Even though this Mystic Gateway is in Isle of Death region, it still counts as a collectible of Shores of Nine. #5 – Favor 1/1 (Wayward Spirit: Hammer Fall) – 3:02, #1 – Lore Marker 1/6 – 0:05 #23 – Jötnar Shrine (Groa) 1/1 – 13:30 #15 – Raven 6/6 – 8:22 #5 – Mystic Gateway 2/2 – 1:30 #3 – Lore Marker 2/6 – 2:23 #2 – Legendary Chest 1/1 – 0:29 #4 – Lore Marker 1/3 – 3:24 #4 – Realm Tear Encounter 1/3 – 2:38 #23 – Lore Marker 7/7 – 11:12 Shores of Nine Collectible # 28 –Mystic Gateway. #4 – Lore Marker 1/3 – 1:56 #10 – Lore Marker 3/3 – 9:04. Inside of the Vanaheim Tower, which is a big tower that connects the Lake of Nine with the Foothills area, the lore marker resides in the entrance hall. To access this gateway, head to the Runs of Ancient region where it will be located at the beach. #2 – Language Cipher Chest 1/1 – 1:14 There you will find a cave by the beach which will contain the Lore Marker. #7 – Artefact 1/6 – 5:27 Midgard means "middle-ground" and is the realm that humans and mortals dwell - though it is not uncommon for the gods and other mythological creatures to make an appearance, most prominently, Jörmungandr. #26 – Nornir Chest 4/4 (Rage Upgrade) – 15:49 #2 – Mystic Gateway 1/6 – 0:53 Games Movies TV Video Wikis Explore … DBFZ: Buu/Nappa/Gotenks // SFV: Birdie/Abigail // KoF14: Chang/Antonov/Dinosaur UK // PSN: SygBoss. They reach the Lake of Nine after receiving aid from the witch under the tree. #26 – Artefact 5/6 – 19:36 Finding artifacts in God of War isn’t just about being a completionist. This God of War Shores of Nine Locations Guide focuses on all collectibles present in Shores of Nine. For me, I had the same situation. How to Explore All the Lake of Nine Has to Offer in God of War The Lake of Nine is the central hub area in Midgard; it’s where you first encounter the World Serpent. An ardent lover for first person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. #7 – Legendary Chest 1/1 – 3:08 Therefore, it can be a bit confusing to understand the Lake of Nine, so in this guide, we will give you a brief intro of Lake of Nine… Foothills contains 9 Collectible Locations in God of War (2018, PS4). God of War Shores of Nine Collectible Locations Guide – 100% Completion. #9 – Purple Language Cipher Chest 2/2 – 8:37 #3 – Nornir Chest 1/1 (Health Upgrade) – 1:42 God of War - Alfheim, The Light of Alfheim, Lake of Light, and how to enter the Temple A walkthrough for the first part of the Alfheim God of War story mission, a The Light of … This collectibles guide shows all locations in each region for 100% game completion and all trophies. 🙂 15 Favors; 45 Artefacts; 38 Mystic Gateways; 16 Shops; 39 Lore Markers; 51 Odin’s Ravens; 8 Valkyries; 1 Valkyrie Queen; 3 Dragons; 21 Nornir Chests (Health/Rage Upgrades) 34 Legendary Chests (Runes) #2 – Legendary Chest 1/1 – 2:48, » Forgotten Caverns Collectibles Text Guide, #1 – Favor 1/1 (Wayward Spirit: Dead Freight) – 0:05 God of War 2018 Collectible Guide Playlist, God of War 2018 Treasure Map Locations & Dig Sites, Cyberpunk 2077 Walkthrough – All Missions, Cyberpunk 2077 Legendaries Guide (Legendary Weapons & Armor), 18 Realm Tear Encounters (only 11 count towards 100%), 11 Jotnar Shrines (untracked but needed for trophy), 13 Purple Language Cipher Chests (unlocks Muspelheim / Niflheim). I didn’t make an extra text guide for this one. #3 – Raven 1/2 – 1:32 Nab yourself some incredibly useful resources by finding and solving all 12 God of War treasure maps. #3 – Legendary Chest 2/2 – 1:03, #1 – Raven 1/1 – 0:05 #2 – Legendary Chest 1/3 – 0:34 At the top of Forgotten Caverns, you will find the Lore Marker. #19 – Lore Marker 6/6 – 14:19 How about a section on missables, e.g. #24 – Jötnar Shrine 1/1 (Ymir) – 17:36 According to the game, to complete this realm, you have to do the following: 1x Do a favor ("Unfinished business" quest). #19 – Mystic Gateway 2/2 – 13:45 #12 – Artefact 4/6 – 8:57 #5 – Artefact 1/9 – 1:39 Kratos continues his journey with his son Atreus. Description. #3 – Legendary Chest 1/2 – 2:03 The Realm of Alfheim is one of the main Regions in God of War. #6 – Realm Tear Encounter 1/4 – 2:26 #31 – Lore Marker 3/6 – 22:07 This Lore Marker is located at the end of the region called Cliffs of the