Tank Mates : Use caution when selecting tank mates. Virtually all aquarists reporting Zanclus longevities of more than a few months are keeping their aquariums steady and as close to natural-sea-water parameters as possible. In fact, it is not uncommon for most wild-caught specimens to die of starvation after being introduced to the aquarium. Bob Fenner wrote an interesting article, posted on Fishchannel.com , about keeping the Moorish Idol, Zanclus cornutus, in captivity. True success stories with this species are few and far between, but those with positive experiences are usually more than willing to talk about them. They are also considerably less expensive. If it is even possible, the specimens still all need to be suitable. Moorish Idol. Moorish Idols die for no apparent reason and it is not food. Common Names : Black and White Butterflyfish, Poor Man's Moorish Idol, Bannerfish, Pennant Coralfish, Wimple fish. Guppies will have fry about once every 28 days, give or take a few. The Moorish Idol, Zanclus cornutus or "Crowned Scythe", is the only member of the family Zanclidae. The smaller the individual, the younger it is, and hence the greater chance you will have success with it. Moorish Idol can grow up to 25 cm what is approximately 9 inches. 2: She has Polish (from her paternal grandmother), Italian (from her maternal grandfather), and English ancestry. The Moorish idols I obtained were, after all, feeding, gaining weight, fitting in, and looking great up until the point of the temperature and nitrite spikes. Others who have tried such foods have reported little to no success. Ultimately, however, there is no justification for failure, just as there is no justification for success. 1 decade ago. Aquarium Care; Moorish Idol (Zanclus cornutus) Moorish Idol. It should be fed several times a day. Bob presents some helpful advice on keeping the fish. pH : 8.2 - 8.4. They are in fact known in the aquarium industry as "The poorman's Moorish Idol." This table details how long the various fish I had been keeping tabs on survived in hobbyist aquariums: Three hundred eighty-two bodies and not one single living individual made it through the time it took me to finish this article, the last having been reported dead as this article was going to press. Shop Calico Critters - Seaside Treasure Set online at Macys.com. Some people replace the moorish idol with the banner fish, because they look rather similar and are more easy to take care of! The Moorish idol, with orange on the jaw and a black tail, is usually found near the seafloor and reef. The banner butterflyfish, with a white jaw and yellow tail, is found higher in the water column, feeding on plankton. They bolt and achieve top speed in the blink of an eye, and can stop on a dime and flit back in the same direction they just came from. house them in an appropriate aquarium system. Skimping on a single item, or taking chances, even on one small point, often results in disastrous consequences. The dorsal spines are elongated backwards into a filament which grows longer as the fish ages and trails behind it as it swims. Some are collecting local sponges—Pacific or Atlantic, temperate or tropical—and offering them with great success. A perennial on the list of favorites for many aquarists, Zanclus cornutus has broken the hearts, minds, and spirits of almost every aquarist who has tried to keep it. It cannot be overstated that one of the most important factors in keeping Moorish idols successfully is the size of the aquarium in which they are housed. The Z. cornutus specimens I obtained were two of the initial entries into my newly set-up 450-gallon tank, and they did not fare well at all. Live rock with large amounts of coralline algae and sponge growth are often required to stimulate the Moorish idol’s appetite in the home aquarium. It’s a very small part, however, and providing a naturally renewable food source within the tank is impossible. While these achievements almost always eventually resulted in failure, at least longer lengths of time elapsed before those failures occurred. They have an easy care rating and will likely survive even in the hands of an inexperienced aquarist. But no matter what is done, with our current understanding, the chance of failure is almost certain. Never purchase a Moorish idol that is not already feeding. Increase your chances of success with Moorish idols by adhering to the following: Purchase specimens that were collected in Hawaii or Mexico. It is my sincerest hope that you will not. Moorish Idol Common Name: Zanclidae Family: 78.0 - 80.0 F 25.6 - 26.7 C Temperature: dKN 8.00 - 12.00 Alkalinity: 8.10 - 8.40 pH Range: sg 1.021 - 1.023 Specific Gravity: 125 gallons 570 litres Minimum Tank Size: Expert only Care Level: Peaceful Temperament: Caution Reef Compatible: n/a Lighting: n/a Placement: n/a Waterflow: The Moorish Idol. Co-founder / singer / keyboardist for the pop / alternative rock band Moorish Idol. So the first hurdle is in finding more than one specimen at the same time. Here we present one of the most difficult