But, the ancient city of Sidon even today has many cultural influences including, ruins of fortresses, the temple of Eshmoun and the Castle of the Sea and much more. This was the first city built by the Phoenicians and many Egyptian artefacts have been found around Byblos that provide proof to the historians that the city maintained a healthy trade relationship with Egypt. via getintravel.com Aleppo flourished and became a wealthy city due to its position as a middle point of ancient trade routes. It was the capital and commercial city during the reigns of Cyrus the Great and Darius the Great, both of the Persian Empire. 1.1 Northern and the Horn. Damascus. Damascus is credited with being the oldest, continuously inhabited city in the world. The system was based on direct democracy system where eligible citizens directly voted on laws. The city of Faiyum is located in an area that was once the ancient city of Crocodilopolis, whose inhabitants used to worship a sacred crocodile named Petsuchos. Here’s 10 of the oldest cities in the world, that have been continuously inhabited. Sidon. All were founded by European explorers—Spanish, French, and English—although most occupied lands had been settled long before by Indigenous peoples. The present architecture is a result of several invasions. Jericho is the city is located near the Jordan River, Palestine. In the 17th and 18th Centuries, the French the developed the city and it became an important port for Damascus, but in 1791 the governor of Lebanon under the Ottoman Empire drove out the French and the commercial and trade activity almost ended. The city was known to be the first known democracy. Damascus, the capital city of the Syrian Arab Republic is the largest city in the country, known in Syria as ash-Sham and titled as the City of Jasmine. For some cities around the world, the winter season isn’t just cold, it’s ruthless. The Phoenician tablet, which had 22 characters of the alphabet was made in Byblos and eventually spread to other cities through Greek traders. Athens started as a small settlement in the Mycenaean age. Its location and persistence have made the city a nexus for civilizations come and gone. It was a Phoenician city that grew and flourished in the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC and has been mentioned severally in the Old Testament of the Bible and the writings of Homer, the great Greek poet. Turkey is by far one of the most historic locations in the world, and Konya comes fifth on our list. Today, Aleppo is probably the second-largest city in Syria after the capital city of Damascus. Faiyum was founded around 4,000 B.C. The capital and largest city in Greece, Athens is also, of course, one the oldest cities in the world... Sidon, Lebanon. 5. An … The Site is dedicated to providing facts and information for the knowledge and entertainment purpose. Gaziantep, like many of the other oldest cities in the world, has passed through many hands in its extraordinarily long history including the Byzantines, Crusaders and Ottomans. These measures are called the Pheidonian measures after King Pheidon, under whose leadership the use of silver coins was also introduced. photo source: Wikimedia Commons The Palermo Stone is an important Egyptian artifact that contains information pertaining to the first five dynasties of Egypt (c.3150 – c.2323 BCE). Athens had a marketplace called Agora which attracted great thinkers and philosophers such as Socrates and Hippocrates. It is believed to be one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world and also the city with the oldest known protective wall in the world. There are many artefacts dating to 1200 BC that shows the existence of a 22-character alphabet used by the Phoenicians at the time. The Palermo Stone was purchased in 1859 by Ferdinand Guidano and was given to the Palermo Archaeological Museum in 1877by th… Athens established itself as a hub for trade, arts, architecture, and education. History is one of the best parts of travel; the more history in a place, the more you're likely to learn. These remains attest to the religious and cultural significance of Argos in ancient Greece. Byblos is an ancient Phoenician port city of Gebal, located on the coast of the Mediterranean sea in Lebanon. They mostly flourished as centers of trade being strategically placed as meeting points of various trade routes. Damascus is widely believed to be the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world, with evidence of habitation dating back at least 11,000 years. Being one of the oldest Phoenician cities in the world, Byblos features ruins of many successive civilizations. Archaeologists have discovered the remains of more than 20 successive settlements in Jericho which dates back 9000 BC. Lagos had initiall… Mentions of the city have been made in the history of the Greco- Romans, and even though the Greek texts have yet to be proven, science and carbon dating have shown that the city is older than all of the oldest cities of Egypt. T o figure out where you should travel to next, there are plenty of lists out there ranking the world’s best cities. If you are interested in the antiquity of the history and the passionate oldness of cities, follow up this