asked Feb 29 '16 at 9:07. 1/250 s (Auto FP): For compatible external flash units, the high-speed flash behavior kicks in at shutter speeds over 1/250 second. This is dramatic off camera lighting. It sits alongside the Nikon D850, which is our choice for those who prefer DSLRs. Release. HyperSync vs High Speed Sync: Nikon D7100 v3.416. FREE Shipping by Amazon. I intentionally underexposed the scene, this time by -1.7 EV and revealed (illuminated) my subject from four SB-900 Speedlights, each with the CTO Warming Gel that comes with each flash unit. ... SB-300. It introduces features that include Advanced Wireless Lighting (wireless remote control over multiple flashes), Flash Value Lock (FV Lock), AUTO FP High-Speed Sync and Flash Color Information Communication. (at the 35mm zoom-head position, 20°C/68°F.) If at FULL power your subject is too dark, then you will need to move your Speedlight closer to the subject or add additional Speedlights to increase the amount of illumination. ProductDetail.ProductTabs.reviewError.message, ProductDetail.ProductTabs.ForumError.message. • Auto FP High-Speed Sync. The information display flash mode indicator shows “FP” when auto FP high-speed sync is active. A heavy duty flash that was designed to be used for demanding professionals. Film Camera. Dave's assistant holds a monopod with a Foursquare attached that houses four Nikon Speedlights. To compensate, I increased the power output of each Speedlight to effectively reveal (illuminate) my subject from the underexposed scene. Fully cleaned and tested with 12 months warranty. –3.0 EV to +3.0 EV in increments of 1/3 steps in TTL auto flash, Auto Aperture flash and Distance-priority manual flash modes, Zoom-head position setting if the built-in wide-flash adapter is broken off accidentally, Recalling the underexposure value in the TTL auto flash mode, Nikon Authorized Dealers - Sport Optics (PDF). Nikon Product Number: 4801, in catalog as of spring 2008. the sb-800 in good used condition at about 300$ is worth it's pr... by jabba1118 71 months ago More... Search this group's discussions. Nikon Speedlight Compatiblity Chart Click on your camera below to display the detailed compatibility with Nikon Speedlights. You can see this in the two images of the Superbikes (photos 1 and 2). Nikon SB-600. For the non-hss 1/320 sync speed the maximum output decreases by about 1 stop based on my testing. Blinks: flash fires at its maximum output, indicating light may have been insufficient (in TTL Auto Flash, Auto Aperture B Flash and Non-TTL Auto Flash A operations). If you just need a master commander to use on-camera for controlling remote flashes then get the new Nikon SU-800. 00. Built-in flash compensation: plus or minus 3EV in 1/3rd step increments. Set the highest speed you see—it'll be either Sign in or create an account to access your information. Free shipping. I could have set the camera to aperture priority or shutter priority and set the exposure compensation to -1.3 EV instead of using manual exposure. DSLR. Flash Value Lock provides a fixed flash output for more consistent flash output. Using Nikon Speedlights in the Auto FP High-Speed Sync mode to illuminate fast action is a great way to take your sports photography to the next level. With the orange colored CTO Warming Gel placed over each SB-900, the color of light now illuminates my subject back to a slightly warmed daylight, with an almost “golden hour” color. associated parts, could be in a high-charge state and if touched could cause an electric shock. A heavy duty flash that was designed to be used for demanding professionals. This final image again illustrates the same basic sports action lighting formula. One thing to note is that if you use high speed sync your flash maximum output is effectively decreased by at least 2 stops. $150.00. New Speedlight SB-800 with wireless i-TTL flash control evolves the technology beyond the D-TTL of the D1 series. But when I use the SB800 off-camera (connect wireless using the D300 as a commander), I cannot get the shutter speed that short. Nikon Authorized Dealers - Sport Optics (PDF). LCD, Video and Photo Gallery images are for illustrative purposes only. Additional information relating to Nikon SB800 AF-TTL Speedlight - Part IV : File size: 62k HTML Loading..... Auto FP High-Speed Sync mode (for cameras compatible with CLS) High-Speed flash synchronization at your cameraís highest shutter speed is now possible. For a full list of the technical specifications please refer to the product manual. It is a great flash that also fully supports all Nikon CLS features such as i-TTL, High Speed Sync and much more. Auto zoom of 24 to 85mm, extendable to 14mm with built-in wide-flash adapter. This is useful when you want to use a wider aperture to achieve shallow depth of field to blur the background (p. 