Immigration Lawyer in Germany . The Requirements for an EU Blue card are significant and it’s certainly not a quick or easy solution to residency. Anyone interested in more information about the Blue Card and student restrictions should contact the local authorities if they are currently in Germany. The EU Blue Card is for foreign nationals of non-EU countries who are highly skilled in a profession and want to work in Germany. The Blue Card: A pathway to citizenship (flyer) “TARJETA AZUL”: Camino a La Cidudadanía Para Los Campesinos (volante) Fact Sheet on the Agricultural Worker Program Act of 2019; UFW/UFW Foundation: Feinstein-Lofgren bill grants right to apply for legal … The right of as… I'm on blue card and my wife is EU. We are local immigration consultants and lawyers, specialised in visa, work permit, EU Blue Card, permanent residence, business set up and foreign investment, citizenship and … Paying Medical Expenses/Health Insurance Claims, Using German Government Health Insurance (GKV), Tips on Health and Household Insurance Before Arrival, The Top 6 Things You Should Know About German Hospitals, Doctors and Healthcare, Relocation Companies - What They Can Do for You, Christmas Markets of Germany's Historic Cities. Understanding FATCA as an American Living in Germany. When you are living in Germany only as a permanent resident, you do not qualify as a citizen of Germany. The process of becoming a German citizen is notoriously bureaucratic; there tends to be a lot of paperwork and it can be quite complicated. What are the requirements to issue an EU Blue Card? There are, however, a number of foreigners that are in Germany legally under other circumstances. There are dozens of categorized listings of products and services for Expats in Germany. The German Federal Foreign Office is in charge of citizenship in Germany. The EU Blue Card is a work- and residence permit for non-EU/EEA nationals. 1. confess himself to the free democratic basic order of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany … 2. ... French or German. We make you feel at home, when doing business in Germany! The classrooms are individual newly designed and in addition there is a separate sports room. Then please choose another service (see section "More information"). One thing to note is that Germany doesn't allow dual citizenship apart from EU, ie she would need to leave her current citizenship but could keep the EU one she potentially gets from you. Advertisement Important note: Does the relative with whom you want to live in Berlin have a. temporary residence permit or; permanent residence title or; German citizenship? This puts some restrictions in your status, and that is why so many permanent residents of Germany seek to get citizenship. The EU blue card for Germany is a residence title for specific purposes; it provides an evidence for the legal stay of a citizen from a non-EU-country in an EU- member state for the purpose of working. The European Blue Card provides comprehensive socio-economic rights and a path towards permanent residence and EU citizenship. Kids of expats moving to Germany can start anytime during the school year. I don't know but I doubt it changes anything. The school concept of the Fintosch International Primary School unites the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) with the Hessian education and upbringing program. .chchme {max-width:800px;font-size:.9em;padding:0;margin:0 auto 1em;-webkit-box-shadow:0px 2px 5px 0px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.2);-moz-box-shadow:0px 2px 5px 0px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.2);box-shadow:0px 2px 5px 0px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.2);}.chchme p {padding:.2em .5em;margin:0;}.chchme-text {color:#0066cc;background:rgb(244, 250, 254);background:-moz-linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(244, 250, 254) 40%, rgb(209, 245, 250) 100%);background:-webkit-linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(244, 250, 254) 40%, rgb(209, 245, 250) 100%);background:-o-linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(244, 250, 254) 40%, rgb(209, 245, 250) 100%);background:-ms-linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(244, 250, 254) 40%, rgb(209, 245, 250) 100%);background:linear-gradient(180deg, rgb(244, 250, 254) 40%, rgb(209, 245, 250) 100%);padding:10px 10px;}.chchme-text span {color:#df5e12;}.chchme-text span span {font-size:1.5em;}.chchme-text-primary {font-size:1.2em;margin-bottom:.5em;text-shadow:1px 1px 3px rgba(255, 255, 255, 1), 2px 2px 3px rgba(255, 255, 255, 1), -1px -1px 3px rgba(255, 255, 255, 1), -2px -2px 3px rgba(255, 255, 255, 1), 1px -1px 3px rgba(255, 255, 255, 1), -1px 1px 3px rgba(255, 255, 255, 1), -2px 2px 3px rgba(255, 255, 255, 1), 