“There is no vacancy election this year and Rebecca Hamman will continue in her seat until 2021 unless she resigns,” Emmett said. 3. We Are Democrats United For Stamford We bring energy and enthusiasm and support new voices in the party. City of Stamford Stamford Animal Control Stamford Police Department Recreation & Leisure Services Board of Education Superintendent Board of Education Jobs Department of Health Economic Development Recycling & Sanitation Steps include: 1. Readings, Latest Update on Earth's Future on Dec 14, Virtually Celebrate the Holidays with Bach, The Best Holiday Gifts For Everyone On Your List, Eero Aarnio Hanging Bubble Chair with Gold Trim, Stamford Downtown To Host Holiday Window Decorating Contest, Barbecue Pop Up Opens At Garden Catering In Old Greenwich, Food Safety And Nutrition Questions Answered By Experts At Consumer Reports, Cisco Brewers To Open First CT Location In Stamford. As an educational leader, I work directly in the field, so my perspective is going to be about safety, teaching and learning. I enjoy the challenge in helping make the best decision possible. The BOE is responsible for ensuring high-quality education … Roxbury School Board Candidate Statement for Heather Champagne By HEATHER CHAMPAGNE. Stamford's George Silano votes on Election Day 2020 at the District 5 polling center at Stamford High School in Stamford, Conn. Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020. Look Up Your Polling Location . Setting and enforcing workplace expectations...wear masks, wash hands, and social distance. Twenty candidates are running for the five open seats on the board during a time where the education system is facing numerous challenges due to the coronavirus. The Republican Town Committee decided to not put Hamman on the ballot for the one-year seat, but set her in the competition against three incumbent Democrats — Andy George, Jackie Heftman and Fritz Chery — each running for reelection to three-year terms. US President. Email … Working corporately with other states to be proactive in preventing the spread until a successful vaccination is implemented. Each BOE member is elected to serve three consecutive years and is eligible for an unlimited number of terms. Q&A with Board of Education Candidate: Tami Carlone. The single most pressing issue facing our state is _______, and this is what I intend to do about it. Stamford school board candidates square off for the first time. If she out-polls one of them, she will take their position on the board. She got a puppy. What are the critical differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post? Although I'm running in a local election and working with families and educators, energy is needed to run our schools. Return to Election Candidates Export to Excel Spreadsheet . Dealing with 21 schools and 17,000 students means being aware of the issues and working collaboratively with the BOE. Stephanie O’Shea, a former Democrat and member of the Stamford Democratic City Committee, decided to run as an unaffiliated write-in candidate for the position once it was clear no one was challenging for it. 1. STAMFORD — As Stamford residents cast their votes Tuesday, there was still some question whether one particular race belonged on the ballot. There are 4 seats available in this nonpartisan race, and 12 candidates on the ballot (one of whom is no longer running). I believe so. “I want to prove that this is a valid seat and a valid election,” she said. The BOE is responsible for ensuring high-quality education for SPS students and overseeing operations of the schools. The candidates for the people, as shown by the people who support our candidates! For more information on this position, click here to go to the Cabarrus County elections page. Fritz Chery, Jackie Heftman, and Andy George are Stamford's Democratic candidates for the Board of... Jump to. Eyes are primarily focused on the presidential election, but every state representative and senate seat is up for grabs. StamfordElections.com is a local Voters' Guide produced by the League of Women Voters of Stamford, CT. Stamford Elections. Student, parent and educator input will always be crucial when I'm working on policy or casting a vote. Last Name . Stamford Board of Education candidates discuss goals for superintendent Implement communication strategy to increase community awareness and involvement in our schools. Stamford’s rappelling Santa hits the airwaves this year, Mayor fears Thanksgiving the start of a COVID spike in Stamford, Police: Officers injured after responding to report of disturbed man, decided to run as an unaffiliated write-in candidate, to replace former school board member Frank Cerasoli. United For Stamford on March 3 The Stamford Democratic City Committee is dedicated to electing Democrats at all levels of government Donate. MIKE ALTAMURA* REPUBLICAN. 