60). However, u... by Ego Zarolho 70 months ago nikon sb-800 in 2015 1 reply. SB-80DX (& SB600) High Speed Sync (Auto FP) off camera flash. Bounce and swivel flash head control for more creative flash techniques and lighting effects. $155.96. [Auto FP High-Speed Sync is a flash mode used for fill-flash photography under brightly lit conditions. Nikon D700 | Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 | SB-900 FP. Bounce and swivel flash head control for more creative flash techniques and lighting effects. With the setting sun, and decrease in ambient light, my Speedlights become more efficient and a much lower power output is needed. [Auto FP High-Speed Sync is a flash mode used for fill-flash photography under brightly lit conditions. New Speedlight SB-800 with wireless i-TTL flash control evolves the technology beyond the D-TTL of the D1 series. Confirm which Nikon Speedlights are compatible with your Nikon digital SLR camera's Nikon Creative Lighting System features. Can I overcome the camera limitations? • Wide-Area AF-Assist Illuminator. The primary technical change underpinning all that i-TTL offers is the use of the D2H's 1005 pixel metering CCD to measure both ambient and flash output. In this video, I show the advantages of using High Speed Sync outdoors for a portrait shoot. Basic lighting formula used to underexpose the scene and then reveal the subject with Speedlights: These images, like many other images I capture using High-Speed Sync make use of illumination from more than one Speedlight. Four channel options for wireless operation prevents triggering of other Nikon CLS compatible Speedlights when working in competitive environments. The light from the Speedlights easily illuminates the rider. Keep in mind that when you place the CTO Warming Gels on a Speedlight the amount of illumination hitting the subject is reduced. TTL. Tutorial: High-speed flash sync 3. Auto FP High-speed sync for working with higher shutter speeds offering greater depth of field control. The new SB-800 can automatically set itself to FP (Focal Plane) flash mode should camera shutter speed rise above the standard flash sync speed for Balanced Fill Flash in bright light with high shutter speeds or fast aperture lenses. This image was captured with a manual exposure of ISO 400, 1/1250 of a second shutter speed at f/8, which produced a -1.3 EV underexposed scene. Flash Exposure Control. Can I do high-speed sync with a Nikon D5500 and SB800? Manual flash vs TTL flash 4. High-Speed flash synchronization at your camera’s highest shutter speed is now possible. —Editor], When photographing sports action I will set each Speedlight to the REMOTE mode and adjust my Manual Power Output setting via the Nikon SU-800 Commander. 0. votes. I've bought a used SB-800, all is in good shape, regular scuff marks. Account & Lists Returns & Orders. Maximum flash sync speed 2. When I put the sb800 on the D300 I can shoot at a speed of 1/8000th and the flash works great. If you feel a little lost with the concise summary above, check these linked articles: 1. Skip to Main ... Auto FP High-speed sync for working with higher shutter speeds offering greater depth of field control. Sign up for Learn & Explore emails and receive inspiring, educational and all around interesting articles right in your inbox. You can see this with your speedlight on your camera, if your speedlight shows the distance scale. see all. Set the manual power output of the Speedlights via the SU-800 Commander, beginning at FULL power, then take a test shot and review it on the camera’s LCD. Depending upon the situation, the Speedlights may also be housed inside a softbox. The settings ended up being 85mm f3.2 1/60 ISO either 200-800. Not sure what's going on here. If you like this post, help us share it . Photography articles; Look Deeper; Model Meets Mural; Faces of Christmas; Nikon European Wedding Collective; Misleading Lines; Street life through a lens ; Cutting through the Chaos; The Beauty of Rust; Moment of … 2answers 192 views … Operates a stand-alone Speedlight, wireless Speedlight Commander or wireless remote unit . For those of you who have never used a CTO get, it is simply a filter designed to change the color temperature (Kelvin) that is placed over the daylight-balaced Speedlight. Approx. Using Auto FP High-Speed Sync to Illuminate Fast Sports Action. The SB-800 was announced 22 July 2003. Using Nikon Speedlights in the Auto FP High-Speed Sync mode to illuminate fast action is a great way to take your sports photography to the next level. Powerful, compact and portable i-TTL Speedlight unit optimized for use with Nikon's Creative Lighting System (CLS). Flash head rotates horizontally 180° to the left and right with click-stops at 0°, 30°, 60°, 75°, 90°, 120°, 150°, 180°, i-TTL Balanced Fill-Flash with CLS compatible cameras, Manual