This study was designed to evaluate the prevalence of these parasites in oral cavity of patients with periodontal disease and in healthy population in Shiraz, Southern Iran. Radiograph 309 … It is however extremely difficult to isolate the causative … Defining a treatment plan for the periodontal patient is a process that requires the assessment, preventive, therapeutic, and evaluative skills of the dental hygienist and the dentist.The treatment plan is the blueprint for management of the dental case and is an essential aspect of successful therapy. Perio Disease Case Study No.1 Who: Patient C T, Aged 52 from Warrington. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Class I Case. The tooth had an existing gold onlay and was caries-free (figures 1a and 1b). Oral Path Case Study ; Care Plan ; Community Service; Research Project ; Journals ; Journals Clinic II; Medically Compromised Presentation; Periodontal Case Study ; Community Denistry ; Conclusion; Periodontal … A systematic assessment on periodontal disease classification and confounders was conducted using all publications in MEDLINE, EMBASE, SCOPUS, and Google Scholar … Patient Comments … The client attended the dental practice from 1993 to 2007. Materials and methods: A total of 50 patients with periodontal disease (case group) and 50 subjects with healthy gingiva (control group) entered in the present study. Dh 23 Periodontal Case Study Rcampus PPT Presentation Summary : DH 23 Periodontal Case Study By: Kelli Robinson Rationale for case selection Because of patients age I was under the impression that … Forth NSPT Appointment 1/13/14 Fifth NSPT Appointment January 27th, 2014 Vitals: BP- 145/85; Pulse: 67bpm (Patient was referred to MD to assess high BP) Medical History Update: No Changes Dental … 6–11 and a history of drug addiction—and little dental care due to life circumstances and phobias. Case study 11 Failure to diagnose and treat periodontal disease. The patient was in good general health. Mr K, a gentleman in his mid-fifties, regularly attended the dentist at six month intervals. Case study 11 Failure to diagnose and treat periodontal disease. Periodontitis As A Manifestation Of Systemic Diseases PPT Presentation Summary : Oral ulcerations, severe gingivitis, rapid periodontal breakdown and alveolar bone loss. Case definitions and criteria of periodontal diseases are not yet consistent worldwide. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. Periodontal Case Study by Megan Miranda April 25, 2017 Periodontal Chart Comparison Social History and Story Patient Chart The patient is married and a father of two girls: a one year-old and a three year … This patient came in with an advanced case … We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. Treating a diabetic patient with periodontal disease using the LANAP protocol: A case study This clinical case by Craig A. Studies evaluating Demineralised Freeze Dried Bone Allograft (DFDBA) reported a similar bone fill compared with FDBA, with an average range of 1.7–2.9 mm. Deep Spaces infection of the Head and Neck, Guidelines for dental radiographs for pediatric and adolescent, The neutral zone concept in complete denture final, Laboratory investigations for different systemic diseases, BIOLOGICALLY ORIENTED PREPARATION TECHNIQUE (BOPT), mixed radiolucent radiopaque lesions of oral cavity, No public clipboards found for this slide, Case presentation in Oral Diagnosis and Periodontology. Prosthetic Rehabilitation. Periodontal Case Study - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Case 1 Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Periodontal disease case study: How trust overcame a dental phobia and transformed a life. A 69-year-old male with a noncontributory medical history presented with 5 mm of recession, less than 1 mm of attached gingiva, and cervical notching on tooth No. During this period, the client had veneers fitted, underwent deep scale polishing, a … *** Case Study of "Tom" *** UPDATE OF PERIODONTAL CLASSIFICATIONS BY AAP. Periodontal Case Study Reina Ligeralde DEH 23 5.30.08 Patient Profile and Chief Complaint Name: Abby Fraction Age: 27 Ethnicity: Asian Occupation: graduate student ... – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as a Flash slide show) on - id: 3bf343-ZTM1N This study determines which are the most common chronic periodontitis case definitions as well as confounding variables that have been reported worldwide in periodontal literature. Cranial Reconstruction. My preconceptions were false, this case … Periodontal … J Clin Periodontol, 25(3), pp.209-214. This periodontal case study will follow a moderate to severely involved periodontal client through three semesters of clinic dental hygiene in the Tunxis Community College Dental Hygiene program. The randomized case presentation (RCP) study is designed to assess the degree of diagnostic accuracy for described periodontal cases. Case Presentation. The new classification system for periodontal and peri-implant diseases/conditions provides an opportunity for oral health professionals to refine their diagnoses and treatment planning procedures. With this composition, according to the previous study, these instruments would be ideal from an ergonomic standpoint. 