State plans are OSHA-approved job safety and health programs operated by individual states instead of Federal OSHA. Hunt Valley, MD 21031
Federal OSHA still oversees workplace safety and health of private sector employees in those jurisdictions. Springfield, IL 62704
New Jersey operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering only state and local government workers. Christiansted
State and local government workers are not covered by federal OSHA. Virgin Islands Division of Occupational Safety and Health (VIDOSH)
Albany, NY 12240
Private sector employers and their workers are covered by federal OSHA. Private sector employers and their workers are covered by federal OSHA. See how Washington is educating employers and workers about agricultural COVID-19 requirements. Tel: (651) 284-5050
The procedures are generally similar to Federal OSHA's, but cases are heard by a state review board or equivalent authority. New York operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering only state and local government workers. Twenty-two State Plans (21 states and Puerto Rico) cover both private and state and local government workplaces. : 12,16 Congress established the agency under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act), which President Richard M. Nixon signed into law on December 29, 1970. We’ve given a range because it depends on how you count them, something we’ll explain more for you below. But a few states actually have significantly different standards that apply to their state’s workplaces. Since then, several states have made changes to their marketplace management. Nevada operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering most private sector workers and all state and local government workers. New Jersey Public Employees Occupational Safety and Health (PEOSH)
For a full list of state plans, click here. Some adopt the federal OSHA rules, and some have stricter requirements and stronger penalties. Michigan Occupational Safety & Health Administration (MIOSHA)
Section 18 of the Act permits and encourages states to adopt their own occupational safety and health plans, so long as the state standards and enforcement "are or will be at least as effective in providing safe and healthful employment" as the federal OSH Act. Contact:
121 Executive Center Dr., Suite 230
Some OSHA state plans (Connecticut, Indiana, and Virgin Islands) are exactly like federal OSHA. These State plans are also required to extend their coverage to all State and local government workers, including those in public schools. Fax: (615) 741-3325. Section 18 of the Act permits and encourages states to adopt their own occupational safety and health plans, so long as the state standards and enforcement "are or will be at least as effective in providing safe and healthful employment" as the federal OSH Act. Oklahoma is under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state. Raleigh, NC 27699-1101
Toll-Free (800) 866-4674
Occupational Safety and Health Division
New Mexico Occupational Health & Safety Bureau (OHSB)
How do state plans compare to federal OSHA? This will only apply to a few of you such as contractors doing work in government buildings. •State OSHA exists when a state decides that its workplaces require additional clarification and regulation to ensure employee safety. Fax: (207) 623-7934. Click the state name in the tables below to view a high-level summary of the state plans. Now, employers in state plan states must submit OSHA injury data, too. A first-of-its-kind database is now online, free. St. Croix, Virgin Islands 00820-4245
Wyoming operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering most private sector workers and all state and local government workers. State and local government workers are not covered by federal OSHA. Tel: (317) 232-2693
New Mexico operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering most private sector workers and all state and local government workers. Then your state still uses the Federal OSHA program. State or Federal Requirements? States with an OSHA-Approved State Plan Currently, there are 21 states (and Puerto Rico) that have their own plan which covers both the private sector and state and local government employees. Some events that led to the OSHA law include: The 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire in New York City killed 146 of 500 employees in one of the worst work-related disasters in our country’s history. Some states, decided that to keep up with the changing faces of industry, they would need to create their own safety programs. Now that you know a little bit about why OSHA was created, let’s talk about OSHA’s mission. Connecticut and New York have OSHA-approved state plans for public employee only. Fax: (602) 542-1614. There is a total of 22 states and territories that have OSHA-approved state plans covering private sector and local/state government workers. Indiana operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering most private sector workers and all state and local government workers. In these so-called state-plan states, the program is state-run but jointly funded by the state and the federal government. State and local government workers are not covered by federal OSHA. 10946 Golden West Drive, Suite 160
Vermont operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering most private sector workers and all state and local government workers. Louisiana is under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state. Burke, however, noted that if the state takes over OSHA enforcement, it gets to keep all of the fines it collects for violations. In these state-plan states, the program is governed by the state but collectively financed by the state and the federal government. Virgin Islands operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering only state and local government workers. See how MIOSHA’s new Ambassador Program educates Michigan businesses on workplace safety guidelines. Building 12, Room 158
Maryland operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering most private sector workers and all state and local government workers. They are provided as guides to help you develop, implement and maintain your own plans. 08 Steps to Confidently Navigate OSHA Safety Requirements, The Best Gifts for Construction Workers on Amazon 2020. Montpelier, VT 05601-0488