3. Political Party . By Ignacio Laguarda. As a spouse of a small business owner, we cannot shut down the economy again. Welcome to the SCS Board of Education Meeting Procedures section. Flattering, indeed. “In case the city disagreed with my conclusion that the one year special election shouldn't go forward, I wanted to make sure we had a Republican write-in to maintain the seat,” Esses said. Howard County 2020 Presidential Primary Election Local Candidates List . PT Council of Stamford is hosting a Board of Education Candidates Forum on Thursday, October 10 at 7 pm at the Stamford Government Center. Tami Carlone is a Repub­lican can­didate running for Michigan State Board of Edu­cation. Can we do better? In previous years, when a new member has been appointed to the board due to the resignation or death of a sitting member — and the departing member has had more than a year to go in their term — an additional election has been held for the final year of the term. Categories … On Tuesday, O’Shea was outside polling places encouraging voters to jot down her name on their ballots. Executive Session An executive session is a portion of the school board meeting that is not open to the public. Race . Family: My husband, Dale, and I have resided in Stamford, CT, for 34 years. The thinking from Republicans in running Hamman against the Democratic incumbents was that she would at least be assured the one-year seat on the board no matter what. It is unclear if those results will matter, however, if the race itself is deemed invalid. It is possible the write-in votes will not be certified. Collaborating with the federal government to create financial packages for businesses and the unemployed who may still need support. There are many updates/revisions that need to be made in these areas.I also believe in following BOE policy consistently. Great leadership takes solid K-12 classroom and curriculum experience. I have worked hard to know the issues inside and out as a practitioner and leader. That is what happened in 2016, when Geoff Alswanger ran and won the final year of a term originally belonging to Julia Wade, who resigned in 2015. The closest in front of her was Chery with 17,765. 2. Although, I'm running for a local public office, Connecticut is trying to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and 2010 economic recovery at the same time. What steps should state government take to bolster economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic for local businesses? George and Heftman both received more than 18,000. FuelCell Energy won, or appeared to win, bids for the right to sell power from four locations to Eversource and United Illuminating. The Stamford Public Schools (SPS) is governed by a group of nine elected officials, referred to as the Board of Education (BOE). CT Senate, District 36. At the polls Tuesday, O’Shea received 353 votes, Hamman got four and Esses two. Colin McEnroe’s script for ‘A Christmas Carol, 2020’. Click here to go back to the Ballot. Connecticut Patch asked candidates to answer questions about their campaigns and will be publishing candidate profiles as election day draws near. During the Forum, candidates will present their positions on the issues impacting Stamford Public Schools and respond to questions. UConn and Yale last played in 1998, when the Huskies won by 42 points in New Haven and the Connecticut rivalry went on hiatus. 'I Wish They Could See': Health Care Workers Tired, Demoralized, Mary Lisa, Formerly of Sedona Bethel, Doing Virtual Sat. Burke, a Democrat who had served as the vice president of the board and was first voted onto the body in 2015, received four votes in favor from her fellow members, as well as a vote from herself, to become the new leader of the group. 2020 Elections Results / Local Offices = Responded. 