Most indoor plants are native to the tropics where it is warm all year long, so they tend to grow all year long. Acanthus. No plant has ever died because it grew too many roots. 9 Surprising Facts About Indoor Plants. Frequently repotted plants put much of their energy into growing more roots, at the expense of leaves and flowers. I seldom repot houseplants only if they get so pot bound that it is difficult to keep them watered. I have gathered a long list of common houseplant myths to save you the trouble of making mistakes and getting into bad habits. 2) Fertilizing is important to grow indoor plants This drying process depends on many factors including, pot size, plant size, temperature, humidity, amount of light etc. So move your plant further away from the window or put a … But it’s no longer true if it ever was. ‍ Myth 1 - Indoor plants can thrive in any environment Many myths are rolling on the internet and from there many … This is biology 101! Yes, some plants benefit from a lot of direct sunlight. However, poinsettias must be kept out of reach of pets–they could be nauseated to the point of losing their digestive processes, and could die. I researched this for my garden club newsletter. Myth #3: Plants Are Not Safe for Pets or Kids Fact: Many indoor plants are non-toxic if touched or accidentally consumed. Many interpret this to mean that you should only add a small amount of water each time you water and that is not correct. Common advice says to water succulents less than other houseplants. So clear this myth from your mind and don’t provide water to your indoor plant frequently because most indoor flower plants & indoor plants need to be dry. “Indoor plants need lots of direct sunlight.” You need to separate the effects of over-heating and photo-oxidation (sunburn). One exception would be orchids since they won’t grow well in potting material that is decomposing. Unless you are prepared to mist every 15 minutes, this does nothing to raise humidity, but it might increase fungal diseases. Plant leaves don’t last forever. In this case scrape off the top couple of inches of soil and discard it. Myth #5 – Wilting is a sign that it’s time to water. Leaves wilt when they are not getting enough water and there are two common causes for this; not enough watering and too much watering. This process causes green leaves to turn yellow. Myths and pure drivel about indoor gardening abound. HELLO!!! This becomes hard to wash out and it can be detrimental to plant roots. Unlike temperate zone plants, tropical plants grow actively all year long. Most tap water will not harm plants. This is a great list, just one comment about the used potting soil. You may want to think twice about bringing home a plant that catches your eye before researching its toxicity to pets and/or kids. I believe that it’s easier to water if the plant is in proportion to the pot–that is, the soil dries out more evenly between waterings. The simple facts are that houseplants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen during the day, while releasing carbon dioxide overnight, but there is enough space and ventilation that these emissions do not appreciably change the overall air quality in your home or office space. Plants infuse energy into our lives that cannot be matched by any other creation of nature. Most of our indoor houseplants come from tropical regions that are warm outdoors all year round. It may nauseate you but it will not kill you. However, because some plants yield poisons and some die in winter, plants can also represent death and decay. Tap water can contain high levels of sodium which is anything over 50 ppm. The concern here is that, without light, plants produce carbon dioxide and stop producing oxygen. I love it! Hence, they must be watered in small proportions. Some plants have acquired much more specific meaning in folklore. 7 Indoor Plant Myths You can Do Away With Repot Plants Straight Away. Too much water leads to root rot and then the plant has no way to absorb water, so leaves go limp. Many popular myths exist about growing and maintaining your lawns and garden plants. They will grow better if you go to the large pot right away. Fact: The fastest growing plants are those that are kept moderately potbound so that their roots fill most of the pot. Myth #5: Misting plants will increase the humidity. i'm very new to growing indoor plants and i'm scared i might kill them in a week! If your water is naturally high in sodium, dilute it as described above for high alkalinity. I’m regularly asked questions about repotting straight after bringing a plant home. These products may not do any significant harm to plants, but they are also not good for them. Many of our traditional indoor … “Plants grow bigger in bigger pots.” True – ask & I’ll expand on the reply. Common Indoor Plant Myths You Should Know About. If you need better drainage, mix the material right into the soil. Indoor plants need a lot of sunlight. Some like it sunnier, but many prefer it less light and will sunburn if exposed to too much sun. Feeding a plant will not make it better, but it might make the problem worse because excess fertilizer can burn new tender roots. Keeping indoor plants is nothing new for them but the way to look at these plants changed all of sudden. You hear a lot of talk about plants going 'dormant' in winter. Do Marigolds Stop Cabbage Worms – Is this Good Companion Planting? Plants need light from the orange-red and blue-violet parts of the visible wavelength spectrum to photosynthesize. Interior decorating trends have made indoor plants extremely popular in recent years, but more people are realising that it can be a lot of work to keep these plants alive! Most indoor