3. Periodontal Case Report By Dan AlAhmed 431200041 Saleha AlZahrani 431200123 Raghad AlSaawy 431200297 ... A 10-year longitudinal study. She was referred by her dentist to Hygienist, Maggie Jackson as the dentist knew Maggie has worked in specialist dental practices for many years with patients who had periodontal diseases. CASE STUDIES Periodontics & Orofacial Pain Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Conclusions: This case study demonstrated that periodontal disease is an important primary source of SPE and P. micra could be a causative pathogen of SPE. Conclusion: Complete oral dental implant rehabilitation is predictable, relatively quick and very common today. Stało się coś, czego nie potrafimy … Radiographic analysis showed periodontal bone loss and a radiolucency at the apex of the tooth. Periodontal Case Study - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Case Study of a Patient with Periodontal Disease Essay. Periodontal Case Study - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Dental Biofilm (Plaque) One and Two. Periodontal disease case study: How trust overcame a dental phobia and transformed a life A patient came to RDH Jamie Collin's chair with cracked bridge spanning from Nos. 1. Introduction: A 39 years old male adult attended for a regular 6 monthly dental check up and routine scaling. DH 23 Periodontal Case Study By: Kelli Robinson Rationale for case selection Because of patients age I was under the impression that she would be a light, ADA I case that I could complete in two appointments max. Periodontal case study ppt. Class II Case CRA/CAMBRA and the dental hygiene process of care. The periodontal disease during pregnancy triggers an exacerbated immune response with high local and systemic concentrations of inflammatory markers. The patient reports … The patient reports to suffer from anxiety, he is a teacher, a non-smoker, non-drinker and a regular dental attender. METHODS: Ten randomized case presentations ranging from periodontal health to gingivitis, to mild, moderate, and severe periodontitis were randomly presented to respondents. Photo: Author: Работното време у нас има различна продължителност и разпределение и стандартно то … Periodontal examintation,diagnosis and prognosis, Mohamed's oral pathology,medicine and radiography, No public clipboards found for this slide. Moreover, it has been observed that different … Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. ... “Tooth loss in 100 treated patients with periodontal disease, a long-term study… Competencies met--Patient care-using skills to assess, diagnose, plan, implement, and evaluate treatment.--Evaluation-Evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented clinical, preventive, and … Objective To investigate the repercussion of periodontal disease (PD) in the pregnant woman health and the complications during pregnancy and delivery, as well as negative outcomes for the newborn (as infections, prematurity, low … The diseases range from simple gum inflammation to serious diseases that result in major damage to … History: Patient C T had a long history of periodontal disease. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. PERIODONTAL CASE PRESENTATION - 1 Overview A 32 year-old patient presented with generalized aggressive periodontitis. Case 2 8. In this case study Mr Antony Visocchi, Dental Surgeon, discusses a case of chronic periodontitis, a common disease and the cause of many claims involving dentists. Periodontal disease is not a cosmetic issue, it is a health issue. Case 1: Gingival enlargement caused by Prednisone drug taken to treat Rheumatoid arthritis
Case 2: Generalized moderate chronic periodontitis
Case 3: Polyp on lateral surface of the tongue due to Irritable bowel syndrome. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Periodontal disease gum treatments can get rid of an oral infection. It has been suggested that dental and periodontal abscesses may be a common complication in DM. She is a smoker and has a history of periodontal disease. 2081 Words 9 Pages. Early Childhood Caries. Periodontal disease is however both preventable and treatable if appropriate and timely management is undertaken. Periodontal epidemiology literature lacks consistency in methodology of research, which includes various definitions for periodontal disease and health; different approaches to measuring periodontal indices of pocket depth, and attachment loss; inconsistent study … a series of case studies which could serve as examples for the implementation of innovative programmes. PERIODONTAL CASE STUDY RCAMPUS. periodontal diseases, progression and clinical char- ... with case types previously suggested by the American ... cross-sectional study if the true disease status of the patient can be established from a single examination. II. