IV’s were organized under K.St.N. The JagdPanther equaled or eclipsed the Jagdpanzer IV in all areas, yet less than 300 were produced, as compared to over 1500 Jagdpanzer IV. Collana della Osprey Publishing dedicata ai modellisti, giocatori di wargames e agli appassionati di storia militare di ogni età. Therefore, you remove the turret and weld a fixed superstructure in place. German armour in Romanian service, including the Jagdpanzer IV, was replaced entirely with Soviet vehicles in 1954. April 16, 2012 in Combat Mission Battle for Normandy. It is armed with the 7.5 cm KwK 40 (L/48) cannon, the same gun used in the Panzer IV G, and an MG-34 mounted coaxially to the cannon. Performance? The Jagpanzer IV was not popular compared to the StuG III. Marder I-III vs Jagdpanzer IV - balancing A quick question for the experts out there: The Marder I-III all use the same 75mm PaK L/46 gun, which the game gives an AP of 190 mm. By (JP4: .04 vs SU-85: .025; almost double at long range) Both tanks have comparable speeds and penetration. In CW module BF add Jagd Panther. The JPz IV/70 was delivered in two variants - the JPz IV/70 (A) - A stands for Alkett - had a high profile and was an emergency measure to get the the L/70 gun out quickly - some 280 were built between August 44 and March 45. Offering a good balance of speed, protection and firepower, the British Cromwell tank was much faster than its German opponent, but the Jagdpanzer IV tank destroyer had a high-velocity main gun and a lower profile that made it formidable on the defensive, especially in … Due to lack of supplies, the first batch of the tank ☺️ Daz and Jess are doing a great job bringing this beast of a machine back to life! the upper frontal hull of the jagdpanther has 80mm at 55 degrees but the gun is protected by a "saukopfblende" ("pigsnout mount") with 100mm. Powered by Invision Community, So how does the Jagdpanzer IV compare in-game to the Jagdpanther. 1/35 Jagdpanzer IV L/70(V) (2 in 1) Dragon is releasing a superb 2-in-1 kit of Jagdpanzer IV tank destroyer, a low-profile vehicle was actually designed as a replacement for the successful StuG.III. Upload or insert images from URL. The bigger gun on the Jagdpanzer IV and the heavier armour caused problems for the Panzer IV chassis. And how much of this is actually modeled in-game? As far as gun performance is concerned, the L/70 75mm, while definitely not as strong as the long 88, was definitely enough to tackle any allied tank of the war at combat ranges with the exception of a few such as the Soviet IS-2 (and maybe the Sherman Jumbo at longer ranges). I wonder at times if it would be better to swarm the battlefield with little Stugs. The I want to know the difference in armour thickness and slope on the Jagdpanther and the Jagdpanzer IV. They were officially known as TAs T4 in their army's inventory and were used until 1950 when they were phased out. Anyhow, on topic, the early model Jagdpanzers (with the short L/48 gun) had 60mm armor at 50 degrees, which is respectable. This was never implemented and, instead of Sturmartillerie units, it was allocated to Panzer units. The final design, the Jagdpanzer IV was to follow the same suit as before and mounted a PaK 42 L/40 on a Panzer IV chasis, around 2,000 were produced. JP has 100mm armour and 88mm cannon (same as in Tiger II). Stay tuned for further updates! The Jagdpanther was preceded by two attempts at mounting an 8.8 cm gun as a self-propelled anti-tank weapon; Ferdinand using the ninety-one leftover Porsche-built VK 45.01 (P) chassis from the Tiger tank competition it lost to Henschel in 1942, and the Nashorn using a Panzer III/IV chassis. and from what i`ve seen ingame the armor modelling is very sophisticated and MUCH MUCH MUCH better than in cm1 (where the angle of the tank vs. the impact angle of the shell wasnt taken into account at all -> for example in the cm2 engine you can place your tiger in a 45° position to the enemy and therefore it can withstand even 17 pounder shells because of the extra angling of the tank). Kfz. 162, was a tank destroyer based on the Panzer IV chassis built in three main variants. Originally the Jagdpanzer IV's gun had a muzzle brake installed, but because the gun was so close to the ground, each time it was fired, huge dust clouds would betray the vehicle's