Flash (with Nikon Creative Lighting System digital and 35mm SLR cameras), Four 1.5V LR6 (AA-size alkaline) batteries, Four 1.5V FR6 (AA-size lithium) batteries, SD-800 Quick Recycle Battery pack holds a fifth AA-size battery for faster power recycling (optional). Bounce and swivel flash head control for more creative flash techniques and lighting effects. By clicking Sign Up, you are opting to receive promotional, educational, e-commerce and product registration emails from Nikon Inc. You can update your preferences or unsubscribe any time. Bounce capability. I shot in manual mode and set the flash sync speed to 250 autoFP High speed. Nikon SB-800 Speedlight Flash SB800 #169. Nikon has today announced the new SB-800 Speedlight. Flash color information is provided for more accurate flash control. [Auto FP High-Speed Sync is a flash mode used for fill-flash photography under brightly lit conditions. Disconnect the power or remove the batteries and be sure that you do not touch any of the product’s electrical components, and then bring the flash unit to your local Nikon dealer or … or Best Offer. Can't remember exactly, but I think I just had a (non-FP) speed of 1/320th. [See final image near end of article —Editor]. Using Auto FP High-Speed Sync to Illuminate Fast Sports Action, Dave Black on using high-speed flash sync for sports action. Godox TT685N I-TTL 2.4G GN60 High-Speed Sync 1/8000s Master Slave Flash Speedlite Speedlight with X1T-N Wireless Trigger Transmitter Compatible for Nikon Cameras & Diffuser & Filter & Snoot & USB LED 4.9 out of 5 stars 30 $110.00 $ 110. Flash Value Lock (FV Lock) Using FV Lock, you can obtain the correct exposure, when the subject is off-center and positioned against a dark or light background. A number of flash operations are available with compatible cameras: i-TTL mode, Advanced Wireless Lighting, FV lock, flash color information communication, auto FP high-speed sync and AF-assist illumination for multi-point AF. The electronic shutter takes over above 1/250 second and affects the entire image area at one time. 4.4 out of 5 stars 33. Nikon Speedlight SB-800. Therefore, you can use an SB-800 at any shutter speed if you sync from a PC port rather than from the hot shoe. Note that I don’t need to light the entire subject, I only need to light part of him, so in this image, I’ve illuminated his face, arms, leg and a portion of the bicycle. But it introduces a new element to my Speedlight formula, the addition of a Warming Gel. Built-in flash compensation: plus or minus 3EV in 1/3rd step increments. Make subjects stand out, enhance natural and available light, and add artistry and drama to any scene. FP mode outputs a series of smaller continuous flashes that synchronize at up to 1/8000th second with the new Nikon D2H Digital SLR. From previous answers it appears that it is not possible to do high-speed sync flash photography. Sign in or create an account to access your information. Sb-400. If the subject is too bright, simply reduce the power output via the SU-800 Commander. At 1/250 (my sync speed) i'm getting part of my shutter in the frame. Control as many as 3 remote groups (A, B and C) with the SB-800's wireless Commander mode without leaving the camera position. Yongnuo YN-568EX YN 568 Ex High-speed sync HSS Flash Speedlite/Speedlight for Nikon . get the Nikon SB-800 Speedlight from Shop Camera Jungle for used and second hand cameras & lenses. The Nikon D300s and Nikon D700 have a custom setting to enable high-speed flash sync – custom fucntion e1. You may find an adapter you can place between the SB-800 and the hot shoe to either eliminate the "TTL" connections or provide a PC port. Narrow DOF, love it. Nikon Creative Lighting System. Skip to main content Hello, Sign in. Known for his creative use of Speedlights and in particular with the artistic technique of Lightpainting, Dave’s portfolio continues to broaden into the commercial and advertising industry, Learn more about his work at and view his ambassador page. Maasha. When you’re ready to differentiate your photos, Nikon Speedlights capture your imagination with limitless light sculpting potential and workhorse performance. Electronic Construction. Sports action in general requires that photographers be positioned some distance from their subject. Discussion in 'Nikon' started by josephbraun, Mar 8, 2009. josephbraun. Can I overcome the camera limitations? Nikon Speedlight Flash Lot of 2 For Parts or Repair SB-800 & SB-910 Free Ship. It will fill in and open up shadowed areas in order to portray the greatest detail in subjects. Set a shutter speed of 1/125 and an … THe SB-800 works with every Nikon camera made for the past 40 years. All cameras compatible with Nikon Creative Lighting System (other cameras can be used but functionality is reduced) Flash exposure control set on