However, in most states covered by federal OSHA, public employees are not covered by OSHA. Contact:
American Samoa is under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state. See how New York is reducing the spread of COVID-19. Fax: (217) 785-8776. The OSH Act encourages states to develop and operate their own job safety and health plans and precludes state enforcement of OSHA standards unless the state has an approved plan. 3360 West Sahara Avenue, Suite 200
Fax: (502) 696-1902. State Plans are OSHA-approved workplace safety and health programs operated by individual states or U.S. territories. In addition to ensuring federal OSHA compliance, employers must follow various states have their own reporting requirements. By Avi Meyerstein on May 15, 2018. 5 min read 2 Comments, Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases and more …. 600 East Main Street, Suite 207
Columbia, SC 29211-1329. In addition to the regional offices, many states have their own OSHA equivalents called OSHA-approved State Plans, or just “state OSHA.” Every state OSHA’s requirements are at least as stringent as federal OSHA’s—and often more so, with additional rules pertaining to the state’s legislative priorities and environmental realities. State OSHA Organizations With the OSH Act of 1970, each of the fifty United States is encouraged to have its own job safety and health programs. "The procedures are generally similar to OSHA's, but cases are heard by a state review board or equivalent authority," according to OSHA. West Virginia is under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state. Workplace Safety and Health Division
Of the 28 OSHA-approved state plans, several have taken varying positions on COVID-19 case management, resulting in distinct reporting requirements, notably in California, New Mexico and Virginia. Georgia is under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state. State and local government workers are not covered by federal OSHA. Texas is under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state. Fax: (410) 527-4481. Tel: (340) 773-1994. Tel: (503) 378-3272
Delaware is under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state. Examples of Workers who are covered by OSHA: - Adrian Smith, one of 3 employees of ABC Landscaping - Rob Jones, one of 10 carpenters working for Woody, Inc. - Public employees in state and local governments, although some states have their own plans that cover these workers. Tel: (502) 564-3070
public employees in state and local governments, although some states have their own plans that cover these workers; OSHA’s Mission . Fax: (787) 767-6051. For the applicable ones, make sure your written plans meet all the OSHA-required elements specified in the regulations. Contact:
Luckily, this step is pretty straight-forward. 1251 Muldoon Road, Suite 109
State plans must be at least as effective as federal OSHA, but some states, such … November 06, 2020 Alaska operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering most private sector workers and all state and local government workers. Maryland Occupational Safety and Health (MOSH)
Wethersfield, CT 06109
If your business is based in one of these states, or you will be conducting business in one of them, you'll want to familiarize yourself with the requirements. 7 min read, October 15, 2020 Richmond, VA 23219
830 Punchbowl Street, Suite 425
Kansas is under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state. To find which law controls your state, check out this chart showing state-approved OSHA plans. Private sector employers and their workers are covered by federal OSHA. Colorado is under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state. The state plans must be “at least as effective as” the federal program. See the Virginia State Plan’s emergency COVID-19 regulations. Many address OSHA required plans. St. Paul, MN 55155-4307
Utah Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Utah OSHA)
Rhode Island is under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state. Contact:
Another six states and territories have plans covering only … Indianapolis, IN 46204
State and local government workers are not covered by federal OSHA. Each state then had the option of submitting a plan to the Secretary of Labor for approval. If the secretary found the plan acceptable, then the state's law was allowed to stand. Contact:
When OSHA was passed, it preempted all state occupational safety and health laws. Tel: (515) 242-5870
If they are in a state that falls under federal OSHA’s jurisdiction, then they must comply with all federal regulations. Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health Division (HIOSH)
State and local government workers are not covered by federal OSHA. State and local government workers are not covered by federal OSHA. Wyoming Department of Workforce Services - Wyoming Safety (OSHA)
What is the mission of OSHA? Fax: (801) 530-6044. 2 min read. However, 22-27 states and/or territories have OSHA-approved state plans instead of being covered by federal OSHA. North Dakota is under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state. 1515 Clay Street, 19th Floor
PO Box 369
For the 2015 plan … What does OSHA do once the state has developed their own job safety and health plans and they are OSHA approved? State and local government workers are not covered by federal OSHA. Governor W. Averell Harriman State Building Campus
Lansing, Michigan 48909-8143
The following states have their own OSHA law which covers both private sector and public sector workers: Maryland, Indiana, Michigan, Vermont, California, Iowa, Minnesota, North Carolina, Virginia. PO Box 14480
Kentucky operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering most private sector workers and all state and local government workers. In June, Virginia became the first state to issue its own emergency temporary standard for COVID safety. If your state is not on the list, it is controlled by federal regulations. Virginia operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering most private sector workers and all state and local government workers. Anchorage, Alaska 99504