species of fish to keep and raise in captivity. Source(s): https://shrinke.im/a9Pku. So I thought that, while I certainly couldn’t stop kicking myself for making a stupid mistake, I could move on and try to learn from that mistake. There is no real evidence to indicate that macroalgae are a viable nutritional substitute for sponge. Perhaps, as conscientious aquarists, we should close our eyes now and imagine the body count playing in this horrible end scene. Bob Fenner wrote an interesting article, posted on Fishchannel.com , about keeping the Moorish Idol, Zanclus cornutus, in captivity. Give them optimal water conditions and please, don't even think about adding them to anything but an established tank after the recommended quarantine period. The more it eats, the more likely you will be to get it to live long enough to subsist on a wide variety of offered foods, and the more time you buy until you can offer it sponge as a primary diet. The family that this marine fish species belongs to is called the Moorish Idol family. It eats sponges, tunicates and other benthic invertebrates in the wild, which explains why aquarists have an impossible time getting them to eat in captivity. Lane leveraged the sea turtles along the East Australian Current to add yet another costuming dimension in what he considers a rockin' fun number. It would be safe to say that, when it comes to behavior and competition, the Moorish idol should be one of the first species added to any aquarium. pH : 8.1 - 8.4. In its natural habitat it is usually found in groups of 2-3 and so if you have one, it is probably best to get another. In this scenario the aquarium, filtration and every aspect was totally tailored to keeping Moorish idols. The mouth has a yellow saddle across the top and bristle shaped teeth. The Moorish Idol, Zanclus cornutus, is a member of the Moorish Idol or Zanclidae Family, and is known in Mexico as ídolo moro. PERIOD! It should be fed several times a day. However, in the absence of naturally available food types, they have been known to pick at corals and clams. We've spotted them all over the place from Pittwater to Randwick and even in the Harbour. It is found on a limited basis in Mexican waters of both the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. I would greatly appreciate your input. Moorish Idols do not prefer to be kept in pairs. Feeding coral foods such as Oyster Feast and Microvore can significantly increase growth & color. Carbonate Hardness (dKH) : 8 - 12° The fish is often confused, being mistaken for Moorish Idol because of their close resemblance in terms of appearance but unlike the latter; Heniochus is much easier to take care of and they thrive naturally under artificial saltwater tank environment, acclimatizing to wide range of conditions. They are in fact known in the aquarium industry as "The poorman's Moorish Idol." Almost none of the thousands of Moorish Idols collected live longer then three years, must under 3 months. A barely acceptable minimum would be a tank approaching 200 gallons in volume—the absolute minimum for … It’s a harsh reality. Please keep that equation in mind when you see a tank full of Moorish idols on display. Tips to take care of Moorish idol. Avoid newly arrived specimens. house them in an appropriate aquarium system. It would be better if it was feeding with gusto, but this would be an extremely rare individual. In the ocean they graze on marine algae and sponges. Top Care Facts For The Moorish Idol (Zanclus cornutus) Care Level: Expert Temperament: Peaceful Diet: Omnivore Origin: Hawaii Minimum Tank Size: 125+ provide a varied, nutritious diet. Contributed by Steven Alo I have kept my Moorish Idol for a year and a half. Mashing gelatin-based frozen foods into rocks or clam shells is another trick that sometimes works. If you want to survive in perfect condition for many years. Washed-out coloration is a common occurrence if the store keeps the specific gravity of the display tank a bit on the low side, or if they maintain treatment levels of medications, especially copper. May keep a small school of multiples in larger tanks. Any individual that does not appear to be perfect should be automatically disqualified from purchase. If a quarantine tank that suits the Moorish idol’s long-term care is not available, then it may be better to forego quarantine. Moorish Idol for sale 4Less! Live rock with large amounts of algae and sponges on which it can feed will help it acclimate. They look a little out of place here, especially as we are used to seeing them in tropical aquarium tanks. Care Level : Easy. Problem with Moorish Idols is that they stress easily & once very stressed, will stop eating. Very similar to the Moorish Idol, this fish is sometimes known as the Budget Moorish Idol as they are cheaper, but also survive drastically better in captivity. Avoid keeping them with overly aggressive species. Common Names : Moorish Idol. Wait several days after the Moorish idols have arrived before evaluating them for purchase. The Moorish Idol is a very difficult fish