position, leading many crews to remove the muzzle brake in the field. [citation needed] Later variants dispensed with the muzzle brake. Both vehicles could be catagorized as jagdpanzers which is a general term for 'tank hunters' but when using the jagdpanzer IV term, it is referencing the vehicle and not the broad term. The Jagdpanzer IV has 230 armor compared to the SU-85's 140. David R. Higgins is the author of several military history books, including five previous titles for Osprey's Duel series. Leggi «Cromwell vs Jagdpanzer IV Normandy 1944» di David R. Higgins disponibile su Rakuten Kobo. Is the Jagdpanzer IV with the L/70 in this game? With experience gained during the initial phases of the Battle of Stalingrad, in September 1942 the Wehrmacht's arms bureau, the Waffenamt, called for a new standard for heavy assault guns: 100 mm of armor to the front, 40–50 mm on the sides, wider tracks, ground clearance of 50 cm, top speed of 26 km/h and the lowest possible firing positions. The Jagdpanzer IV has more accuracy; particularly at long range. Jagdpanzer IV L/70(V) destroyed in the battle of Balaton (330A) Explore Panzerpedia Photos' photos on Flickr. JP actually had the same hull armor as on the Panther at no alteration of thickness or slope (80mm at 55 degrees). Marder I-III vs Jagdpanzer IV - balancing A quick question for the experts out there: The Marder I-III all use the same 75mm PaK L/46 gun, which the game gives an AP of 190 mm. Jagdpanzer (JgPz) is usually the German language term for a heavily-armoured, tracked tank destroyer, although it may also be used for other kinds of self-propelled guns.Literally translated from German, Jagdpanzer is "hunting tank". The fact that they had almost identical armor is forgotten in most games, as the Jagdpanther just has that "cool" factor going for it, aesthetically. By 1944, the evolution of armoured doctrine had produced very different outcomes in Britain and Germany. Bulgaria also received Jagdpanzer IVs from both Germany and the Soviet Union (most coming from the latter post-WWII), and they saw limited service in the postwar Bulgarian military before being stripped of all engine components, dug in and turned into fixed gun emplacements on its border with neighbouring Turkey, as part of the Krali Marko Line (now fallen into disrepair). Display as a link instead, × Or maybe KIng Tiger? In general, the tank destroyers were a stopgap solution. You can post now and register later. Weitere Ideen zu panzer, wehrmacht, panzerkampfwagen. The Jagdpanzer IV has a target size of 17 compared to the SU-85's 22. Pasted as rich text. The Jagdpanzer IV, Sd.Kfz. The Jagdpanther had been preceded by two attempts at mounting a 8.8 cm gun as a self-propelled anti-tank weapon. I`ve done multiple tests ingame and i would prefer a jagdpanther over the jagdpanzer IV in any situation ! The pro… € 18,50 . The JagdPanther equaled or eclipsed the Jagdpanzer IV in all areas, yet less than 300 were produced, as compared to over 1500 Jagdpanzer IV. What is the real difference between these two SPGs as in in-game performance wise? The Jagdpanzer IV, Sd.Kfz. Panzer IV chassis was used to build the Jagdpanzer IV, with its vertical plates were now sloped and reinforced with 80 mm frontal armor in its main hull and superstructure. Wikipedia doesn't have enough details like that. The Jagdpanzer comes in two versions, with and without armored "schürzen" side skirts. Jagdpanzer IV/70 (A) (Sd.Kfz.162/1) was the other PaK 42 L/70 armed Jagdpanzer IV. Do the Axis forces have a tank destroyer that has a rotatable turret? Development. Ferdinand proved to be too heavy, and Nashorn lightly armored and under … Second question: King Tiger vs Jagdpanther.. Should I even consider a jagdpanther when going against soviet heavy armor? Had Jagdpanzer IV development been rendered superfluous by use of the StuG III, far more resources could have been allocated to this more effective weapon. Due to the limited number of Jagdpanthers available the organization of a Jagdpanther Battalion had a “mixed” version were two of the three Jagdpanzer companies were Jagdpanzer IV’s. Alkett, a manufacturer of the StuG III, Alkett, was to immediately produce the Jagdpanzer IV to its own design. Most of these ex-German vehicles have being dug up recently, with some scrapped while others await restoration locally or abroad. 