2px -2px 3px rgba(255, 255, 255, 1), 2px 0 3px rgba(255, 255, 255, 1), 1px 0 3px rgba(255, 255, 255, 1), -2px 0 3px rgba(255, 255, 255, 1), -1px 0 3px rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);}.chchme-text-secondary {text-align:center;}.chchme-text-secondary p {text-align:center;display:inline-block;background:#fff;border-radius:1em;}.chchme-logos {text-align:center;padding-top:.5em;padding-bottom:.2em;border-top:2px solid #df5e12;}.chchme-logos img {width:30%;padding:0 1%;}.chchme-counselhouse {border:1px solid #666;border-top:0;border-bottom:0;} Neither country requires a person born under these circumstances to choose between American and German citizenship. The Foreign Bank Account Reporting Deadline is Approaching – What You Need to Know! A Germany EU Blue Card is a German residence permit title for third country nationals wishing to work in Germany. Yes, you can bring your parents to germany under the following conditions; 1. Family members of a Blue Card holder are allowed an unrestricted right to work in Germany. Gaining a B1 german language certificate reduces this length of time to 21 months. Click here to read our article on obtaining a standard Residence Permit in Germany. As a self-employed person you can apply for a settlement permit after three years. Another option for you is to get the EU Blue Card – also a special residence and work permit for foreign qualified workers. We live our slogan: Fintosch feels like family. If you are an EU Blue Card holder, you can request to obtain a settlement permit in accordance with Sect. For the EU Blue Card Germany requires that you apply in-person. There are still a few places available in our classes! A child born to an American parent and a German parent acquires both American and German citizenship at birth, regardless of place of birth. Uniformed military (and their accompanying family members) from the USA and NATO countries are allowed residency under various Status of Forces Agreements (SoFA) negotiated with the German government. Return visa. That being said, there are a lot of expat citizens living in Germany. To get the EU Blue Card you must apply to the following documents: The doctoral degree you received in Germany, The study also explores a wide range of monetary and other support instruments in Germany and the single Federal Länder. According to those sites, some of the main points are: As mentioned, these are the most important parts of the new legislation. EU Blue Card holders ; Persons who have completed university or vocational training in Germany ; Highly qualified professionals ; Self-employed persons ; Settlement permit for EU Blue Card holders. 81247 München, Site contents copyright © 2020 by Chuck Emerson Media Services It is aimed at highly skilled workers. He will be happy to show you around and answer all your questions, including what it means to “feels like family” at Fintosch, how we incorporate German and English 50/50 into our curriculum, and our creative approach to teaching our students. The Blue Card, unlike what the name implies, is not an EU-wide residence card that allows you to work and live in any EU member state. The EU Blue Card (Section 18b (2) AufenthG (German Residence Act)) is a special residence permit for foreign academics seeking qualified employment in Germany.To find out whether you require a visa to enter Germany, see Who needs a visa?.. An application for unlimited residence permit (. Expat Tax Deadlines: There's More Than Just Your Tax Return Due Date! The EU Blue Card is Europe's answer to the US Green Card. Fintosch is a private International Toddler School & Kindergarten for children aged three months to 6 years with two locations in Frankfurt Westend and Bockenheim. This pertains to engineers, qualified communications and technology experts, medical doctors and certain other fields. A new national EMN study describes the requirements for setting up a start-up in Germany, including entry requirements and the visa procedure. You have a European blue card. Would health insurance issues and benefits be involved? If you think you may fall under any of the “different circumstances” you may want to get in touch with experts regarding legal, accounting and tax matters who can offer advice and help. The overwhelming majority of legal foreign residents in Germany are in the country with one of the standard residence permits issued by the German authorities allowing them (and their eligible family members) to live in Germany while working for a German company or studying at a German school. German nationality law is the law governing the acquisition, transmission and loss of German citizenship. In addition to being able to vote, get consular protection and unrestricted access to the job market, German citizens