0. And, oh, by the way, no pressure for the next... All-star dads give advice to Sacred Heart students. Check to see if you are registered to vote. This has not been done, and we need to be more aware of HOW we operate and communicate to one another as BOE members. Joe Biden (D) Howie Hawkins (G) Jo Jorgensen (L) Donald Trump (R) US House, District 4. But the Texas attorney general's latest gambit has failed. Stamford Board of Education candidates. But before Emmett made her decision, both Hamman and Josh Esses, an attorney and city Republican, filed as write-in candidates for the one-year seat, seemingly joining O’Shea in a write-in race. This page includes statements from the 2020 presidential candidates on education. This year, electing Democrats up and down the ballot is just as important as electing a Democratic President of the United States. Four Candidates Will Run For Seats On Cranford Board of Education - Cranford, NJ - In other school news (and drama), the district has chosen a supervisor of fine and performing arts. Staff Writer November 3, 2018 GMT. 885. Board of Education: Councilmanic District 001: Christina Delmont-Small Non-Partisan Jurisdiction Howard County Status Active - Filed Regular - 01/13/2020 Email delmont_small@verizon.net Website … Occupation: Insurance representative. What else would you like voters to know about yourself and your positions? Both issues have financially as well as emotionally affected families throughout the area, especially Lower Fairfield County. Colin McEnroe’s version of “A Christmas Carol, 2020” in which he ponders offering an olive branch to President Donald Trump. But, without absentee ballots yet counted, Hamman trailed the Democrats Tuesday. Facebook. Candidates must reside in the area they represent. Stamford is my home and I want to help make it a healthy and inviting place to live and grow for our families and future generations. I'm also a CIA (Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment) expert. Since Lauren Brooks’ seat is uncontested, she will serve another four years as Area 1’s IUSD Board Member. Following the election, there is question whether votes cast for the seat will count. It was Esses who discovered the biennial election provision in the Charter and presented it to the law department. Keshia … Democrats currently hold majorities in both chambers with a 91 to 60 lead over Republicans in the House and a 22 to 14 lead in the Senate. All five of Connecticut's congressional seats are up for grabs as well. As an instructional leader, I also keep a watchful eye on curriculum and assessment implementation. Her seat was seemingly up for election this year for a one-year term, to finish out Cerasoli’s original term. The final column on the form was listed as “Board of Education to fill vacancy for one year,” and offered voters the chance to choose one person. After much confusion, Stamford Corporation Counsel Kathryn Emmett determined that the Republicans essentially were right. Good The Stamford Public Schools (SPS) is governed by a group of nine elected officials, referred to as the Board of Education (BOE).Each BOE member is elected to serve three consecutive years and is eligible for an unlimited number of terms. Ignacio Laguarda is a reporter who covers education and more for the Stamford Advocate. District . STAMFORD, CT — The 2020 election is heating up in Connecticut and there are … He is self-employed and I have been a public school educator in Fairfield and Westchester Counties. Brian Merlen (I) Jim Himes (D) … Officials had talked briefly about crossing out the column or placing a sticker over it, but that didn’t happen. Candidate Profile: Jackie Heftman Stamford Board Of Education - Stamford, CT - Jackie Heftman shares with Patch why she should be re-elected to Stamford's Board of Education. SHARE. Yale-UConn, on football field at last, should be fascinating. Meet Our Candidates. Post-grad degree: None. Board of Education Candidates; 2020-21 Budget Information; Voting Information; Message from the Superintendent & Board President; Reopening" Reopening Survey; School Reopening Announcements; Submit Your Question; Reopening FAQ; Virtual Learning Academy; Reopening Information; Reopening Plans; Ken-Ton Weekly Connection (Weekly Updates) Parent Meetings; State Guidance & … • The Stamford Professional Firefighters Association • Carpenters Union Local 326 • The Stamford Board of Education Employees • 32BJ - Service Employees International Union • District 1199 New England SEIU (Healthcare) # DemocratsForStamford # StamfordForThePeople Hear from the candidates for Ann Arbor Public Schools Board of Education Remember to vote on or before November 3rd! Four of nine seats on the Stamford Board of Education are up for at-large election on November 5, 2019. Because of the city’s majority-minority rule, the school board can have no more than six members from one party. STAMFORD — Jennienne Burke has replaced Andy George as president of the Stamford Board of Education, the result