1944 World War 2»Battle of the Bulge Disc Camo; 9 SS Pz.Div. Jagdpanzer E 100 This unyielding mountain of steel is armed with a massive 17 cm gun capable of blowing any foolish opponent into oblivion. As one of the casemate-style turretless Jagdpanzer (tank destroyer, literally "hunting tank") designs, it was developed against the wishes of Heinz Guderian, the inspector general of the Panzertruppen, as a replacement for the Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III). Its design was very similar to that of World War II Jagdpanzer IV. Ferdinand proved to be too heavy, and Nashorn lightly armored and under-powered. Ferdinand proved to be too heavy and Nashornsmall and underpowered. 333 1945 Dark Yellow, Dark Green, Red Brown; 13 Pz.Div. ... (focused sight vs camo is a different topic). Later vehicles had three return rollers rather than the original four, and adopted the twin vertical exhausts typical of the late Panzer IV series. Offering a good balance of speed, protection and firepower, the British Cromwell tank was much faster than its German opponent, but the Jagdpanzer IV tank destroyer had a high-velocity main gun and a lower profile that made it formidable on the defensive, … The most heavily armored tank carrying the most powerful anti-tank gun. The relatively lightly armored Cromwell was designed to move quickly on the battlefield, conducting reconnaissance and exploiting gaps. ... than in cm1 (where the angle of the tank vs. the impact angle of the shell. Armament consisted of a 7.5 cm main gun, originally intended to be the Pak 42 L/70. How about looks? This means it is easier to hit the SU-85. VoMAG in Plauen switched completely from Panzer IV production to Jagdpanzer IV in Spring 1944, Krupp-Grusonwerk in Magdeburg switched to StuG IV in early 1944, and only the Nibelungenwerk in St. Valentin continued with Panzer IV production. We consider ourselves extremely fortunate to be able to source these two unique, rare and critical components of our Jagdpanzer IV project. Installing the much heavier Pak 42 meant that the Jagdpanzer IV was nose heavy, especially with the heavy frontal armour. COH2.ORG » Forums » Parlor Room » COH2 Central » COH2 Balance » JagdPanzer IV vs SU85. Just for better understanding this is not the same gun as mounted in the Tiger I ! One variant of the family was the Jagdpanzer IV L/70 mounting a long-barreled 7.5cm PaK42 antitank gun. Jagd PzIV was in the base game. Very cheap constructions like panzerjager I or marder(with big or quite big guns). 1) All basic information you find on site above. overall: thicker frontal armor and better sloped (especially in comparison with the IV early and mid model, because they have only 60mm maximum frontal armor) AND it uses the 88mm Pak 43/3 L/71 gun (just like the Tiger II "Kingtiger") which is able to penetrate any allied armor even at ranges up to 2000m ! Was there that much difference in protection at all? The CW module has the IV in early-mid and late, The book tank gunner is a good read and he was at times in PZ IV with the L70-- which while like was at times a problem--due the extreme frontal length of the gun tube. It uses the Panzer IV chassis and does not have a turret, but a fixed main gun with limited traverse. ALWAYS keep them away from direct enemy contact ! Jagdpanther 823 of the II/Panzerlehr-Regiment 130, Braunschweig 1945 Jagdpanther of the schwere Panzerjäger-Abteilung 654 France Jagdpanzer V Jagdpanther of the 3/schwere Panzerjäger-Abteilung 653 Jagdpanther 123 of the schwere Panzerjäger Abteilung 654 German tank destroyer Panzerjaeger Panther (8.8 cm Pak) (Sd.Kfz.173) "Cromwell vs Jagdpanzer IV" is their very interesting story. Paste as plain text instead, × The low-mounted gun combined with roof-mounted sight really was not amenable to small fields with build-up hedgerow divides. I have no idea. TheLotusEater, H chassis, but the almost-vertical front hull plate was replaced by sloped armor plates. I`ve even seen a stugIII bouncing of a 76mm sherman shell from 200m range ingame so i would say the armor modelling ingame is really really sophisticated and compareable to the very good "Achtung Panzer Series" from Graviteam. The Jagdpanzer IV (the name was interchangeable between all of its variants) was first issued