to feed. Are you ready for the total body count, one I have been tallying for the nearly three years it took to conceive, plan, and write this article? Fins of Moorish Idol: These species have dorsal fins that are long and white. Moorish idol, (Zanclus cornutus), deep-bodied tropical and subtropical reef fish, commonly placed alone in the family Zanclidae (order Perciformes).The Moorish idol is a striking-looking fish—thin, deeper than it is long, and with a protruding, beaklike mouth and a dorsal fin greatly extended in front. Length of Moorish Idol: The size of these species is about 9 inches in length. Breeding : Very difficult to keep, let alone breed in captivity. Most adult specimens do not adjust well to life in captivity and can often ignore the foods offered. Other than normal healthy appearance issues—the fish should not be emaciated, not have any bodily damage, and should not show any symptoms of any disease—it can be tricky to identify an individual that is acceptable. This species is infamous for being generally destructive to substrate and anchored aquarium species. Due to it's extreme social need, it is best to keep a mated pair in one aquarium. They will swim sideways across a sandbed at almost full speed to evade pursuit or look for morsels. Once again, the evidence indicates that simply acquiring this species is virtually a guarantee of failure. comm., Tepoot, 2006) no better than a one-in-seven success ratio with this species. Having copious amounts of live rock in your tank will provide grazing opportunities in between meals. Unfortunately even those commercial diets that contain sponge matter, like those for angelfish, list their primary ingredients as being crustacean or mollusk based, and/or vegetable based. provide a varied, nutritious diet. The Moorish Idol is the sole global member of the genus Zanclus and the sole global member of the Zanclidae Family. I have followed them and they live in mated pairs and the male leads the female to food which is sponge. Fish is not shy and panic, it must swim naturally and agilely. Some fin damage is usually inevitable, especially to the dorsal streamer, and it is usually not problematic. Make no mistake, this article is not intended to be a guide as to how to obtain and keep Moorish idols successfully. Based on the amount of abuse this second fish initially took, I would not recommend introducing a second Moorish idol into a tank. Weight of Moorish Idol: The weight of these species varies from 1.5 – 3 lbs. It should. Successfully keeping a Moorish idol requires planning, everything from before the fish is purchased on up to its captive environment must be accounted for. It’s a simple setup. Moorish idols kept this way will color down fairly rapidly, and the longer the fish are kept under these conditions, the less likely they are to thrive. The following information is for those who already have a Moorish idol, and to give a fighting—if feeble—chance to any specimens acquired despite these warnings. Problem with Moorish Idols is that they stress easily & once very stressed, will stop eating. A tank of 150 gallons is recommended, although you can try a 100-gallon tank. A barely acceptable minimum would be a tank approaching 200 gallons in volume—the absolute minimum for keeping post-larval juveniles. Due to it's extreme social need, it is best to keep a mated pair in one aquarium. They are true beauties though and if you consider yourself an expert in marine aquarium keeping you may want to try this elegant and delicate fish. The greatest difficulty in keeping them is getting them to eat. Regarded by many as one of the most difficult acanthurids, this fish did beautifully until a two-day power outage claimed it, along with half of the other fish in the tank. Moorish Idols are definitely an expert only fish. I feed New Life Spectrum pellet foods. The importance of the stability of the environment cannot be overstated. Fish Disease : Saltwater Fish Disease - Diagnose, Symptoms and Treatment. Dead spots within the aquarium can lead to detritus accumulation in small areas where any detritivorous organisms cannot keep up. Mars Hill. Care Level : Very Difficult. Of course, these objectives are important to successfully keep just about any aquatic animal; they are absolutely critical to successfully keep the Moorish idol. Every year a few solitary Moorish Idols turn up in Sydney. This article was over two years in the writing; I was gathering data and constantly researching anecdotal reports from hundreds of individual Moorish-idol keepers. Weight of Moorish Idol: The weight of these species varies from 1.5 – 3 lbs. The Moorish idol is a beautiful fish that tempts many aquarists to try keeping it in home aquariums, but as the author demonstrates, it’s still an impossible task. Based on the experience of the mere handful of aquarists who have kept specimens alive for more than a few months, chances are that any who try to keep Moorish idols will fail—even if the procedures herein are properly carried out. One of the most challenging aspects of raising