So the information is old or wrong now. For 21 out of 27 journals covered in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) the Impact Factor increased compared to the previous year. Specially, impact factor is changing every year. Even it was correct when updated, it may have been changed now. The subjects include differential equations (ODEs and PDEs), numerical analysis, scientific computing, approximation theory … Impact Factor List 2009 Here is a list of impact factors recorded for a range of psychology journals: 1 Low impact factor group (<1) 2 Middle impact factor group (1-2) 3 High impact factor group (>2) 4 See also American Journal of Psychology 0.29 British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 0.512 Journal of Applied Communication Research 0.741 Journal … In the case of academic evaluation for tenure, it is sometimes inappropriate to use the impact of the source journal to estimate the expected frequency of a recently published article. IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics welcomes author submission of papers concerning any branch of the applied mathematics and their applications in business, industry and other subjects. Again, the Journal Impact Factor should be used with informed peer review. It is frequently used as a proxy for the relative importance of a journal within its field; journals with higher impact … The Journal of Nuclear Energy Science & Power Generation Technology is an academic journal – hosted by OMICS International – a pioneer in open access publishing–and is listed among the top 10 journals on Unbalanced Force. The journal welcomes submissions from the research community where attention will be on the originality and the practical significance of the reported work. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science. In addition to the 2-year Journal Impact, the 3-year Journal Impact can provide further insights and factors into the impact of IAENG International Journal of Applied … ... Journal Impact Factor List 2014 Date: 02nd August, 2014. IAENG was founded by a group of engineers and computer scientists in 1968, originally as a private club network for its founding members. Note that 2019 Journal Impact are reported in 2020; they cannot be calculated until all of the 2019 publications have been processed by the indexing agency. Top Ten Most-Cited Journals (All Fields) Date: 01st February, 2010. Usually, journal information updated by us, journal managers or others. APA Journals Portfolio Highlights. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science RG Journal Impact: 0.37 * *This value is calculated using ResearchGate data and is based on average citation counts from work published in this journal. The impact factor (IF) or journal impact factor (JIF) of an academic journal is a scientometric index that reflects the yearly average number of citations that articles published in the last two years in a given journal received. Verified Index Papers-- 0 Views:8936. Each year research scientists have noticed a rise in the number of … IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics. The impact factor (IF) 2018 of IAENG International Journal of Computer Science is 1.33, which is computed in 2019 as per it's definition.IAENG International Journal of Computer Science IF is increased by a factor of 0.19 and approximate percentage change is 16.67% when compared to preceding year 2017, which shows a rising trend. Psychological Bulletin (20.850 IF) ranks #1 out of 77 journals … So please go to Thomson Reuters to confirm latest value about Journal impact factor. Coatings received a first Impact Factor; Cancers was included in the Science Citation Index Expanded earlier this year and is due to receive an Impact Factor in the 2018 release of the Journal … IAENG International Journal of Computer Science is covered by many abstracting/indexing services including Scopus, Journal Citation Reports ( … The impact factor (IF), also denoted as Journal impact factor … The Journal Impact Factor should be used with informed peer review. Following the release of the 2019 Journal Citation Reports ® (JCR) from Clarivate Analytics, APA is pleased to report that 41% of our journals with an Impact Factor (24 titles) rank in the top 10 of their topic category.. APA Journals highlights in Psychology categories. Later, with the efforts from its members, IAENG membership became open to all the members in the engineering and computer science community.