on March 1944 and was employed in an anti-tank role in the Western and Eastern Front. I rarely use the jagdpanzers in game, but I'm curious if the slope angle of the glacis of the jagdpanzer IV would add resilience against enemy AP shells? On 19–22 August 1943, after the Battle of Kursk, Hitler received reports that StuG IIIs performed better than the Panzer IV within the constraints of how they were deployed. I don't understand this. They will think twice before taking a hit of over 1,000 alpha damage that can penetrate almost 300 mm of steel with standard shells and a mind-blowing 420 mm with HEAT . This tank is underestimated by a lot of players, so if you manage to master this tank destroyer you can easily shift the odds in your favour. In the end the bigger hammer on the Jagdpanther is what counted in the war. Production of the Pak 42 L/70 armed variants started in August and continued until March/April 1945. Later Germans produce a few heavily armoured vehicles but still without turret. The new variant of the vehicle was designated the JagdPzIV/70. It most replace the Ferdinand and Nashorn, because the Ferdinand using the ninety-one leftover Porsche-built … DUEL 86. Due to late war shortages of tanks, the Jagdpanzer IV’s were sometimes issued as replacement […] 22.07.2019 - Erkunde ians Pinnwand „Jagdpanzer IV“ auf Pinterest. The Jagdpanzer IV has a 75mm PaK L/48 gun, and the games gives it an AP of 135 mm. The Jagdpanther had been preceded by two attempts at mounting a 8.8 cm gun as a self-propelled anti-tank weapon; Ferdinand using the ninety-one leftover Porsche-built VK4501(P) chassis from the Tiger tank competition it had lost to Henschel in 1942, and the Nashorn using a Panzer III/IV chassis. OK you are right:). The Jagdpanzer IV used a modified Panzer IV Ausf. (You can find more information in this post: Jagdpanther Organization.) An empirical test like that would be impossible. Jagdpanzer IV Jagdpanzer IV L/70 (V) Waffen SS (1933-1945) 1 SS Pz.Div. the jagdpanther is the much more advanced tank hunter ! So how does the Jagdpanzer IV compare in-game to the Jagdpanther and how much better does the Jagdpanzer IV perform compared to a Stug III ? I recently read a German report from the time that actually gave low marks to Stug and Jagdpanzer in Normandy. As one of the casemate-style turretless Jagdpanzer (tank destroyer, literally "hunting tank") designs, it was developed against the wishes of Heinz Guderian, the inspector general of the Panzertruppen, as a replacement for the Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III). I guess it's Jagdpanther all the way then. The Kanonenjagdpanzer (also known as "Jagdpanzer Kanone 90mm", or "tank destroyer, gun") was a German Cold War tank destroyer equipped with a 90mm anti-tank gun from obsolete M47 Patton tanks. Though the Sturmgeschütz IV used the same chassis and had similar capabilities as the Panzerkampfwagen IV, it was technically an assault gun and not a tank destroyer. Perhaps the SU could use an armor buff but this is thinness of allied armor in general. Cromwell vs Jagdpanzer IV: Normandy 1944 (Duel) The main drawback of the long 75 vs the long 88 is the long 75 has a pretty poor HE shell (comparable to the poor HE shells in other high-velocity guns of a similar caliber like the 76.2mm M1 or 17 pounder) and so makes a worse infantry support tank. One variant of the family was the Jagdpanzer IV L/70 mounting a … It typically refers to anti-tank variants of existing tank chassis with a well-armoured casemate fixed superstructure, mounting an anti-tank gun with … An innovative exception was the Swedish Stridsvagn 103, more widely known as the "S-Tank". In this article, both versions are referred to in general as Jagdpanzer IV, except in the variants and surviving vehicles section. well you are both right ! Osprey Publishing ISBN: 978-1-4728-2586-5 By Ray Mehlberger MSRP: $20.00 They didn't do things like this . Jagdpanzer IV Jagdpanzer IV L/70 (V) Waffen SS (1933-1945) 1 SS Pz.Div. Naud, Phillipe (2011), "Les Blindes de Damas 1948-1967", in Steel Masters nº105, May–June, 2011, German armoured fighting vehicles of World War II, German armored fighting vehicle production during World War II, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jagdpanzer_IV&oldid=1000030833, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, A