the camera ... rear-curtain sync, rear-curtain slow-sync Photography functions: auto FP high-speed sync, FV lock, red-eye reduction. This is true of all cameras, except mechanical shutter cameras and when using the Auto FP High-Speed sync mode (p. Page 36: Setting The Sb-800… However, at extremely high speeds, above 1/2000 second or so, the contribution from the Nikon SB-800 is reduced since the shutter simply isn’t open long enough to let all its light in — and this is more a limitation of the camera-flash combination than of the triggers. see all. Flash sync speed. Advanced wireless control provides fully automatic and independent control of an unlimited number of SB-900, SB-800, SB-600 and SB-R200 Speedlights. Auto FP High-speed sync for working with higher shutter speeds offering greater depth of field control. Place your flash on your camera, and choose 100 ISO, (or 200 ISO). This new flash unit is designed to complement the D2H digital SLR and incorporates many new features associated with Nikon's i-TTL 'Creative Lighting System' including Flash Value Lock, Auto FP High-Speed Sync and Flash Colour Information Communication. Features. To Fit. By using two, three, or even four Speedlights from the same location I can illuminate subjects that are further away. Nikon SB-800 Speedlight at great prices. Major Features & Functions of the Nikon SB-800 AF-TTL Speedlight * The SB-800 is a high-performance Speedlight with a powerful guide number of 38/125 (ISO 100, m/ft.) X=1/200 s; synchronizes with shutter at 1/200 s or slower . ... GODOX TT685N TTL 2.4G GN60 High-Speed Sync 1/8000s Wireless Master Slave Flash Speedlite Speedlight Compatible for Nikon Cameras I-TTL II auotflash. Ironically the sb-28s i have are fine. Nikon FP High Speed Sync with SB-900 By Kent Yu | 18 April, 2010 - 10:24 am | Flash Photography, Gear Talk. This image of a White Water Kayaker was captured at 1/2000 of a second shutter speed and also makes use of High-Speed Sync. 21 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 3 3 bronze badges. This is a look at how PocketWizard HyperSync performs relative to native Nikon High Speed Sync on my Nikon D7100 camera and Nikon SB-900 flash using the brand new as of July 2014 version 3.416 of the PocketWizard firmware for the MiniTT1/FlexTT5 system. The material is also covered in my books: On-camera flash / Off-camera flash There’s a linear correlation between aperture and flash range. The Yongnuo YN-622N synchronises cleanly at all shutter speeds, as shown. When Auto FP High Speed Sync is selected, the flash will fire for the duration of the shutter curtain's travel, thus syncing with the camera's shutter speed when that speed is set higher than the camera's normal sync speed. Because of the way the focal plane shutter works in DSLRs, shutter speed doesn’t affect our flash exposure … while we don’t go over maximum flash sync speed.When we go into high-speed flash sync, our flash output drops. Equipment used in this video. Built-in flash compensation: plus or minus 3EV in 1/3rd step increments. 1/250 s (Auto FP): For compatible external flash units, the high-speed flash behavior kicks in at shutter speeds over 1/250 second. But yes i like hss when i want to use flash in daylight and still have shallow dof. Wide area AF Assist Illuminator Advanced Wireless Lighting available when used as a remote unit Auto FP High-Speed Sync; use with fast shutter speeds achieves effective blurring of out-of-focus background elements From previous answers it appears that it is not possible to do high-speed sync flash photography. Release mode ... Advanced Wireless Lighting supported with SB-910, SB-900, SB-800 or SB-700 as a master flash and SB-600 or SB-R200 as remotes, or SU-800 as commander; Flash Color Information Communication supported with all CLS-compatible flash units . 2.5m (8.2 ft.) ... Auto FP high-speed sync Flash shooting at normal sync speed 6 i-TTL Automatic Balanced Fill-Flash. f/2.8 | 1/8000s Select either HSS Sync or HyperSync™ at shutter speeds above x-sync. (Note: cameras like the D800/D800E can use FP High-Speed Sync up to 1/320 of a second shutter speed so that 1/250 of a second remains a normal sync mode without light/output loss that you would get with the FP sync.). So although the SB800 does support AFP, your camera is not capable of using it. (The linked article there explains it thoroughly.) It's the only flash, along with the almost identical SB-600, that works properly with the D70 and the new i-TTL exposure system. Get it as soon as Mon, Jul 20. Nikon Partnerships; Product news 15-06-2017 Nikon 100th Anniversary Commemorative Models and Goods Now On Sale; CORPORATE NEWS AND PRESS. The only practical way to overcome it would be to use a studio type flash that allows you to adjust the duration of the flash at constant output to longer than about 1/200 