plants need high humidity. From my experience plants only need water, light and fresh air to thrive”. Let’s face it, fungal and bacteria spores are everywhere in the air and after a few days your new potting soil is covered with them. Ailing plants absorb fewer nutrients than healthy plants. The plant does not even know they are in a pot so why would it affect the growing process? A different myth suggests the opposite: You should avoid putting houseplants in bedrooms because they will hurt your indoor air quality. You do not need to remove plants from your bedroom at night. It’s time to get the facts straight on this lovely Myth Monday. The home tends to be warm all year long, just like the tropics, so houseplants grow all season long. Biggest Myths about Potting and Placing Houseplants. If you have a water softener, the cold water taps in the kitchen, and all outdoor taps should bypass the water softener. Here are some of the false facts or myths. As we kick off this new week, I wanted to focus on some myths that people often assume when growing their indoor plants. Plants grow much better, have less diseases and pests, if they get the right amount of nutrients. Plant parenthood can be tricky, especially since all plants need different care. When you water, water thoroughly, then leave it alone until the soil is completely dry. Water does not move easily from small soil particles to the larger sized of stones. It will cause diseases for most plants. Truth: Depends on the plant. In … Growing indoor plants is fairly easy if you take some time to research the plant you are growing and follow some basic rules. Buried Banana Peels Give Roses a Potassium Boost. You should water when the soil needs to be watered and that is related to how quickly it dries. Also Read: Indoor plants according to different light conditions. ... hi! Myth #7: Chemical pesticides are the only effective way to eliminate plant pests. This is just bad advice. Placing plants in an enclosure like an aquarium does increase the humidity, but this environment is only suitable for special plants that grow well in high humidity. Myth 4: Yellow leaves and brown … In this case you can treat it, or mix it with rainwater, distilled water or RO water to reduce the alkalinity. Natural Weed Killers – Do Organic Herbicides Work? This is one of the most common myths about cactus plants. Greenery brightens up indoor spaces and are known to have mood-boosting qualities. The problem is the rule almost never works. These areas do have dry and wet seasons, so watering can affect their growth. Myth No. NEEDS DIRECT SUNLIGHT TO GROW: Not every indoor plant needs direct sunlight to multiply and grow. Most indoor plants prefer less sun and will suffer from sunburn when placed in direct sun all day. Myth #3: Indoor plants need lots of direct sunlight. As water evaporates from the tray it does increase the humidity right above the tray, and a small amount might even reach the top of the pot, but your plant is left high and dry – quite literally. Science has determined that chlorine or chloramine levels above 150 ppm can be toxic to plants. Some of our favorite tropical plants enjoy higher humidity, but many common house plants can and will adapt to fairly typical household conditions. Indoor plants are popular because they are relatively easy to take care of, provide health benefits and can be used in a variety of indoor … This study looked strictly at the effect of plants on closed environments like you might find on a space station. All houseplants want to be outside, in the right growing conditions. Water plants on a schedule. Here are six myths she hears often, and her advice for taking the best care of your indoor plant babies. There are many plants that get moist from their soil and many need water but not constantly. Growing a plant from seed is a common way to start an indoor garden. A bigger pot does have more soil and therefore more room for root growth, but plants only grow the roots they need to support the above ground part of the plant. False. Diseases are normally not a problem. The rest can be reused. Placing Houseplants Will Affect Your Indoor Air Quality: A misunderstood NASA study continues to perpetuate the myth that houseplants can improve indoor air quality. A plant that is sitting in a dark corner will use much less water than a plant that is in brighter light that is actively photosynthesizing and growing. According to Ornamental Palm Horticulture (Broschat and Meerow; p 94): “In container-grown palms, Fe deficiency is often associated with old, badly degraded and poorly aerated potting substrates. Low Light Plants will be Fine in the Corner. Indoor plants should be an essential component of every interior design. Do Calathea and other Prayer Plants actually need low mineral or distilled water? To each its own in terms of their fertilizing … no special water requirements according this this; But when it comes to most succulents and indoor plants — daily watering can easily cause the plant to rot and eventually die (). With a few exceptions, there is no good reason for replacing used potting soil and it can be used for many years. You can see this for yourself. Experienced gardeners keep things simple. Plants are very adaptable, and they can survive a long time in poor conditions. This is the biggest myth out there! But these amounts are so tiny compared to the amount humans use, that they have no net effect. Sick plants and naturally dormant plants use much less fertilizer. These treatments include products such as dish soap, rubbing alcohol, horticultural oils, sand, sticky traps, diatomaceous earth, and hot pepper. If there’s one necessary component of plant survival, it’s light! i find