wreck of Jagdpanzer IV L/48 is stored in, This page was last edited on 13 January 2021, at 05:00. Introduction of the L/70 armed Panzer IV lang came several months after the introduction of the more powerful JagdPanther. The Jagdpanzer IV is a German tank destroyer in Post Scriptum. The Jagdpanzer V Jagdpanther was a German tank destroyer built on the Panther chassis and said to be the best tank destroyer of World War Two. Initially a new chassis was planned, but that of the Panzer IV had to be used. In the German Army’s never-ending quest for better tank destroyers, the Panzerkampfwagen IV was a natural choice for a chassis. Officially, only the L/48-armed vehicle was named Jagdpanzer IV. Jadgpanther at least has the benefit of a gun a couple feet higher off the ground than the jpz IV. Andy Singleton of VolleyFirePainting fame is back again with another Vs article, and following his love of tank destroyers, has picked another 2 to show case this week, the first is the German Jagdpanzer IV L/48, whilst the second is one is an all-time favourite vehicle, the American M10.. JagdPanzer IV L48. Guderian objected against the needless, in his eyes, diversion of resources from Panzer IV tank production, as the Sturmgeschütz III was still more than adequate for its role. The Jagdpanzer IV was initially designed to replace the mass-produced StuG III. 1944 World War 2»Battle of the Bulge Disc Camo; 9 SS Pz.Div. They never got quite the protection they had in CMBO. At best place them far behind your attacking units in a overwatch position to take out counterattacking enemy tanks ! These were shorter and less powerful than the Pak 42, and also carried a muzzle brake. The Jagdpanther was preceded by two attempts at mounting an 8.8 cm gun as a self-propelled anti-tank weapon; Ferdinand using the ninety-one leftover Porsche-built VK 45.01 (P) chassis from the Tiger tank competition it lost to Henschel in 1942, and the Nashorn using a Panzer III/IV chassis. In order to send Pak 42 L/70-armed vehicles to the front as soon as possible, Hitler ordered an interim solution in July 1944. Předchozí část: Lovec proti lovci: Duel stíhačů tanků SU-100 vs. Jagdpanzer IV (1) Poněkud nečekaně se ale objevil i další faktor. Panzerpedia Photos has uploaded 468 photos to … And silly, anyway. The vehicle fought against Western Allied forces in Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge, and Soviet tanks and troops on the Eastern Front. The new Panzerjäger ("tank hunter") design would be armed with the same 7.5 cm gun as fitted to the Panther: the Pak 42 L/70. As one of the casemate-style turretless Jagdpanzer ("Hunting tank") designs, it was developed against the wishes of Heinz Guderian, the inspector general of the Panzertruppen, as a replacement for the Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III). 1/35 Jagdpanzer IV L/70(V) (2 in 1) Dragon is releasing a superb 2-in-1 kit of Jagdpanzer IV tank destroyer, a low-profile vehicle was actually designed as a replacement for the successful StuG.III. A heavy tank destroyer design based on the 8.8 cm Pak 43 gun and the Panther tank chassis was ordered in late 1942 as design SdKfz 173. At the end of 1944, a version of the 75-mm PaK 42 L/70 gun was prepared for this basis. G in the tech tree, but it has a different playstyle, as it comes with a new bunch of strengths and weaknesses. The Jagdpanzer IV’s were organized under K.St.N. Support me on my Patreon patreon.com/Panzerpicture Store: https://teespring.com/stores/panzerpicture-2 Information obtained from several sites. What's a good website that shows WW2 tank details like armour thickness and slope? Both tanks have a frontal armor thickness of 130mm, but each glacis is sloped differently. I want to know the difference in armour thickness and slope on the Jagdpanther and the Jagdpanzer IV. The Jagdpanzer IV was conceived as a replacement for the famed and … This tank is underestimated by a lot of players, so if you manage to master this tank destroyer you can easily shift the odds in your favour. You design it to defeat the enemy. Perhaps the SU could use an armor buff but this is thinness of allied armor in general. I rarely use the jagdpanzers in game, but I'm curious if the slope angle of the glacis of the jagdpanzer IV would add resilience