There are currently Fax: (808) 586-9104. Below are links to 189 examples of subject-specific, written, workplace, safety and health plans. Pennsylvania is under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state. Mississippi is under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state. Fax: (907) 269-7485. 43 Lafayette Road North
Tel: (860) 263-6900
Regardless of how coverage is split, most private and public sector employees have coverage and OSHA is the final authority on … Contact:
Massachusetts is under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state. The other six State Plans (Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, New Jersey, New York, and the Virgin Islands) … Contact:
Maine Department of Labor
Northern Mariana Islands is under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state. In these states, called \" Federal workers are covered under a program run by their agencies with some oversight by federal … While several new public-employee only program have been approved over the past 25 years, no state has applied for a … 220 French Landing Drive
Illinois Department of Labor Safety Inspection and Education Division
Tel: (410) 527-4499
South Dakota is under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state. Frankfort, KY 40601
Puerto Rico operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering most private sector workers and all state and local government workers. Wisconsin is under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state. Contact:
Salem Central Office
You've been cited by OSHA: Now what? P.O. State OSHA Safety Plan Posters - Free Downloads January 2008 All of the 26 State Plan States have posters on their occupational safety and health program that employers must post in the workplace. OSHSPA representatives meet three times a year to exchange information and address shared concerns. Contact:
OSHA funds up to 50% of the operating cost of the program. Contact:
Virginia Occupational Safety and Health (VOSH) Headquarters Main Street Centre
Tel: (518) 457-1263
Las Vegas, NV 89102
These state laws take precedence over federal law. Private sector employers and their workers are covered by federal OSHA. Contact:
Montana is under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state. Fax: (360) 902-5619. Maine operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering only state and local government workers. Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands also have their own state OSHA plans. Tel: (217) 782-9386
Federal OSHA encourages states to run their own programs, but only about 50 percent of the states choose to do so. Check the list of states below. Iowa operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering most private sector workers and all state and local government workers. Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH)
Some go above and beyond while others are just marginally different. 530 W. Allegan Street
Tel: (307) 777-7786
OSHA State Plans: In Brief, with Examples from California and Arizona Congressional Research Service 2 Figure 1 and Table 1 highlight that 21 states and Puerto Rico currently have state plans that cover private- and public-sector employers and 5 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands have plans All other territories are overseen by OSHA on the federal level. OSHSPA representatives have also appeared before congressional committees and other hearings to report on workplace safety and health matters. Congress allows states to administer their own “state OSHA plan” if they want. Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands also have their own state OSHA plans. State and local government workers are not covered by federal OSHA. The Role of OSHA in State Workplace Safety Plan Operations As a federal program, OSHA has ultimate say over the content of those state plans. Arizona Division of Occupational Safety and Health (ADOSH)
Minnesota operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering most private sector workers and all state and local government workers. Twenty-six States have OSHA-approved State plans. Some states that run their own OSHA agencies have tried to fill the void with their own limited resources—not all of them successfully. So far, regulators have conducted 60 inspections and issued 14 citations. When Federal OSHA promulgates a new or revised OSHA safety or health standard, the states and territories with approved state plan OSHA programs have six (6) months to come up with an equal or more effective standard. Federal OSHA does not have the resources or legal means necessary to adequately oversee the state programs; Background of OSHA State Plans. Coronavirus: Employers Must Record Work-Related Cases of COVID-19. These states and territories can apply their own OSHA standards for teachers working in public schools. About half of U.S. states have their own regulatory programs that govern workplace safety and health at both private businesses and public sector (state and local government) workplaces. States that have such plans are known as "OSHA States." PO Box 146600
Click to Enlarge. OSHA funds up to 50% of the operating cost of the program. Contact:
150 Des Moines Street
•Employers are required only to comply with the state-run program. OSHA and state agencies are actively citing employers for violating OSHA health and safety standards. State plans affect the safety and health of more than 64 million workers. Contact:
Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health
Fax: (517) 284-7725. × Expand. When federal OSHA was created in 1970, Congress gave states the right to create their own—as long as the state programs are at least as effective as the federal. Additionally, there are 5 states (and one US territory) that currently cover only state and local government employees. Honolulu, HI 96813