them really useful and credible! The writers of those claims never read the NASA research study (I did), because it does not even mention using plants to clean the air in a home. Stones or pot chards on their own drain very well, so putting them at the bottom of a pot should increase drainage. Many common indoor plants are shade-lovers that suffer from “sunburn” (bleached out leaves) when exposed to the direct sun rays. It could be something completely different or it might be related to watering, in which case it could be too much water or too little water. The truth is that all houseplants thrive on routine maintenance just the way you do. So, now check out the following common indoor plant myths which you should know before starting your planter life. If you’re still thinking any of these plant care tips are true, we’re going to put a stake through them now and forever. It can take many months or even years before a plant dies, but if it does not get enough light it will eventually die. Happy plant parenting! If you understand photosynthesis you know that plants give off oxygen. 8 Myths to Stop Believing About Your Indoor Plants Myth 1: The more you (CNN) You've probably heard people say that keeping plants in your home or office helps to make the air cleaner, but science says otherwise. A lot of people know plants use up CO2 in light and give off oxygen, but few know that plants are using oxygen and producing CO2 all of the time; day and night. And since we’re home more often due to the pandemic, it’s the perfect time for indoor projects. thank you so much for your blog posts on plants! Each myth has a brief description, and where appropriate, a … If it is the lowest leaf, it is probably nothing to worry about since these are also the oldest leaves. Powered by, Science has determined that chlorine or chloramine levels above 150 ppm, water leads to root rot and then the plant has no way to absorb water, orchids the top leaf turns yellow when the plant has crown rot, want to clean the dust off, use a soft cotton rag and a bit of water, houseplants produce so little oxygen, that it does not effectively increase the level in, plants are using oxygen and producing CO2 all of the time, Misting does increase the humidity around a plant, enclosure like an aquarium does increase the humidity, I like to direct sow whenever possible, but there are some plants that have to get an indoor head-start in my climate. Plants are genetically programed to grow at a certain rate. Even NASA declared indoor plants could remove cancer-causing compounds from the air. You have entered an incorrect email address! However, I’m hopefully buying my first house with a garden in the coming months and am keen to avoid falling for too many gardening myths! The popularity of indoor plants has skyrocketed in the last year and so have the myths surrounding them. These materials do decompose over time, but they don’t get old. But most... Low Light Plants will be Fine in the Corner. With the Aspect, there is no excuses. It will saturate the lower level of soil, before moving lower to the drainage material. Covid 19 has halted all garden club gatherings but maybe I can lead one on Zoom in the near future. Myth #3: Plants Are Not Safe for Pets or Kids Fact: Many indoor plants are non-toxic if touched or accidentally consumed. Related Videos. Posted August 2, 2018 by prestigious. Myth #4: Yellow leaves and brown tips mean over watering Fact: These common symptoms have many possible causes including too little water, inadequate light, excess fertilizer, fluoridated water, hard water, and poor soil quality. Common Houseplant Myths That Save You Time and Help Plants Grow Better, photo by Proline. Editor's Picks. Looking after plants causes undue concern for so many people. All of our indoor plants come from the wild were they grow in huge amounts of soil. If you can’t resist, simply place these plants … Not only does gardening help with mobile dexterity, it is also shown to alleviate anxiety and improve mood, among other health benefits.Outdoor gardening is great during the warmer months, but having indoor plants can ensure enjoyment for seniors all year round. Even NASA declared indoor plants could remove cancer-causing compounds from the air. Daily tens of articles keep popping up on my social media pages and number varies from 3-20 best plants for air purification. “Ailing plants will benefit from plant food.” It depends – if the plant is ‘ailing’ because of a nutritional deficiency, withholding fertilizer is a death sentence. This has been studied and there is no benefit to moving plants through a series of slightly larger pots. Many common indoor plants are shade-lovers that suffer from” sunburn” when exposed to the direct rays of the sun. This can be natural sodium in your water or it can be sodium added by a water softener using sodium chloride. High levels of CO2 can be harmful. So inspiring, in fact, that references to plants are more ingrained into our lives than we might think! Gardening, agriculture, and plant relationships have been very central to humanity; so much so that folklore surrounding them found its way into ancient beliefs, customs, and mottos today, even the names of the plants themselves. Plants need basic nutrients or they can’t grow. 5. In summer the dry period can be shorter, especially if you put the plants outside where they get lots of sun. Trying to determine what is true and what is not can be … My concern being that the soil in the center of the pot where the roots are absorbing water dries out, while the soil at the edge (in plastic) stays wet. I can understand gradually moving them into bigger containers if indoor surface space is limited before the weather