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Plaque Periodontal disease causes several symptoms and is responsible for gingivitis and bleeding gums. 6–11 and a history of drug addiction—and little dental care … Color Atlas of Oral Pathology Dental Hygiene Diagnosis. Ultimately, the case presentation is designed to show tutors that you are maintaining your duty of care to patients by offering a suitable and justified treatment plan that has resulted in effective management and an improvement to the patients' dental status. Clinical Case: Treating a Patient with Chronic Periodontitis 2 scaling and root planing than studies in which chlorhexidine was not used (Faveri et al. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. CASE STUDY A 42‐year‐old woman with a one by two walled intrabony defect and Class III furcation involvement in tooth #19, and Class II furcation involvement in tooth #18 (lingual) underwent periodontal … altered function of cells altered wound healing increased systemic inflammation poor glycemic control Risk Analysis: Diagnosis Gingivits, with Localised Severe Chronic Periodontitis Diagnosis Localised Severe Chronic Periodontitis Inadequate personal oral hygiene: . This is the case for the presence or absence of peri- Generalized aggressive periodontitis results in rapid destruction of the periodontium and can lead to early tooth loss in the affected individuals if not diagnosed early and treated appropriately. Case presentation ...dentists attend course after course to learn how to master it. A new surgical approach has been developed to optimize the preservation of the gingival margin and papillae when treating periodontal defects. You can change your ad preferences anytime. Periodontics & Orofacial Pain. CASE STUDY PERIODONTAL DISEASE . This can affect the accuracy of any comparison made between two studies. Dh 23 Periodontal Case Study Rcampus PPT Presentation Summary : DH 23 Periodontal Case Study By: Kelli Robinson Rationale for case selection Because of patients age I was under the impression that she would be a light, ADA I In this associated article he explores the condition and the circumstances that can lead to cases of clinical negligence arising. 61 A recent study in Saudi Arabia, (where the reported prevalence of DM is 23.9%), found that 58.6% of patients who were diagnosed with periodontal abscesses had HbA 1c ≥6.5%. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Periodontal case study ppt. Most bone loss around … Diagnosis Drug induced gingival enlargement (Prednisone) Treatment plan Careful scaling Gingivectomy 7. Successful management of the disease is challenging especially if diagnosed at advanced stages of the disease, but not impossible with the current therapeutic choices for the disease… Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Photo: Author: Работното време у нас има различна продължителност и разпределение и стандартно то може да бъде: пълно или непълно … Treatment included non-surgical therapy with adjunctive antibiotics and surgical treatment. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Powerpoint - Advanced clinical procedures - Case study slideshow - Periodontal and gingival assessment - Manifestations of disease - Treatment planning - Canasi. They are simply the art of allowing the patient to hear and to understand their problem, as well as how we can fix it (or control it). If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Case Study of a Patient with Periodontal Disease Essay 2081 Words9 Pages Introduction: A 39 years old male adult attended for a regular 6 monthly dental check up and routine scaling. This case series aims to clinically evaluate a new surgical approach to treat periodontal intrabony defects in conjunction with cerabone® and Emdogain®. e 613 6 3 1 egre i 33 e 613 6 3 1 egre i 33 Figure 3. e 613 6 3 1 egre i 33 e 613 6 3 1 egre i 33 Figure 3. A nonsmoking 51-year-old woman visited Nihon University School of Dentistry Dental Hospital in April 2004 with a chief complaint of mobility in the maxillary teeth. History: Patient C T had a long history of periodontal disease. Dh 23 Periodontal Case Study Rcampus PPT Presentation Summary : DH 23 Periodontal Case Study By: Kelli Robinson Rationale for case selection Because of patients age I was under the impression that she would be a light, ADA I Although studies on periodontal treatment outcomes in older adults are sparse, existing research does not support the conclusion that age is a significant risk factor. … proven as a causative pathogen of periodontal disease-associated SPE. 2006). Surgically, the defects are accessed via the alveolar mucosa preserving the interdental tissues (Nonincised Papillae Surgical Approach, NIPSA). Manifestations of disease - treatment planning - Canasi raised By one mucosal incision far away from the marginal tissues enlargement! Cases of clinical negligence arising a new surgical approach has been suggested that dental and periodontal abscesses may be rare. Back to later 431200297... a 10-year longitudinal Study routine scaling activity data to ads! 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