Raven. #15 – Nornir Chest 1/1 (Rage Upgrade) – 10:26 This collectibles guide shows all locations in each region for 100% game completion and all trophies. Challenge 9 This is the ninth of the ten Challenges of the Gods.Kratos must kill a total of four Cyclops Desert Kings, in under 150 seconds.All the while, Satyrs also attack Kratos, but killing or not killing them doesn't affect anything either way., but killing or not killing them doesn't affect anything either way. Return to the Isle of Death in the southwest corner of the Lake of Nine. Unlock two bonus regions in God of War with these language cipher locations -- you'll need to find four for each area. #4 – Jötnar Shrine 1/1 (Thamur) – 0:58 At the beach of the Lookout Tower region, once you dock your boat the Mystic Gateway will be straight ahead in view. #6 – Raven 2/2 – 2:06 #2 – Purple Language Cipher Chest 1/1 – 0:40 #4 – Shop 1/1 – 2:28 It is one of the Nine Realms of Norse Mythology. #22 – Language Cipher Chest 1/1 – 11:39 God of War will offer plenty of collectibles. #6 – Shop 1/1 – 4:46 None of the collectibles are missable! #5 – Raven 1/3 – 3:38 #14 – Artefact 3/6 – 9:41 #20 – Lore Marker 5/7 – 9:26 #32 – Mythic Clarity Armor Set 2/3 – 23:14 Alfheim contains 28 Collectible Locations in God of War (2018, PS4). Are there any other trophies missable? From there a river tunnel will be leading to Konunsgard where you can dock your boat. There are more than 8 cipher chests so it doesn’t matter if you forgot the one inside the Sea Serpent. #9 – Mystic Gateway 2/2 – 5:06 Lastly you also need all 4 language ciphers for Muspelheim and Niflheim unlocked in order to be able to read some Lore … They are very easy to see as the search areas are just a few meters wide (all the bones are on the floor). To acces the gateway, go to Forgotten Caverns region and dock your boat at the southern dock of the Caverns. #15 – Raven 3/6 – 8:01 Treasures are covered in a separate guide. See the God of War Treasure Guide for more info. #5 – Lore Marker 2/7 – 3:43 #10 – Lore Marker 2/2 – 6:15 Your email address will not be published. As usual in God of War, exploration is worthwhile; there are all sorts of minor rewards and collectibles hidden throughout the Lake of Nine. #19 – Mystic Gateway 4/10 – 8:35 They’re figureheads from shipwrecks, and you can find them along the Lake of Nine. Here on this page, we'll take you … Go the tower and dock your boat near it. #11 – Dragon / Favor 2/2 (Dragon: The Fire of Reginn) – 6:37 #18 – Artefact 3/6 – 10:58 #32 – Lore Marker 4/6 – 22:36 #29 – Artefact 4/4 – 14:22 Throw your axe to collect it. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included. This concludes our God of War Shores of Nine Collectible Locations Guide. God of War 2018 (PS4) contains 332 Collectible Locations. #7 – Artefact 2/5 – 5:00 The Lake of Nine is located roughly in the center of Midgard, and as such it serves as a hub to where other areas in Midgard can be accessed.Along the coasts of the lake are the eight realm towers, with Tyr's Temple at the center.. This game's trophy list is fairly straight-forward, and you do not need to worry about anything else for when you're playing through the main story as there as no missable trophies, so enjoy yourself! God of War is an open-world virtual fantasy game with a great deal of the puzzles and areas. Mike. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected after the story. User Info: ZeroVolume. #10 – Artefact 2/6 – 5:40 #16 – Nornir Chest 3/5 (Health Upgrade) – 8:21 #8 – Legendary Chest 2/2 – 7:14 #18 – Raven 4/6 – 9:48 Some areas get locked off after the story but those don’t contain collectibles. Of Muspelheim Tower where you saw the Realm of Alfheim Tower after completion 8 tyr s temple bridge if! And get the latest news and updates straight into your inbox doesn ’ t though...: game guides, God of War ( 2018 ), artifacts are a type Collectible... Bloated 1 region for 100 % completion is included Collectible of Shores of Nine Collectible.... About being a completionist path until you see the Lore Marker started with Counter and. Through God of War artifact collectibles guide shows all Locations in God of War it... 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