warms up, but if you have sufficient space, is there any reason not to just prick seedlings out into a container that they can be in until it’s time for them to go outside? Small plants should be repotted into much bigger pots. Error message: "The request cannot be completed because you have exceeded your, Copyright © 2020 Garden Myths | The flimsiest windows reduce photo loads by at least 80%. ... Indoor plants clean the air, soften architectural lines, and warm up a room. Pristine in form and multi-functional, plants are no more considered outdoor decorative ornaments.They can rightly be the last piece in the jigsaw of interiors that you conjure to style your home- the final lap to tie the positive aura of the entire residence. Anything that damages plant roots can cause wilting. For a new gardener who is not familiar with plant growth, watering on a schedule is appealing since you can simply follow a rule. Simple Wooden Plant... © 2020 Balcony Garden Web | All rights reserved, 8 Common Indoor Plant Myths You Should Know About, Indoor plants according to different light conditions, How to Grow Taro (Arbi) | Care and Growing Colocasia, How to Grow Chlorella at Home | Growing Chlorella, 18 Awesome Houseplants that Grow from Division, 9 Masterful Tips for Overwintering Balcony Garden Plants, See How Rubber Plant Tree Can Liven Up Your Home Decor, 13 Outdoor Plants that Can be Grown Indoors, Best And Most Creative DIY Plant Stand Ideas For Inspiration. On the other hand, some species of cactus plants produce beautiful flowers. Daily tens of articles keep popping up on my social media pages and number varies from 3-20 best plants for air purification. House-plant care is nowhere near as difficult as it can see, as long as you take into account these factors. Misting does help keep plants clean, however. There are a host of home products people spread on leaves to make them shiny including egg whites, milk, yogurt and vinegar, and there are many commercial products as well. If you have very hard water, the salts in it do precipitate out and form a white crust on the surface of the soil. While some may be a fallacy, many might have a scientific backing and could be true to an extent. You can find out what your natural sodium level is from your municipal water service. Each myth has a brief description, and where appropriate, a link to a more detailed discussion. If you want to clean the dust off, use a soft cotton rag and a bit of water. Municipalities treat their drinking water with either chlorine or chloramine. If you can’t resist, simply place these plants … You may want to think twice about bringing home a plant that catches your eye before researching its toxicity to pets and/or kids. Removing yellowing/browning fronds too soon weakens the plant and allows disease to enter, thus shortening its life. Myth 2: Indoor lights are sufficient for indoor plants. Where and how the leaves turn yellow tells you something about the plant. This is a very common myth without any basis. It is all a myth. Water treatment plants … If a palm is to remain in a container, this degraded substrate should be completely removed and rinsed from the root ball and the palms replanted with fresh substrate.” No control group and I tinkered with multiple variables at the same time (like using a palm fertilizer which has a relatively high content of Mg and K) but after repotting, my Rhaphis palm greened up and still looks good two years later. But it depends on the plant. If there’s one necessary component of plant survival, it’s … Myth: If you don’t have a green thumb, you can’t keep plants alive. This practice can favor root growth you don’t … Fake plants … Fact: Most of the commonly available indoor plants are commonly available because they have proven their ability to adapt to the very dry environments found indoors in winter. 1. I totally agree with re-using most of the time, but can think of one disease issue that would cause me to discard it – basil downey mildew. Fact: Most of the commonly available indoor plants are commonly available because they have proven their ability to adapt to very dry environments that found indoors. Myth 3: Indoor plants need lots of direct sunlight. Trying to determine what is … What we call indoor plants are plants that can survive in low light, low humidity, and can take the abuse of having their roots confined to a small pot. I found this comment, “I’m in the anti-chemical camp. The World Health Organization suggests using no more than 5 ppm in drinking water and most tap water is under this level. Even most plants that prefer shade will tolerate that photo load with ease if appropriately conditioned/acclimated to the brighter location, but not the passive solar heat gain that occurs from being in direct sun. We’ve learned this the hard way. String of Pearls. True, there are a few common indoor plants that are toxic if handled or consumed. Myth #1: House plants require lots of direct sunlight Fact: All plants have a unique mechanism and not all require direct sunlight to grow; in fact, many times direct sunlight causes bleached out leaves in certain house plants. Learn to enjoy the natural leaf color. Tending to a garden is one of the best ways to keep seniors active and engaged. Outdoor grown plants are less potent This particular myth sprouted during the time when outdoor … Your … If you draw cold tap water, let it sit for a few minutes to warm up, but there is no benefit for it to sit longer than that. Thank you Robert. Tips and myths about indoor plants. Many common indoor plants are shade-lovers that suffer from “sunburn” (bleached out leaves) when exposed to the direct sun rays. They are disposable. Unlike your indoor plants, some of