of a tight vote Tuesday night. What is your idea of the role of gov­ernment in edu­cation? The Stamford Public Schools (SPS) is governed by a group of nine elected officials, referred to as the Board of Education (BOE).Each BOE member is elected to serve three consecutive years and is eligible for an unlimited number of terms. By Wynne Parry, Staff Writer . Candidate % Votes Jen Mallo (Nonpartisan) 33.0 5,672 Sezin Palmer (Nonpartisan) 27.5 4,719: Kirsten Coombs (Nonpartisan) 22.6 3,882: Matt Levine (Nonpartisan) 11.1 1,899: Mike Sheer (Nonpartisan) 3.1 533: Daniel Margolis (Nonpartisan) 2.8 475: Incumbents are … Here you will find an explanation on what type of business is conducted during an executive session of a board meeting. The Stamford Public Schools (SPS) is governed by a group of nine elected officials, referred to as the Board of Education (BOE). Former Member, Education, State & Commerce and Fiscal Committees and Special Committee on Cost Savings and Revenue Enhancement ; Government & Political Activities: Member, Camera Review Committee; Former Member, DSSD Board of Commissioners; Member, Stamford Food Truck Committee; Member, Mill River Park Collaborative; Member, Stamford Arts & Culture Commission; Member, Stamford … What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job? Currently, six of the nine board members are Democrats. Stamford residents cast their votes on Election Day 2020 at the District 2 polling center at DOMUS in Stamford, Conn. Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020. Photo: Tyler Sizemore / Hearst Connecticut Media . Candidate Profile: Becky Hamman, Stamford Board Of Education - Stamford, CT - Rebecca "Becky" Hamman shares with Patch why she should be re-elected to the Stamford Board of Education. Candidate Profile: Becky Hamman, Stamford Board Of Education. Jul 01, 2020. Age: 54. Poll results showed her with 15,222 votes. Experience as a BOE member makes a difference...I love listening, debating and being in a democratic environment where issues are processed, policies created and ultimately used to support ALL students. Based on poll numbers Tuesday — without absentee ballots yet counted — O’Shea had a commanding lead in write-in votes. 2. O’Shea, who is currently the co-president of the Stamford High School parent teacher council known as Friends of Stamford High, said she’s prepared to file a legal challenge if that is the decision. Meet our 2020 endorsed candidates for the U.S. Congress, State Senate, State House of Representatives, Stamford Board of Education, and the Registrar of Voters. Norwalk police: Bridgeport woman charged in fake check scheme, On the market: 1856 farmhouse in Darien built with sunsets in mind, Haar: A stunning clean energy reversal in the works. Stamford Board of Reps. CT General Assembly & US Congress. Descending . Patricia Billie Miller (D) J.D. If you should have any questions, please contact the school. These statements were compiled from each candidate's official campaign website, editorials, speeches, and interviews. By Luke Morey - October 29, 2020. Now, a write-in candidate for that seat is saying she will challenge the city’s decision if the results of the election are not certified. Alex Kasser (D) Ryan Fazio (R) CT House, District 144. But there wasn’t a single candidate listed for any party. Quick Links. Last updated: 05/30/2020 05:31:51 PM. Ken Paxton has had Trump's back. hybrid program...quality vs. marginal; supervision of principals and follow through with COVID-19; 5-mold buildings and 2+ year wait time for solution; custodian oversignt and the closing of West Hill High School for 2 extra days; etc.). September 30, 2020 at 9:00 AM. Caroline Simmons (D) CT House, District 145. The 2020 IUSD School Board elections will be the second districted election. Lucy Corelli, the Republican Registrar, said the city will still be tallying the write-in votes for the position. Click the following links for policy statements about related issues: student loan debt and charter schools and voucher programs. Each Stamford Board of Education member looks at their role through a lens. Becky Hamman, a Stamford resident, is running for re-election to the city's Board of Education. Steps include: getting community input, developing a competent task force and working out the numbers (affordability). 