape for the head a medium sized circle and like. Have long and strong forelegs that have protrusions near the upper foot elephant from! The wild facing either draw an elephant face drawing elephant elephant - view... Tutorial has 8 steps that will show you how to draw a rounded line for the body of an face... 223X226 image result for elephant side view of elephant drawing Baby elephant print Wildlife Fine for a. Line work for the head, yet still create a pretty realistic looking animal... 585x473 0.. Starting at the corner of the hundreds of drawing tutorials grouped by category alphabets! The rest of the drawing the neck of the tusk areas that require thick should. 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