article, including the top 10 oldest cities in the world. Sidon changed numerous times over time and was destroyed during the period of crusaders and was later rebuilt. Argos is famed for the introduction of measures that set the standards for an accepted system. The answer is confusing when thinking about the oldest of them all. Argos, Greece – 7,000 years old. Related: Top 10 Largest Cities in the World By Population. that makes it one of the oldest cities in Africa. The United Nations uses three definitions for what constitutes a city, as not all cities in all jurisdictions are classified using the same criteria. So, here is the list of top ten oldest cities in the world. During the period of the Ottoman Empire rule, the city flourished again continuously starting in 1517, and lasting for around 400 years thereafter. The very first cities in the world developed during the Neolithic period in ancient Mesopotamia.Although many of these early cities are no longer around, there are a few that still exist and have developed into modern cities. Although debatable, the age of some of the oldest cities in the world predates even the Roman Empire or the Greeks before them. Formerly during Pharaonic era, the city was called Medinet el Faiyum. 2.1 North America. The list of top 10 oldest cities starts with city Jerusalem.It is a sacred place for Jews, Christians and Muslims, since this city is known to many people all over the country. It is a huge financial centre in Africa with the highest GDP and has one of its largest and busiest ports. Rayy, formerly one of the great cities of Iran, is the oldest city in the province and one of the oldest cities in the world with evidence supporting the fact the inhabitants dating back to 6,000 B.C. Between 309 and 246 BC, Ptolemy II Phuladelph… Most of these cities are major tourist attractions in contemporary age and boast monuments that attest to ancient civilization. It was particularly important for maritime with the Egyptians where cedar and other types of wood were exported in exchange for papyrus and other commodities.The Greeks gave it the name Byblos to mean papyrus since a lot of it was traded on the port. The site is also to cover things that are related to the world. The Faiyum is a city in Middle Egypt, which is believed to be oldest city in Egypt due to its strategic location. While the rest of the world looks to the top destinations for their next vacation, history lovers should look to the cities with the most to offer – cities that are older than any other on the planet and home to some of the world's greatest heritage sites. in Olympia, in Peloponnese, however, the city of Athens has its own games called the Panathenaic Games, since 566 B.C. But, some of them have vibrated to the tune of continuous human habitation not just for centuries, but millennia. This Bulgarian city in Eastern Europe is one of the oldest inhabited cities in Europe and also the world. Also, the city was captured by Arabs in A.D. 641 and was almost destroyed by the Mongols in 1220. Damascus was founded in the 3rd millennium B.C., that makes it one of the oldest cities in the Middle East. It rose to become a major industrial economy and became extremely populous in the 20th Century. Byblos became a colony of Egypt, adopting elements of region and culture from Egyptians. At one point, these ancient cities were the capital of major civilizations and a few of them still are today. The city of Faiyum is located in an area that was once the ancient city of Crocodilopolis, whose inhabitants used to worship a sacred crocodile named Petsuchos. Athens is most famed for setting the standards for democracy as used today. Faiyumis one of the oldest cities in the world, located in Egypt, about 65 miles southeast of Cairo. The United States was "born" on July 4, 1776, but the oldest cities in the U.S. were established long before the nation was. Excavations on the ruins have led to the discovery of temple remains, sculptures, theaters, and pottery remains. The city is believed to be one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Jerusalem: Period- 2800 BC. 3,000 BC Beirut, often likened to a Phoenix, has been destroyed and rebuilt seven times. Related: 10 Mysterious Underwater Cities of the Ancient World. Despite the passing We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. It’s mentioned in letters to the Pharaoh of Egypt as early as 14th century BC and archaeologists have unearthed flint tools dating from the Middle Paleolithic and Upper Paleolithic through the Neolithic to the Bronze Age. One of the oldest cities in the world has also known to be the oldest known protective wall in the world. There are many cities which are continuously inhabited around the world. From Singapore To New York City, more than 26% of the world’s 2,095 billionaires live in just 10 cities on three continents. Plovdiv in southern Bulgaria is an ancient city built around the 7 hills. It is a city of lights,... A lot of people are getting to know Krakow, but few are aware of... Southeast Asia is one of the most popular regions for tourism in the world.... Tree trimming is not a simple yard task. Konya, Turkey. In 1837 the city was hit by a major earthquake but was later rebuilt.Presently the city of Sidon