a… There is also a very informative FAQ page on the same website at this link. (This is an increase from 90 full days and 180 half-days.). ... Having had a residence permit for a period of 5 years, you may apply for Dutch citizenship. Holders of this card may be granted after 33 months. Welcome to German Immigration Consultancy - the first immigration consultancy which is based in Germany. The EU- regulations concerning the blue card will be valid in Germany as a part of the German law from the … The EU Blue Card is similar to the Temporary Residence Permit, but it targets a specific group of people and has longer validity. Click here for download information. This period might be shorter to 21 months if the applicant has adequate German language knowledge (§ 18 c subsection 2 Residence Act). Sign up today! So duration of stay in the Netherlands is 11.2019 – 09.2020. The Blue Card is an approved EU-wide work permit (Council Directive 2009/50/EC) allowing highly skilled non-EU citizens to work and live in 25 of the 27 countries within the European Union, excluding Denmark and Ireland, which are not subject to the proposal. Germany introduces a new residence/work permit for highly skilled non-EU citizens and eases restrictions on foreign students studying at German universities. The Blue Card may initially be valid for up to four years. Check out the How to Germany Business and Service Directory. Of which I had EU blue card for 18 months (04.2017 – 10.2019). You will have these opportunities as a German citizen: 1. Having German citizenship gives you rights and freedoms that non-citizens do not have. Important information on the new legislation has been posted on the website of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees at this link. If you intend to apply for a work visa, an EU Blue Card, residence permit for self-employment, family reunification, study visa, business visa, extension of residence permit, permanent residency or German citizenship, our immigration lawyers are at your disposal. Issues regarding residence permits, health insurance, tax status and filing requirements, spousal employment, eligibility for German social benefits, German driver’s licenses, proper registration procedures and others things may raise questions from this group. When in Germany on a tourist visa, you should first find a suitable apartment to provide you with a rent contract. Wenn du die Website weiter nutzt, gehen wir von deinem Einverständnis aus. 47 A European Union Directive from 2009 set terms and conditions to allow certain highly qualified and skilled citizens of non-EU countries to more easily obtain residence/work permits in certain EU member countries. So the blue card is a card for citizens from non-EU-states. EU Blue Card for Germany. Moving from one EU country to another or leaving the country for an extended period of time is possible, but there may be restrictions depending on each country’s laws and interpretation of the EU directive. Some residents that are self-employed may also fall under this category. To qualify for the Blue Card an applicant must have a university or college degree and an employment contract with a German company that pays a salary of at least €55,200 per year (2020). In August 2012 the German government finalized legislation that put this directive into practice. Site design and maintenance by Gear Brand, SoFA, Diplomats and Other US Government Employees, Online Advertising and SEO Market in Germany, Road Map for International Companies Wanting to Enter the German Market, 3 Currency Strategies to Help SMBs Slash Costs, The German Retirement and Pension System - Basic Facts, How To Get German Retirement Contributions Refunded, Investing in European Mutual Funds for US Citizens under FATCA, Housing – Finding, Renting, Buying, Selling, Temporary, Temporary Furnished Rental Apartments in Munich, 7 Differences Between Corporate Housing and Hotels, Making the Most Money from Your Property Sale. There are other provisions. Come and visit our director, Mr. Frank van Poucke, at our school in Frankfurt. The legislation is designed to make emigration to Germany more appealing to qualified foreign citizens in order to fill the ever-growing number of jobs that require highly skilled workers. A different status may also be afforded to foreigners who work in Germany for companies that contract with the various foreign military and diplomatic offices of other countries. The law also eases various restrictions on foreign students who want to stay and work in Germany after completing their university studies. Graduates of vocational schools will be allowed 12 months to find a job in their specialty. According to Eurostat, 115,400 new citizenships were granted in Germany in 2017 – the third highest in the EU. Go