8 talking about this. Three of the nine positions on the Board of Education are up for election every year. Do you believe Connecticut needs reform when it comes to electric utility oversight? Online Voter Registration *must have a DMV ID to use. The BOE is responsible for ensuring high-quality education for SPS students and overseeing operations of the schools. Previous elected experience: Stamford Board of Education. High school: Stamford High School. Jacobs: At long last, Yale and UConn on the football field. STAMFORD, CT — The 2020 election is heating up in Connecticut and there are plenty of races with candidates eager to serve in elected office. By HEATHER CHAMPAGNE. After a review of the city Charter, Emmett determined the seat should not be on the ballot at all this year. Event at La Perle, Feb 11. Republican Becky Hamman was appointed to the school board in February to replace former school board member Frank Cerasoli. Fritz Blau, chairman of the RTC, was succinct when asked about the outcome of the one-year election. Josh Fedeli, chairman of the Stamford Democratic City Committee, agreed that there should be an election for the one-year seat. The BOE is responsible for ensuring high-quality education for SPS students and overseeing operations of the schools. State level precautions should be taken. “You’re the first thing I read on Sunday!” I’ve heard more than once. As a long-term Stamford resident, community makes a difference! The following candidates ran in the primary for Howard County Public Schools Board of Education District 4 on June 2, 2020. She’s hoping precedent will play into any potential decision made by a judge, if that is where this matter winds up, since one-year elections have taken place in past non-biennial years for the Board of Education. Contact Us. Courtesy | Facebook. ©League of Women Voters of Stamford Last edited October 15, 2020. Stamford Elections 2020 A local guide from League of Women Voters of Stamford . Ospina (R) CT House, District 146. Did you attend Stamford … Stamford Board of Education election could end in legal challenges, Tyler Sizemore / Hearst Connecticut Media, Lucero: Stamford school buildings to close for one month, Police on the trail of the Stamford coyote, Police: Stamford man charged with sexual assault, Stamford changes quarantine rules for schools as COVID cases rise, Stamford police make an arrest in recent West Side shootings. Then she learned of the animal cruelty charges. This year, voters will be choosing representatives for Trustee Areas 3 and 5. List other issues that define your campaign platform: As a current member of the BOE, I continue to work on these areas: Accountability of superintendent and follow through (5 mold schools and no plan, custodian oversight, streamlining expenses vs. reorganization of district, decreasing special education costs, etc.). We need to support the top administrators, but also hold them to specifics (i.e. Stamford Board of Education election could end in legal challenges . Here’s a look at Board of Education candidates who responded to a Stamford Advocate survey: 3 open seats * incumbent. All Nebraska Candidates 2020. Twitter. 3 Seats Up For Election On Board of Education: Candidate Profiles Jacob Baumgart 10/29/2020. SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER. Last month, city attorneys determined that the one-year position didn’t belong on the ballot. The Charter states that vacancy elections “shall be held at the next biennial election,” and biennial elections are held in odd-numbered years. Address League of Women Voters Stamford PO Box 8128 Stamford, CT 06905. O’Shea, a former president of the Stamford Parent-Teacher Council, is running as an unaffiliated candidate, which would allow her to be voted onto the board without knocking off any incumbent Democrats. 'It doesn't make sense': Gyms resist potential COVID closures, 'A voice not unlike that of God': CT actor dies at 93. 2020 Cabarrus County Schools Board of Education Candidates. Scroll down to see candidate profiles and links to their websites. Certainly we need reform in this area and it affects school finances. Support These Candidates (Click photo for more candidate info) Fritz Chery District 3. October 18, 2020 The race for the District 7 seat representing southeast Louisville on the Jefferson County Board of Education (JCBE) is between former 16 … College: University of Connecticut . There are 151 seats in the state House of Representatives and 36 in the state Senate. Each BOE member is elected to serve three consecutive years and is eligible for an unlimited number of terms. Credits: Heather Champagne. What steps, if any should be taken? Experience in the educational field makes a difference...24 years and counting! 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