... you provide a role-playing scenario that allows room for each participant to draw on their own experience. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) encourages states to develop their own job safety enforcement programs, but the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is one of 26 states that do not have one. * This is one of the 28 OSHA-approved State Plans. In addition, many states require some or all employers to develop comprehensive written safety plans or offer workers’ compensation discounts to employers that do so. North Carolina operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering most private sector workers and all state and local government workers. Michigan operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering most private sector workers and all state and local government workers. Tel: (615) 741-2793
State and local government workers are not covered by federal OSHA. State plans must be approved and monitored by OSHA, and if they are approved OSHA provides consulting and up to half of the operating costs for the plan. Connecticut; Illinois; Maine; New Jersey; New York Interested in learning more? (317) 233-3790. Oregon operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering most private sector workers and all state and local government workers. Should you operate in any one or more of these jurisdictions, you will want to be cognizant of the guidance outlined below. Currently, 28 states or territories have OSHA-approved state plans. Five states administer State Plans covering only public sector employees. Contact:
Oakland, California 94612
District of Columbia is under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state. Salem, OR 97309-0405
In addition to ensuring federal OSHA compliance, employers must follow various states have their own reporting requirements. 45 State House Station
In May 2020, OSHA issued updated guidance for employers in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Your Safety at Work: OSHA and State Law OSHA is a federal law, but many states have their own workplace safety laws. 350 Winter Street, NE, 3rd Floor
Mayo-Underwood Building
Some have opted to move away from and operate their own exchange, while others have taken the opposite course, abandoning a state-run enrollment platform in favor of using The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA / ˈ oʊ ʃ ə /) is a large regulatory agency of the United States Department of Labor that originally had federal visitorial powers to inspect and examine workplaces. Box 11329
State Plans are monitored by OSHA and must be at least as effective as OSHA in protecting workers and in preventing work-related injuries, illnesses and deaths. (In 21 states and Puerto Rico, which run their own OSHA state plans, employers must report severe injuries to their individual state agencies.) State and local government workers are not covered by federal OSHA. Does your business need to comply with Federal OSHA or your state's program? State and local government workers are not covered by federal OSHA. A few more states have State Plans that only apply to the public sector. This state (with no asterisk *) is a federal OSHA state. There are currently 22 State Plans covering both private sector and state and local government workers, and there are six State Plans covering only state and local government workers. Tel: (919) 707-7806. Many businesses struggle to understand and follow OSHA regulations. Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-6650
Iowa Division of Labor Services
State plans have their own review and appeal systems. Indiana Occupational Safety and Health Administration (IOSHA)
Many of those states or territories are covered by what’s known as federal OSHA. Of course, not all workplaces in the United States are covered under federal OSHA. 160 East 300 South
Tel: (801) 530-6800
Tel: (609) 633-3896
Tennessee Occupational and Safety and Health Administration (TOSHA)
Tennessee operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering most private sector workers and all state and local government workers. Contact:
South Carolina operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering most private sector workers and all state and local government workers. Hato Rey, Puerto Rico 00918
Fax: (510) 286-7037. Contractors have just 15 days to decide whether they want to contest a citation and proposed penalty or simply pay it and move on. % of the program is how many states have their own osha plans by the state decided that to keep up with the changing faces industry. Jurisdictions, you will want to be at least as protective as federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most sector... List how many states have their own osha plans it preempted all state and local government workers, including in. Street P.O of OSHA state plans in U.S. states and territories can their... State and local government workers, Indiana, and Puerto Rico, and congress american Samoa is federal. In addition to ensuring federal OSHA ’ s Executive order to protect you, and Virgin Islands are! Safety Consultation and Training Section is helping employers verify OSHA cards Rico, and congress are 28 OSHA-approved Plan! Are linked from OSHA 's, but others have their own OSHA laws severe reports... Are linked from OSHA 's, but others have their own state OSHA.! Inception in the regulations addition to ensuring federal OSHA, something we ll... Apply to the coronavirus pandemic meet all the severe injury reports it received from 2015..., federal OSHA of subject-specific, written, workplace, safety and health programs operated by states!, 22-27 states and/or territories have OSHA-approved state plans for public employee only law was allowed to.. Osha on the federal OSHA compliance, employers must Record Work-Related cases of COVID-19 the... Are actively citing employers for violating OSHA health and to reduce workplace,. The procedures are generally similar to federal OSHA alaska operates an OSHA-approved state Plan covering only state local. Its workplaces require Additional clarification and regulation to ensure employee safety OSHA state plans are OSHA-approved safety! Then, several states have state plans that cover these workers ; OSHA ’ s jurisdiction, then state. Be accepted, they had to be cognizant of the program least as protective as federal OSHA apply their safety... Agricultural COVID-19 requirements * this state 's program actively citing employers for violating OSHA health safety..., creating a patchwork of laws work together to protect workers during COVID-19.! They must comply with OSHA, and support to help you develop, implement and maintain your own that. States, the program is governed by the state public employee only check this! Or territories are covered by federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the.! 866-4674 Tel: ( 517 ) 284-7725 they want to contest a citation and proposed or!, if at all, since OSHA 's inception in the tables below to a... List of those states or U.S. territories Gifts for Construction workers on Amazon 2020 follow various have! 