on a journey with us and experience an End2End Business Life Cycle throughout 14 comprehensive steps! This pertains to former German citizens and their decedents deprived of their German citizenship on political, racial, or religious grounds between January 30th, 1933 and May 8th, 1945. Spouses do not have to speak German to join the Blue Card holder in the country. Civilians that work for the various defense departments or ministries as well as diplomats and other foreigners assigned to their country’s embassy or consulates may also have a different status (as do their family members). The curriculum is carefully selected from an international approach and age appropriate for the children. Both locations are easily accessible via public transport and are open throughout the year from 7.30 am to 7 pm. Both groups of graduates will be allowed to work without restriction during these time periods. It’s fast and easy. 2. We specialize in obtaining Blue Card residence permission for the European Union for foreign professionals wishing to live and work in Germany. Or suppose a person from the USA, UK or Canada is working for a home country based company that has a contract to perform services in Germany? Children who acquire German citizenship by right of being born in Germany or through naturalisation and who have dual citizenship must decide by age 23 whether to keep their German citizenship or give preference to the other citizenship. The right of free movement 3. This is a very important component as it is required to have a valid German address before applying for the EU Blue Card. Although they are almost identical, there are actually two types of permanent residence permits in Germany. (If a work contract is shorter than four years the validity period may be shorter than four years.) You can apply for the permanent residency permit after 33 months of working in the first hosting state, or 21 months if B1 language level knowledge is achieved. The holders of EU Blue Card may apply for a settlement permit, 33 months after obtaining the Blue Card. There is a great deal of confusion about this, perhaps because of the impression that the Blue Card is a European version of the US Green Card. ), How To Germany Digital Edition You would like to work in the Netherlands. The primary feature of the new law is the introduction of a new type of residence permit commonly referred to as the EU Blue Card. The EU Blue Card. Graduates of German Universities will be allowed to stay in Germany for 18 months to find a job in their specialty. The Blue Card not attracting Professionals to Germany as hoped EU Blue Card for the professionals introduced Building Bridges- Diaspora for Business and Development How German Dual Citizenship Works New Opening Hours & Booking System at the German Embassy in Nairobi Gaining German Citizenship Without Living in Germany. Oktoberfest in Munich - All You Need to Know, Exhibitions and Events in Rothenburg 2019–2021, Social Security and Employee Benefits in Germany, German Hiring Procedures and the Employment Contract, The Employee/Employer Relationship in Germany, Termination of an Employment Contract in Germany, German Workplace Organizations and Associations, Click here to read our article on obtaining a standard Residence Permit in Germany,, .. has an EU Blue Card … 3. can deny the livelihood for himself and his dependent family members without the use of services after the second or twelvth part of the Social Code Book … Your personal situation and travel requirements will determine which one is most suitable for you. The EU Blue Card permit as a highly qualified worker. For certain occupations that suffer from shortages of skilled labor the salary level is … They are completely DEPENDENT on you and there is no one else to take care of them. The Blue Card scheme helps the German labor market attract well … last year in November I moved to the Netherlands and returned to Germany this month. Please send us your open space inquiry under: and we will contact you back. (Business Set-Up Ltd., an advertiser on this site, is one of the companies that may be able to help. Months ( 04.2017 – 10.2019 ) two types of permanent residence and citizenship! Du die website weiter nutzt, gehen wir von deinem Einverständnis aus DLR with a salary that qualifies for... €“ what you Need to know work without restriction during these time periods and hour... That being said, there are still a few places available in our classes ( Early year ). Service ( see section `` More information about the Blue Card for from! Settlement permit after three years. ) for foreign nationals of non-EU countries who highly. Germany in 2017 – the third highest in the country ” may face European Blue.! 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