Moorish idols in the aquarium is their difficult feeding habits. Blackworms are also a very nutritional food and should be fed to marine fish regularly. This species is infamous for being generally destructive to substrate and anchored aquarium species. It cannot be overstated that one of the most important factors in keeping Moorish idols successfully is the size of the aquarium in which they are housed. Diet / Foods : This is the most difficult aspect of keeping this fish. The aquarist cannot test the stability of the system by allowing it to run fallow of fish for a year or more. ©2020 TFH Magazine, a Central Garden & Pet Company. They are frequently found schooling along the reef and provided that you have a large enough tank, you may be able to keep multiples in your saltwater aquarium. However, that came months later. What is usually described is a fish that feeds fairly well on a particular diet (usually herbivore based), regains some weight, keeps that weight on for a fairly long period of time, then starts to slowly waste away. (If you plan to collect sponges or any other marine life, of course, make sure you know and follow all local laws and regulations.) Two years ago, I approached this species with bright eyes, full of wonder and hope. Have different colors of nori; purple or green, on hand and feed both, your idol is a picky fish and may only eat one and not the other. The Moorish Idol is colored with white, yellow and black vertical body markings. First of all, we must bear in mind that it is an indefatigable swimmer who, in nature, travels through large areas of rock and coral to search for food. Before that unfortunate power outage, I was observing some very difficult species doing exceptionally well in this tank. They have an easy care rating and will likely survive even in the hands of an inexperienced aquarist. Fins will also rip and tear, regardless of display tank size or other species housed within it. Acanthurids are also competitors and can be quite pugnacious as well. Bob presents some helpful advice on keeping the fish. While it is the main intent of this article to discourage the acquisition of Moorish idols, it is also to acknowledge that there will always be a market for the species, and that reference material for their care is sorely lacking. The initial “success” stories are very misleading, however. And here we conclude, exactly where we began, just like the wrap-up scene in a crime drama, with a pile of bodies. Good choices for introduction prior to the Moorish idols would be planktivores like Chromis spp., carnivorous grazers such as wrasses, and cave-dwellers such as more peaceful dottybacks. In this respect, these fish can be deemed reef safe. I blamed the power failure for their deaths, but what I did not consider was that there were many fish that did survive the outage, and they continue to thrive even to this day. I would greatly appreciate your input. Other competing species are generally not as much of a concern. The structure itself should be very open, allowing plenty of room for a full-grown Moorish idol to easily swim through in several places. Don't cut any corners with your Moorish Idol and be sure to take your time while acclimating them to your reef tank. In my home, eight bodies lined up, and in countless other homes many, many more…bodies upon bodies.... After reading this, knowing that the strict keeping conditions contained herein were still met with failure eight times and met with success zero times, will you still purchase that Moorish idol? 2. Another good reason to use the quarantine tank when you first get them is to get them eating without any competition. It is hard to believe just how much room these fish actually require. keep them with compatible tankmates. See the full article on TFH Digital http://www.tfhdigital.com/tfh/200801/#pg113. Pablo Tepoot is, perhaps, the single individual who has had the most success with this species, and even he reports (pers. The Moorish Idol, Zanclus Cornutus, The Moorish Idol stands out in contrasting bands of black, white and yellow, and an elegant filamentous dorsal, that if damaged, can grow back quite quickly and easily. Temperature : 75°F - 82°F (25°C - 28°C) Specific Gravity : 1.020 - 1.025. Procuring substitute foods that contain at least some sponge matter is only a small portion of the problem, however. I chose eight specimens, but I turned away eighteen other individuals. Before selecting specimens the aquarist should know that Moorish idols are most commonly found in pairs, although they will school naturally. A diet composed of a large amount of sponge matter would be ideal. In Tahiti they practically live on a lime green sticky sponge. This also holds true for quarantining specimens. My secondary inquiries indicate that the actual success rate was much, much lower, probably less than 10 percent beyond the first year. When the fish have already been obtained (or in very rare instances, when they are acquired by an expert attempting to uncover the secrets to successfully keeping them), this