is under the municipality of Sidon that has 21 members of the council including the mayor of the city and the deputy. This city is also an archaeological wonder because of the successive layers of debris resulting from centuries of human habitation. Athens, the capital of Greece is better known as the heart of Ancient Greece because of its powerful civilization and empire. An invasion by Persia destroyed Athens, but it was later rebuilt. It was hardly an agricultural city and relied on sea trade for agricultural products through which it developed a reputation for excellent trade and maritime skills. Since the wedding represents one of the most important days in life, a lot... Water rafting is a well-known health booster as well as an adventurous activity. It has been first occupied between 8800 and 7000 BC and continuously inhabited since 5000 BC. Extreme lows of -61 F/ -51.5 C have been recorded, although the monthly average for January is 6.4 F/ -14.2 C. Most years, the city’s river remains frozen over from mid-November to early April, makes this one of the coldest cities in the world. 10 Alexandria: It is ranked the second largest city and the second largest urban area in Egypt. These cities are wonderful pieces of the past. Your email address will not be published. Plovdiv. Every city around the world holds some form of mystery. At... Open fires, snowfall, and log cabins all create the perfect luxury winter getaway. Faiyum was founded around 4,000 B.C. Lisbon is the largest city of Portugal and is also the capital. 11 months ago Sarah Clayton-Lea 2 min read Add comment. There are some cities across the world that have been a part of human civilization for centuries. Also Read: Top 10 Most Beautiful Roman Aqueducts In The World. The Oldest Cities in the World Byblos, Lebanon. Today Byblos is a cultural city and UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it is situated around 26 miles (42 kilometers) to the north of Beirut. The oldest city in the world has experienced all forms of government namely monarchy, democracy, socialism, capitalism, even communism. From ancient tombs to market towns, these are the cities that have stood the test of time. Lucian (Roman writer): … During the middle ages, the city was the center point of the flourishing craft industry, specializing in swords and lace. The world is a changed place from when these cities were first inhabited. Faiyum, Egypt. The Arab built the Citadel, a testament to their military strength and a prominent monument that still stands to date. The people of Byblos were famed for their excellent skills in making ships. Today, it is a great city known for its so many cultural influences including some elements of Roman and Greek. There is enough evidence of human settlement as far back as 7,000 years ago. Its position was strategic such that the Mediterranean Sea was to the West, and river Euphrates to the East. Walkerssk / Pixabay. It is located in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh on the River Ganges, and many come to its banks to perform funeral rites, as it is believed those who die here will be granted eternal life. In addition to being one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, Damascus is also a major cultural center of the Arab world. The area of Sidon was inhabited dating back to 4,000 BCE. Sidon in Lebanon is among the oldest cities that have been inhabited continuously from 4000 BC to date. The 10 Oldest Cities In The World. Not much is known about the Palermo Stone’s origins – no one knows where it was originally found or when it was written. It began as a small village called Halab and eventually grew to become a hub of garments and cloth manufacture. The city rose to prominence again during the Byzantine period but was finally destroyed by the Turks. This is the largest city not only in Nigeria but also in the whole of the African continent. Today, Faiyum is a great city that hosts many bazaars, markets, mosques, and other interesting places. It is the oldest city of Western Europe and considered one of the oldest cities of the world. Varanasi. These cities have religious, cultural, and economic significance both in the past and presently. Dating all the way back to 11th century BC, Varanasi is one of the oldest cities in the world. The city of Athens in Greece dates back to 4000 BC. It has had many conquerors in the past including the Greeks and the Romans. In the years before Christianity, Sidon had many conquerors such as the Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, and finally Romans. One of the oldest cities is also known as City of the Seven Hills because it was built on 7 hills around the Maritsa River, however, one of the hills was demolished over a hundred years ago and now we have only 6 hills but the name is still same. The city has been added to the UNESCO World Heritage List because of its history. It is one of the biggest cultural European centers and ends our Top 10 Oldest Cities in the World. Visiting Lisbon you will find numerous cultural monuments dating 500 years ago … Some of the oldest cities, which have been consistently inhabited perpetually for three millennia or longer each, are looked at below. Related: 10 Most Beautiful Cities In The World. 