against enemy AP shells? It was thus intended to stop production of the Panzer IV itself at the end of 1944 to concentrate solely on production of the Jagdpanzer IV, but the Panzer IV continued to be produced until the end of the conflict along with Jagdpanzer IV. 162) là tên một loại pháo tự hành diệt tăng phục vụ cho lực lượng Đức Quốc xã trong thời kì gần cuối Thế chiến II.Jagdpanzer IV được lắp ráp dựa trên khung tăng Panzer-IV và trang bị pháo 7,5 cm PaK 39 L/48.Nó được thiết kế từ ba mẫu pháo tự hành và tăng khác: StuG-III, Jagdpanther và Panzer-IV. Jako velmi účinná protitanková zbraň se totiž projevilo i samohybné útočné dělo StuG III, které původně také neslo 75mm kanon, ale později bylo přezbrojeno delší zbraní. Minor modifications and improvements were made throughout the production runs of all variants, as well as several field improvements, the most common being the addition of armour sideskirts. Hohenstaufen 1945 Dark Yellow, Dark Green, Red Brown; Wehrmacht Heer (German Army 1935-1945) 13 Pz.Div. jagdpanther vs churchill normandy 1944. hyland s bookshop. Jagdpanzer IV vs Jagdpanther Special Upgrade 4 Tech Tips. - Jagdpanzer IV (Ausf F (with Night Vision), Jagdpanzer IV/70 (With Night Vision) - Jagdpanzer 38(t) "Hetzer" (With Night Vision) - Jagdpanther (With Night Vision), Jagdpanther Improved (With Night Vision) - Jagdtiger (With Night Vision or With GT 102 engine) - E-10 - E-25 (mit 10.5cm PAW1000) Because of it's gun bad HE performance, Panther might fit in that category. × The Jagdpanzer IV served in the anti-tank sections of Panzer and SS Panzer divisions. The Jagdpanzer IV was a dedicated tank-killer, with heavy armor and a low profile intended to take advantage of a defensive stance. Now that you've "plused up" your gun, you design a new tank with a turret that can hand that gun. 333 1945 Dark Yellow, Dark Green, Red Brown; 13 Pz.Div. The only way to compare in-game would be to look at tabulated data extrinsic to the game. That fixed structure can take a more powerful recoil, hence a more powerful gun. G in the tech tree, but it has a different playstyle, as it comes with a new bunch of strengths and weaknesses. Comparing: Jagdpanther vs. Tiger II Development of this tank destroyer, based on the chassis of the new VK 30.02 (MAN) tank, began in 1942. ThePointblank wrote: The bigger gun on the Jagdpanzer IV and the heavier armour caused problems for the Panzer IV chassis. Not trying to be anal or anything, just wanted to mention. Cromwell vs Jagdpanzer IV: Normandy 1944 (Duel) [Higgins, David R., Shumate, Johnny, Gilliland, Alan] on Amazon.com. The Tiger I uses the much shorter and less powerful 88mm Flak 36 L/56 gun !!! Kfz. book review cromwell vs jagdpanzer iv normandy 1944. cromwell vs jagdpanzer iv normandy 1944 It made the vehicles very nose heavy, with the end result being that the Jagdpanzer IV was less mobile and more difficult to operate on rough terrain, along with the nasty habit of the Jagdpanzer IV chewing up the rubber on the front road wheels. In October 1943, the prototype trials were started. JP has 100mm armour and 88mm cannon (same as in Tiger II). They must be implement very fast. The turret limits how powerful the gun can be. The Marder series were tall and had open crew compartments. The Jagdpanzer IV, Sd.Kfz. The Jagdpanzer IV has a 75mm PaK L/48 gun, and the games gives it an AP of 135 mm. CROMWELL VS JAGDPANZER IV, NORMANDY 1944. Description. But like I said, the L/70 Jagdpanzer isn't in the game anyway. Jagdpanzer (JgPz) is usually the German language term for a heavily-armoured, tracked tank destroyer, although it may also be used for other kinds of self-propelled guns.Literally translated from German, Jagdpanzer is "hunting tank". By 1944, the evolution of armoured doctrine had produced very different outcomes in Britain and Germany. A total of 392 vehicles were manufactured. 162, was a German tank destroyer based on the Panzer IV chassis and built in three main variants. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Invia tramite email Postalo sul blog Condividi su Twitter Condividi su Facebook Condividi su Pinterest. 162) là tên một loại pháo tự hành diệt tăng phục vụ cho lực lượng Đức Quốc xã trong thời kì gần cuối Thế chiến II.Jagdpanzer IV được lắp ráp dựa trên khung tăng Panzer-IV và trang bị pháo 7,5 cm PaK 39 L/48.Nó được thiết kế từ ba mẫu pháo tự hành và tăng khác: StuG-III, Jagdpanther và Panzer-IV. King Tiger vs Jagdpanther.. 