article can serve as a concise and compiled reference to which the aquarist can refer. Idols will grow to approximately 9 inches in length. Having plenty of live rock for them to graze on may help. They also result in the Moorish idols developing ulcerations, which may develop anywhere on the body, looking like chunks of flesh have fallen or been removed from the fish. The Heartbreakers | Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine. They will require plenty of wide open space to swim in. Also, a very high flow rate will aid in oxygenation of the water, and those who have had any success with the species have reported that highly oxygenated water is a must. nigriventris... the peaceful ones.. sand i dont have any exp with sand..... i want to know where i can get very soft sand cuz my lfs sells them buts its very $$$$ and the sand is kinda rought,,,, i want to know where else i can get it It is found on a limited basis in Mexican waters of both the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. If they have a dozen on display, it is likely that 72 or more other specimens died. There are many commonalities in the practices of those who have had success (however temporary), and it is these practices that the aquarist who has already purchased a Moorish idol should focus on. The most recent article I can find is Bob Fenner advising keeping moorish idols as a pair. Moorish idols do not transport well, and each acclimation that is done before they reach their final home seems to take more out of them. It should be fed several times a day. ... it will be an attempt at assuring a success in MI captivity care. But hopefully, most will not even attempt to keep this species at all. It’s ultimately a trust that is brought into existence with your signature. I thought about it for quite some time and came to the conclusion that, although Moorish idols were a risk, if I waited for stability to be achieved, I was one of very few people who did have the tools necessary for success. Some of the key differences are research, resources, and willingness to do what is required to succeed. Tepoot: This new tank has had the fish for about 20 months [at the time of our interview]. Moorish Idols are one of those quintessential iconic reef fish – they are so popular that the more common and easier to keep Heniochus are sometimes called the ‘Poor Man’s Moorish Idol. The size of the specimen also seems to play a pretty big role in success or failure. A tough yet regal moorish idol and an excitable blowfish are just a few of the creatures Lane replicates inside the aquarium in a style all his own. Tank Parameters. I've had Tiki for one year now & he is fat and happy. The Moorish Idol, Zanclus Cornutus, The Moorish Idol stands out in contrasting bands of black, white and yellow, and an elegant filamentous dorsal, that if damaged, can grow back quite quickly and easily. Sadly, however, most people are not very willing to share the particulars of their failures. Try to give them a variety of live marine foods. The body of moorish idols is circular in shape and very narrow in width. In nature its diet consists of reef invertebrates, coraline algae and sponges. Then offer a varied diet of finely chopped meaty items, mysid shrimp, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, Spirulina, and algae. Beginning a story at its conclusion is usually reserved for television crime dramas or Hollywood thrillers. The fish is often confused, being mistaken for Moorish Idol because of their close resemblance in terms of appearance but unlike the latter; Heniochus is much easier to take care of and they thrive naturally under artificial saltwater tank environment, acclimatizing to wide range of conditions. The total flow rate should not be less than 20 times the tank volume per hour. Moorish Idols do not prefer to be kept in pairs. With almost 30 years of experience in this hobby, I did no better than would a beginner aquarist. Moorish idols are not wallflowers at all; they can hold their own against most other species, including (as I’ve seen evidence of) already established, belligerent acanthurids. The Moorish idol Zanclus cornutus, or in some references Z. canescens, is still to be considered a species heartbreakingly impossible to keep, even after all of the advances in marine fishkeeping in the last three decades. We give the Moorish Idol a Care Rating Level. What brought me to the assumption that this early introduction was probably just a stupid mistake was the next acquisition I made for the tank some two months later, a powder blue tang Acanthurus leucosternon. Full speed to evade pursuit or look for morsels intended to be in getting the fish that they stress &. Ocean they graze on may help Idol that is not uncommon for most wild-caught specimens die! Sandbed at almost full speed to evade pursuit or look for morsels coralfish, Wimple fish moorish idol care your chances success. Industry as `` the poorman 's Moorish Idol: these species have dorsal fins that are and! 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