these myths have been around a long time but they just won’t die. Myth #5: Everything on the internet is … If it is wet, don’t. This is complete nonsense! The best … Mist your plants and see how long it takes for the water droplets to dry. It’s a normal process for all plants. There are two primary myths about keeping plants … Plants in large pots are also much more likely to suffer from root rot. Stones in the bottom of a container increase drainage. There is no such thing as indoor plants. The water must not come out of the planter. The popularity of indoor plants has skyrocketed in the last year and so have the myths surrounding them. Fact: Misting plants once or twice per day increases the humidity by so little that it has no practical value for humidity-loving plants. Animals and plants in myth. Wilting leaves only show that there is a problem; it doesn’t identify the problem. Myth 5: Plants aren’t safe for kids or pets. This reduction in light causes slow growth rate of plants, leading some observers to incorrectly conclude that they are dormant. Learn about these common houseplant myths. Plant life is meant to be enjoyed all year round, not only limited to the warm months. This all has to do with something called a perched water table. I know we like to treat a cold with chicken soap, but when a plant is not doing well, the last thing you should do is fertilize it. It is usually peat, coir or wood based with a few added amendments like perlite. You can see from the above diagram that at 7 inches above the tray, the humidity level is raised 1%, which is of no benefit to plants. Leaves do not need to be shiny. If you are growing seedlings under a light, space is still an issue, but if you have space – go big. Keeping indoor plants is nothing new for them but the way to look at these plants changed all of sudden. The first thing to understand is that potting soil is not really soil. It also means the plant likes a well draining soil so include more grit or sand in their soil. Myth #6: Most indoor plants need high humidity to thrive. Better light, adequate water and temperature, and more fertilizer can speed up this process a bit, but it’s mostly driven by genetics. Stick you finger in the pot. Greenery brightens up indoor spaces and are known to have mood-boosting qualities. If you had a very serious disease it might make sense getting rid of old potting soil, but then you probably need to replace the soil in all your plants. However, some seeds are so incredibly small that planting them can be hard for seniors. “The plant will try to grow roots to fill out the whole space but a small plant won’t be able to sustain that much root growth.” Simply not true. Neither of these are required. No wonder so many people believe they just don’t have green thumbs! No autopsy was ever done, there is no record whether the child had a serious disease, so the myth grew that the poinsettia killed her. Once they are gone, the higher humidity is also gone. I almost added this one and may still add it. But the old orchid media could be used for other types of houseplants. Myth #3: You need to water your indoor plants with distilled water, not tap water. While these myths are quite popular, it does not mean that they are best practices for taking care of your office plants or indoor plants. Share. Indoor plants are popular because they are relatively easy to take care of, provide health benefits and can be used in a variety of indoor … In temperate climates the amount of light is much reduced in winter and that can slow down growth, but it does not stop. Orchids are difficult to … Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Here are some of the false facts or myths. This section of the article is concerned with the variety of relationships noted between humans and animals and plants in myths and popular folk traditions and in so-called primitive and popular systems of classification. Every houseplant has different needs, and the more exotic the plant, the more complicated it is to tend. Over the years I have had problems with nutrient deficiencies on palms. Fact: Yes, wilting is a sign that the leaves aren’t getting enough moisture, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the soil is dry. hard water) it can harm some plants. A water tray increases humidity around a plant. Tweet. It is a good idea to use water that is at room temperature. Another great article and much appreciated. Fact: Only some indoor plants benefit from direct sun. The palm had been in the same soil for probably ten years before repotting, with just some occasional additions as a topdressing. This blog post will debunk some of the most common watering myths for houseplants. Plant … There are two primary myths about keeping plants in indoor spaces: one is that you get more oxygen with a houseplant around, and the other is … Misting does increase the humidity around plants pesticides are the only effective way to look at these plants …:! About flowers and house plants planting them can be sodium added by water! But many prefer it less light and fresh air to thrive in watching their seedlings sprout affect growth. & i ’ m regularly asked questions about repotting straight after bringing a plant will not kill.. Yellow tells you something about the used potting soil and burn tender roots and cause leaf discoloration repotted plants much! Plants is nothing new for them but the old orchid media could be waste... It ’ s no longer true if it is true that poinsettia stems and contain... So little that it is an upper leaf, it ’ s perfect... Some houseplants are labeled as “ low light plants will be Fine in the anti-chemical camp where and the. 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