10 of the Oldest Cities in the World Damascus, Syria. The city is a major cultural centre and boasts many ancient remains, including a Roman amphitheatre and aqueduct, and Ottoman baths. Byblos, Lebanon has existed since 5000 BC, which puts it among the world's oldest continuously inhabited cities. 2.2 South … The population of Lisbon is over 550,000. Also, Gaziantep has the largest organized industrial area in Turkey and holds the first position in terms of exports and imports. One of the oldest cities in the Middle East, Damascus was founded in the 3rd millennium B.C., and... Athens, Greece. That has a brimming history with historical gems, representing various empires such as the Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman. It is also believed to have the oldest stone tower in the world, however, excavations at Tell Qaramel in Syria have discovered stone towers that are even older. The Bible would later be named after Byblos because of the use of papyrus to write it. But today, the historical monuments that survive include the 12th-century Tughrul Tower and the 5,000-year-old Cheshmeh Ali Hill, ‘a hill with a spring’ and an excavation site where 7,000-year-old artefacts were discovered. Argos in Greece is estimated to have been continuously inhabited since 5000 BC. The population of Lagos has been a matter of dispute, with the federal census data and the State Government data clashing with each other, though the current population of the city proper is estimated at approximately 17 million. The city also features many historical buildings and archaeological sites to make it a great destination for visitors. Gaziantep, a city in the western part of Turkey, Southeastern Anatolia, is the sixth-most populous city in Turkey and one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Though Lisbon has so much history with inhabitancy dated back to before 1st Millennium BC, today it is deemed a global city. Horus Alas Nov. 24, 2020. It is one of the leading producers of machined carpets in the world with over 100 carpet facilities in the Gaziantep Organized Industrial Zone. Top 10 Oldest Cities in the World . It is the largest city in Greece, and of course, one of the oldest cities in the world with continuous inhabitation since 5,000 B.C. The city has total 125 monuments from different time periods in history. Do post your comments. City life is much different these days than how it used to be a few thousands years ago when the first cities and city-states were established by ancient civilizations. Top 10 Oldest Cities in the World. Argos was believed to be the son of Zeus, a god in Greek mythology. There are cities around the world that go back thousands of years, many of which, still pulsate with life that's palpable and magnetic. The modern city of Shush in Iran is the location of the ancient Susa town, and it is the administrative capital of the Shush County in the province of Khuzestan. Aleppo is one of the oldest cities in Syria as well as one of the oldest cities in the world, dating back to 4300 BC. Also, it was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is an ideal tourist spot known for its fish restaurants, open-air bars, and outdoor cafes. The city started out as a fishing village named Gubal. 6. It grew in strides to become a major commercial establishment especially because of its busy port. Byblos, Lebanon has existed since 5000 BC, which puts it among the world's oldest continuously... Argos, Greece. Required fields are marked *. and hosts the busiest seaport on the European Atlantic coast. 10 Mysterious Underwater Cities of the Ancient World, Top 10 Largest Cities in the World By Population, Top 10 Most Visited Cities In The World You Should Visit, 10 Most Awesome Obelisks Around The World, Top 10 Most Beautiful Roman Aqueducts In The World, Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities In The World, 6 Reasons why New Orleans is a Great Place to Tie the Knot in. It is the sixth-most populous city in Turkey and is an important economic centre for Southeastern and Eastern Turkey. that makes it one of the oldest cities in Africa. The city still features 5th-century BC landmarks, including the Acropolis, a hilltop citadel topped with ancient buildings, the Acropolis Museum, along with the National Archaeological Museum, preserves sculptures, vases, jewellery and much more from Ancient Greece. The city is considered to be oldest in Egypt, which was founded in 4000 B.C. Parthenon, an ancient temple is the most notable monument from ancient Athens. It was built around 2000 B.C. Canada’s top three are Toronto (5.4 million), Montreal (3.5 million) and Vancouver (2.27 million) The Largest Cities In The World By Population Your email address will not be published. The two other highest-populated cities in the United States are Los Angeles (almost 4 million) and Chicago (about 2.7 million). Excavations at Tell Ramad on the outskirts of the city have revealed that the general area was inhabited as early as 9000 … Oldest Cities in the World. Going... Dubai the heaven of tourists in the world! Also Read: Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities In The World. It was one of the most important towns of the ancient world, and its location is in the lower Zagros Mountains at a distance of approximately 160 miles (250 kilometers) to the east of the famous Tigris River. Argos in Greece is estimated to have been continuously inhabited since 5000 BC. One of the oldest cities in the world believed to be found in 3rd millennium B.C. By Benjamin Elisha Sawe on August 15 2018 in World Facts. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a6f8309dee646daf85540ad6e2f45b33" );document.getElementById("ca115a7d65").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Byblos. Today its metropolitan area is home to about 2.5 million people, and in 2008 it was named the Arab Capital of Culture. Cities may be defined as the cities proper, the extent of their urban area, or their metropolitan regions. In ancient history, the Faiyum city was also known as “Crocodile city”, since the city worshiped a tamed sacred crocodile named “Petsuchos”. Traveling is a favorite activity for the majority of people all over the globe.... Earth and world is a place where you can find different known and unknown facts of our planet Earth. Argos was believed to be... Aleppo, Syria. Also, Aleppo is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, believed to be inhabited since the 6th millennium BC. 5. The first ever Olympic Games were held in 776 B.C. The ancient city of Damascus is widely recognized as the oldest continuously inhabited city on Earth, as scientists have found evidence of habitation dating back as far as 11,000 years. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2020 worldatlas.com. The city was a sacred place in the Avesta, which are the ancient scriptures of Zoroastrianism. The city is a major cultural centre and boasts many ancient remains, including a Roman amphitheatre and aqueduct, and Ottoman baths. Aleppo is a city in Syria and the most-populous Syrian governorate. Top sight: National Museum of Beirut– the city’s foremost cultural institution charts Lebanon’s history and features piec… 10. Situated in southern Turkey, close to the Syrian border, it is today one of the leading producers of machined carpets, exporting $700 million of carpets in 2006 alone. These are the oldest cities in the world. Sidon, translated as ‘fishery’ or ‘fishing-town’, is the third-largest city in Lebanon. The city was ruled successively by the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Medes, the Seleucids, the Ptolemaic, and the Romans. Byblos is among the oldest cities in the world that have been continuously inhabited for over 7,000 years. The World’s Oldest Cities ... Beijing cracked the top five this year in a ranking of global integration. Plovdiv is one of the popular tourist destination and much affordable one with hotels and restaurants are quite cheap. Shushan has been mentioned in the Bible and other Jewish religious texts, such as when Queen Esther saved the Jews from imminent genocide. Argos was the most prominent city in the Peloponnese until its defeat by the Spartans. The city also features the oldest stone tower in the world but recently, excavations at Tell Qaramelin Syria have discovered stone towers that are even older. The most beautiful is the 8th-century Great Mosque of the Umayyads built on the site of an Assyrian sanctuary. But, Islam has a great influence, which is evident in the Umayyad Mosque, one of the largest and oldest mosques in the world, built between A.D. 705 and 715. Related: Top 10 Most Visited Cities In The World You Should Visit. 2 Americas. It is located on the Mediterranean coast, Beirut. Also Read: 10 Most Awesome Obelisks Around The World. The Faiyum is a city in Middle Egypt, which is believed to be oldest city in Egypt due to its strategic location. Today, Plovdiv is a famous tourist destination that serves as a gateway to many interesting places. Between 645 BCE and 640 BCE, the city was invaded by Assyrians and destroyed, but later rebuilt by Cyrus, the Persian king when he attacked and conquered the Assyrians in 538 BCE. The city of Susa or Shushan is one of the oldest cities which have been inhabited continually since 4300 BCE. Although the summer months are warm, winters in Astana are long, dry, and exceptionally cold. Athens attempted at establishing democracy and finally succeeded under the ruler Cleisthenes. 1.2 Sub-Saharan. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Plovdiv is the second-largest city in Bulgaria and a major Roman city. The Great Mosque and the Church of St. Simeon tell of the religious significance of ancient Aleppo. The oldest city in Africa title probably goes to Faiyum in Egypt. Argos is a city in Argolis, the Peloponnese, Greece and is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Aleppo prospered most in the 16th and the 17th Centuries during the occupation of the Ottoman Empire. Women Remain Underrepresented in Local Politics. The city is also described in the Hebrew Bible as the “City of Palm Trees”. Significance of ancient trade routes placed as meeting points of various trade routes plovdiv in southern Bulgaria an! Ranking of global integration Peloponnese until its defeat by the Mongols in 1220 especially because of the cities..., mosques, and education from ancient tombs to market towns, these cities! 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