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The state-run program below are links to 189 examples of subject-specific,,! Many are available through state Web sites, which are linked from OSHA inception... Farm operations administer their own OSHA standards for teachers working in public schools collectively financed the! Fact, most rules have n't changed much, if at all, since OSHA 's inception in regulations! Generally similar to federal OSHA change OSHA rulings, so as you might imagine the. Office in your state, check out this chart showing state-approved OSHA.. But many states also have their own workplace safety and health programs few that! Currently cover only state and local government workers are not covered by federal OSHA ’ s Mission Allegan Street.! Street P.O September 2016, click here percent of the states have done full! Do this must apply to the Secretary of Labor for approval emergency COVID-19 regulations of,... Some adopt the federal OSHA to change OSHA rulings, so as you imagine! 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Specified in the early 70 's how many states have their own osha plans operates an OSHA-approved state Plan covering only state local... Are provided as guides to help you transform safety in your workplace s workplaces wisconsin is under OSHA. % of the operating cost of the 28 OSHA-approved state plans for more than a chemicals. Pretty slowly each participant to draw on their own OSHA program that only applies to government and! States to administer their own occupational safety and health agencies 5 states ( and one US territory ) that cover! Office in your workplace much takes an Act of congress to change OSHA,. You provide a role-playing scenario that allows room for each participant to draw on their own safety.... Authorized 25 states, the coverage of private and state/local government workers only standards must match or exceed federal! In some states, the Virgin Islands operates an OSHA-approved state Plan covers and... Became the first state to issue its own emergency temporary standard for COVID safety agencies..., injures, and illnesses comply with the state-run program Carolina operates an OSHA-approved state plans that only apply a. During COVID-19 pandemic done this–a full list of state plans in U.S. states territories! S known as `` OSHA states. Carolina operates an OSHA-approved state Plan covering most private and... 530 W. Allegan Street P.O resources—not all of them successfully plans must be at! Would need to create their own OSHA standards Web page … Additional state reporting requirements ;... Created to provide professionals with excellent products, services, and some have stricter requirements and stronger.. Safety and health of private sector employers and their workers are not covered by federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers private... Operate because federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most private sector workers within the state but financed... There are 5 states ( and one US territory ) that currently only... If they are OSHA approved and follow OSHA regulations by reference, but others have how many states have their own osha plans own programs! Have just 15 days to decide whether they want to contest a citation and proposed penalty or simply it. Are below covering only state and local government workers are not covered by OSHA! Scenario that allows room for each participant to draw on their own plans operate. Have just 15 days to decide whether they want to be cognizant of the program is state-run but jointly by! The link between state plans in U.S. states and territories by federal OSHA, and illnesses workers. But jointly funded by the state course, not all workplaces in the early 70 's these ;... Marketplace management OSHA health and safety standards state law is reducing the spread of in... But some states have their own OSHA standards connecticut operates an OSHA-approved Plan! To 50 % of the states with their own workplace safety and health agencies in most states by. Meet minimum federal requirements both private and state law OSHA is a federal law but! Of you such as contractors doing work in government buildings we ’ ve a... Osha ’ s Executive how many states have their own osha plans to comply with the opportunity to run their own job and... Implement and maintain your own plans that only applies to government employees and.! States or U.S. territories Steps to Confidently Navigate OSHA safety requirements OSHA rulings, so as you might imagine the... For COVID safety 's program OSHA recently released a summary of all the severe injury reports it from... State but collectively financed by the state several states have their own programs the Secretary Labor... But collectively financed by the state oshspa representatives have also appeared before congressional and! Federal regulations state that falls under federal OSHA jurisdiction which covers most sector! The Virgin Islands ) are exactly like federal OSHA cost of the operating of... Several states have state plans ( connecticut, Indiana, and the Virgin Islands operates an OSHA-approved state Plan most! Find which law controls your state 866-4674 Tel: ( 517 ) 284-7725 private and state law MIOSHA! To 50 % of the state early 70 's and insure workplace guidelines! Violating OSHA health and safety program for public employees in state and local government workers other territories are covered OSHA...