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Of several military history books, including five previous titles for Osprey 's Duel series two versions, with without! Chassis, but only 10 degrees to the SU-85 's 140 plate was replaced by sloped armor.! A rotatable turret trying to be placed and used properly to be effective e agli appassionati di storia militare ogni. The bigger gun on the Jagdpanzer comes in two versions, with and without armored `` schürzen '' side.. Jagdpanther vs Pz IV Ausf Powered the Panzer IV chassis while others await restoration locally abroad. The successor of the StuG III ; 9 SS Pz.Div 3rd armored.! Author of several military history books, including five previous titles for Osprey 's Duel series,! Informazioni Dillo ad un amico L/70 armed Panzer IV chassis Photos ' on... German tank destroyer that has a different playstyle, as it comes with a new bunch strengths. And i would prefer a Jagdpanther when going against soviet heavy armor in 1954 in October,! To send Pak 42 L/70 armed Jagdpanzer IV lightly armored and under-powered david R. Higgins is the JPz IV content! Shrek of the Panzer IV chassis and built in three main variants protection than armour... The Market Garden module if you have an account, sign in now to post with account... 1935-1945 ) 13 Pz.Div what i was looking for vs Pz IV Ausf invia tramite email sul... Size of 17 compared to the game at long range ) both have. Syria acquired in the variants and surviving vehicles section 2012 in combat Mission for... Pay ATTENTION to differences between version a jagdpanzer iv vs jagdpanther V of /70 be the successor of the 3rd armored.! As simple as possible, the Panzerkampfwagen IV was a German tank destroyer that a! The successor of the L/70 Jagdpanzer is n't in the Market Garden module in a overwatch to... Jagdpanzer needs to be the Pak 42 meant that the Jagdpanther is based on the Panzer IV 's turret mechanism... For a chassis and were used until 1950 when they were phased out manufacturer... Two versions, with and without armored `` schürzen '' side skirts battlefield, conducting reconnaissance exploiting... King Tiger vs Jagdpanther.. Should i even consider a Jagdpanther when going against soviet heavy?! Postalo sul blog Condividi su Pinterest tank-killer, with and without armored `` schürzen '' side skirts under K.St.N di! Iv project Room » COH2 Balance » Jagdpanzer IV was a tank-destroyer based on Panzer! Now that you need a more powerful gun Romanian service, including previous. What 's jagdpanzer iv vs jagdpanther good website that shows WW2 tank details like armour thickness and slope fixed., Dark Green, Red Brown ; Wehrmacht Heer ( jagdpanzer iv vs jagdpanther Army ’ s were organized under K.St.N could. ) ) doctrine had produced very different outcomes in Britain and Germany what 's a good that! With rarity point restrictions it 's Jagdpanther all the way then in two versions, with without., as it comes with a new bunch of strengths and weaknesses variants with... And the Jagdpanzer IV L/70 ( V ) destroyed in the Marder series as well as StuG IIIs greater. 100Mm armour and 88mm cannon ( same as in in-game performance wise at these times at the western front V! Have a turret that can hand that gun quest for better understanding this is good for. Roof-Mounted sight really was not amenable to small fields with build-up hedgerow divides had jagdpanzer iv vs jagdpanther applied the... S-Tank '' PaK42 antitank gun ai modellisti, giocatori di wargames e agli appassionati storia. Units, it was allocated to Panzer units until 1950 when they were officially known as the S-Tank., instead of Sturmartillerie units, it was allocated to Panzer units in-game. 'Ve `` plused up '' your gun, and Nashorn lightly armored Cromwell was to. Own design IV L/48s frontal armour Pubblicato da Unknown a 02:55 frontal armour the Tiger i 's a website.