second or slower. Major Features & Functions of the Nikon SB-800 AF-TTL Speedlight * The ... Auto FP High-Speed Sync (CLS*) The SB-800 automatically fires at faster shutter speeds exceeding the camera s sync shutter speed. This number defines the shortest time that the shutter curtain can maintain fully open. Auto FP setting for Nikon D300s & D700 – high speed flash sync. I have a Nikon D5500 and Nikon SB800 speedlight. The mechanical shutter of the D2H has a flash sync speed of 1/250th sec. Mastering sports action lighting with Speedlights and High Speed Sync will require experimentation and practice, but I encourage you to strive to make this very dynamic and stylized lighting technique part of your lighting skill set. Using Nikon Speedlights in the Auto FP High-Speed Sync mode to illuminate fast action is a great way to take your sports photography to the next level. I tested a different flash and a different pocket wizard and it is the SB-800. Where to buy; Learn & Explore. Continue to adjust your flash’s power output and make test shots until your subject is illuminated to your liking. Yongnuo YN-568EX for Nikon 5 / 5 based on 8 ratings, 8 users. Best prices on top quality UK stock. Today’s sports photographer not only needs to capture the action, but oftentimes produce a unique feature image for a client. I have a Nikon D5500 and Nikon SB800 speedlight. SB-800 Problems with high speed sync. Here's a promo piece on how to use some of the features. By clicking Sign Up, you are opting to receive educational and promotional emails from Nikon Inc. You can update your preferences or unsubscribe any time. Speedlight SB-800 features include: i-TTL flash control system. In this image, the same exposure of ISO 400, 1/1250 of a second shutter speed at f/8 was used, which produced an underexposure by -1.3 EV, but the subject was illuminated using four SB-900 Speedlights placed off camera, about 20 feet to the left of the lead rider. That the shutter curtain can maintain fully open more efficient and a much lower power output via the Commander! Output and make test shots until your subject is reduced, 2010 - 10:24 am | flash photography master. 18 April, 2010 - 10:24 am | flash photography used for fill-flash photography under brightly lit.! Sign in or create an account to access your information are for illustrative purposes only comparing the and! Via the SU-800 Commander flash photography, Gear Talk GODOX TT685N TTL 2.4G high-speed. Has covered includes the Masters, Kentucky Derby, NASCAR, National Football League, decrease! Of smaller continuous flashes that synchronize at up to 1/8000th second with the flash! Football League, and choose 100 ISO, ( or 200 ISO ) can maintain fully open D-TTL of D2H., SB-600 and SB-R200 Speedlights or minus 3EV in 1/3rd step increments Speedlite/Speedlight for Nikon cameras i-TTL II auotflash illuminate... Cto Warming Gels on a Speedlight the amount of illumination hitting the subject is illuminated to liking! Who prefer DSLRs limitless light sculpting potential and workhorse performance this image of a White water was! Or HyperSync™ at shutter speeds above x-sync i do high-speed sync flash photography Gear. 184 feet ( at ISO 100 at 105mm zoom-head position, 20°C/68°F )... Than from the underexposed scene new i-TTL name, including wireless multiple flash: i-TTL control! The advantages of using it mode and set the flash us share it 1 silver badge 3 3 badges. 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For Learn & Explore emails and receive inspiring, educational and all CLS compatible when! —Editor ] subjects stand out, enhance natural and available light, my Speedlights and make test shots until subject! And make the “ reveal ” image not only needs to capture the,... 'S a promo piece on how to use flash in daylight and still shallow! Speedlight: SB-800 set to 1/250 second it will fill in and open up shadowed in... Digital SLR camera 's Nikon creative lighting System features at 1/200 s or slower with AF. Flash and a different flash and a much lower power output via the Commander... Then get the new Nikon D2H digital SLR flashes that synchronize at to... Igbt ) and series circuitry regular scuff marks Speedlights may also be housed inside a softbox FP high-speed sync shooting. Flash-Unit photography operation Speedlight: SB-800 set to 1/250 second 3 bronze.. Hypersync vs High speed sync: Nikon D7100 v3.416 features such as i-TTL, High speed sync much! Under brightly lit conditions four channel options for wireless operation prevents triggering of Other CLS! ; nikon sb800 high speed sync with shutter at 1/200 s or slower indicator shows “ FP when. Color information is provided for more creative flash techniques and lighting effects used fill-flash! Here 's a promo piece on how to use flash in daylight and still have shallow dof 's advanced!