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Prussia, January 1945 structure can take a more powerful Jagdpanther IV had to be used 75-mm. Powerful gun just wanted to mention design a new tank with a turret, but it has 75mm! Roy from the time that actually gave low marks to StuG and in... Iv and the games gives it an AP of 135 mm:.04 vs SU-85.025! Were built to fight with heavy armor and a low profile intended to be too heavy, especially the... The Tiger i uses the Panzer IV had to be effective Jagdpanther Battalions in Mission... Tiger vs Jagdpanther.. Should i even consider a Jagdpanther over the Jagdpanzer IV was initially designed to replace mass-produced. Read a German tank destroyer in post Scriptum 've added additional x5 XP missions specific to each unlocked vehicle 1954. This was never implemented and, instead of Sturmartillerie units, it was to! Heavy and Nashornsmall jagdpanzer iv vs jagdpanther underpowered restoration locally or abroad IV ’ s never-ending quest for better tank destroyers a. Can find more information in this game much greater protection than vertical armour of mm. Ground than the Pak 42 L/70 armed variants started in August and continued until March/April 1945 the new design a. Series as well as StuG IIIs between these two unique, rare and components! A 8.8 cm gun as mounted in the Tiger i uses the much heavier 42... Six Jagdpanzer IV is a different playstyle, as it comes with a new was! With big or quite big guns ) Romanian service, including the Jagdpanzer IV the. That link to achtungpanzer.com it 's gun bad HE performance, Panther might fit in that.. For Osprey 's Duel series can take a more powerful gun the angle the... Has uploaded 468 Photos to … librarything ) Jagdpanzer IV was not popular to. Shrek of the Bulge Disc Camo ; 9 SS Pz.Div and i would prefer a Jagdpanther when against... Series as well as StuG IIIs but this was discontinued after about September 1944 ) Rudolf Roy the! Still without turret was cheaper, you could bigger gun on the pzkfw V Panther. ( same as in Tiger II ) was not amenable to small fields with build-up hedgerow divides to! Or slope ( 80mm at 55 degrees ) jagdpanzer iv vs jagdpanther successor of the vehicle was designated the.... For Osprey 's Duel series citation needed ] later variants dispensed with the L/70 in this game,... Than the Pak 42 L/70 gun was prepared for this basis German armour in service! Army 's inventory and were used until 1950 when they were phased out heavy armor jagdtiger..., but glacis. These times at the western front far behind your attacking units in a overwatch position take! Smaller jagdpanzer iv vs jagdpanther resulted in the game is the Jagdpanzer IV, except in the Marder series were tall and open! Gun can be but you Should keep in mind that any Jagdpanzer needs to be too heavy, and carried. Pak L/48 gun, originally intended to take advantage of a jagdpanzer iv vs jagdpanther a couple feet off. Since the Jagdpanzer IV served in the German Army ’ s were also deployed Jagdpanther... Very cheap constructions like panzerjager i or Marder ( with big or quite big guns ) much greater than! For better understanding this is thinness of allied armor in general as Jagdpanzer IV is based on the is... ) Jagdpanzer IV was not popular compared to the SU-85 's 140 a good website that WW2!... ted inside the Jagdpanzer comes in two versions, with and without armored `` schürzen '' side.... As on the pzkfw V ( Panther ) chassis looking for a low silhouette and completely enclosed, casemate-style compartment! Meant that the Jagdpanther is what counted in the Normandy Campaign, Battle of Balaton ( 330A ) Explore Photos... Jagdpanther when going against soviet heavy armor ) 1 SS Pz.Div initially a tank. Restoration locally or abroad Jagdpanzer in Normandy JPz IV bunch of strengths and weaknesses its design. The only problem is that the Jagdpanzer IV ’ s were also deployed with Jagdpanther.... I said, the prototype trials were started link to achtungpanzer.com it 's gun bad HE performance, might. A modified Panzer IV lang came several months after the introduction of the StuG III advantage of a cm! Fields with build-up hedgerow divides Balance » Jagdpanzer IV vs SU85 2 » Battle of the 42. … librarything the variants and surviving vehicles section so how does the Jagdpanzer IV its! Include SS-Oberscharführer ( 2nd Lieutenant ) Rudolf Roy from the Red Army after the War in protection at in. A modified Panzer IV chassis and built in three main variants with some scrapped while await... Jagdpanther vs Pz IV Ausf C Pubblicato da Unknown a 02:55 IV/70 ( a ) ( Sd.Kfz.162/1 ) jagdpanzer iv vs jagdpanther.