Female hormonal changes, such as with pregnancy or the use of oral contraceptives n. 1. This disease is a prime example of retinal vasculitis. This paper aims to review the evidence on the potential roles of modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors associated with periodontal disease. Smoking 2. NPD are clearly associated with the host immune response, which should be consid- ered in the classification system for these lesions. Importance:Periodontal diseases and certain systemic disorders share similar genetic and/or environmental etiological factors, and affected patients may show manifestations of both diseases. The evolution of this inflammatory response culminates in the destruction of periodontal tissues. 2. Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection of the periodontium and that bacteria are the primary etiology agents in periodontal disease. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, https://doi.org/10.1016/0030-4220(52)90228-4. Conclusions: PA should be classified according to the etiological factors involved, with the most frequent being those occurring in pre-existing periodontal pockets. Dental calculus itself is relatively non-pathogenic and, despite its rough surface, is not the direct cause of inflammatory processes, but mainly has an irritant effect. The causes of disease are varied, but they can all be reduced to groups of mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, and, for man, also psychogenic factors. 5. Authors; Authors and affiliations; Thomas Thurnheer; Kai Bao; Georgios N. Belibasakis; Chapter. Local (Extrinsic) Etiological Factors •Irritating factors: Initiating factors Predisposing factors •Functional factors. None of these factors seems to operate by itself. Local predisposing factors affect periodontal disease Mohammad Mamdouh B.SC.2012 ,POSTGRADUATE CANDIDATE Fixed Prosthodontics Department, Faculty Of Dentistry, Minia University 2. 59 terms . Sources. Overhangs and subgingival margins. Underlying immuno-deficiencies—e.g., AIDS 8. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. The primary etiological factor for periodontal disease is plaque biofilm of dental biofilm. Stress 5. Diabetes 3. systemic disorders and conditions that affect the periodontal attachment apparatus. In the oral cavity a hard non-shedding surfaces include teeth, dental restorative materials and fixed or removable dental appliance such dentures. Destructive periodontal disease is a consequence of the interaction of genetic, environmental, host and micro- bial factors.8Risk factors for periodontal disease include genetics, age, gender, smoking, socioeconomic factors and some systemic diseases. ETIOLOGY OFPERIODONTAL DISEASE 2. Certain factors increase the risk for periodontal disease: 1. Kornman KS(1), Löe H. Author information: (1)Department of Periodontics, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, USA. ETIOLOGY OF PERIODONTAL DISEASE• The clinical manifestations of periodontal disease result form a complex interplay... 3. Periodontal disease. Initiating Factors •Bacterial plaque (dental plaque), microbial plaque. Local predisposing factor of periodontal disease 1. Plaque biofilm and calculus deposit. Yuhan Huang, Dominique S. Michaud, Jiayun Lu, Elizabeth A. Platz, The association of clinically determined periodontal disease and edentulism with total cancer mortality: The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III, International Journal of Cancer, 10.1002/ijc.32941, 147, 6, … Rather any of them may contribute to the process by causing or aggravating a deviation from the ideal architectural balance of teeth and periodontium, leading to abnormal retention of microbic pabulum or to disturbances of local tissue resistance, or to both. A unifying concept began to emerge in 1965 when the experimental gingivitis model (79, 141) and ex- tensive corroborating studies led to the clear demon- stration that plaque was essential for the initiation of periodontal inflammation and disease. The etiological factor and the initiators of the disease are microorganisms and their by-products which cause dysbiosis and an exacerbated host inflammatory response. The causative connection between the poorly adapted gingival margin of a filling or crown and the local gingivitis developing in relation to it is made clear by the prompt recovery … The main cause of periodontal (gum) disease is plaque, but other factors such as smoking, medications and stress affect the health of your gums. Among conglomerate etiological factors, overhanging interproximal restorations are viewed as contributing factors causing gingival inflammation due to their retentive capacity for bacterial plaque leading to periodontal destruction. Microbial plaque is the main etiological factor of periodontal disease. Prepared for the Eighth Annual Seminar for the Study and Practice of Dental Medicine, The Desert Inn, Palm Springs, Calif., Oct. 29, 1951. 1 Citations; 870 Downloads; Abstract. What are some risk factors for periodontal disease? Conditions Inducing Local Trauma.ild, long-continued sources oi damage to the gingival epithelium are doubtless of significance, particularly in relation, to marginal gingivitis. Bridges that no longer fit properly 11. Dentistry Pt. How can poor self care lead to periodontal disease? The main etiological factor of periodontal disease is the bacteria, which are capable of activating the innate immune response of the host inducing an inflammatory response. Prepared for the Eighth Annual Seminar for the Study and Practice of Dental Medicine, The Desert Inn, Palm Springs, Calif., Oct. 29, 1951. When you have periodontal disease… factors, since bacteria, which are considered as essential primary etiological factors of periodontal disease, will always be present in any individual to promote gingivitis1,2. AAP CLASSIFICATION OF PERIONDONTAL DISEASE AND CONDITIONS … Introduction: Periodontitis is a multifactorial disease. 13 terms. Objectives. These other factors include local trauma, food retention, nutritional, endocrine, emotional, and toxic agencies, and preceding specific infections. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Crooked teeth 7. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. However, to promote periodontitis the presence of etiological predisposing factors are necessary to act together with bacteria to initiate destructive periodontal disease with pocket formation14-15. Inadequacy may be quantitative (the amount of the stimulus is excessive for the body), qualitative (the body is exposed to a factor for which it has not developed protective or … IL-1 causes a complex of redistribution processes with liver as the central organ. periodontal, etiologic factors of disease synonyms, periodontal, etiologic factors of disease pronunciation, periodontal, etiologic factors of disease translation, English dictionary definition of periodontal, etiologic factors of disease. Periodontal diseases range from simple gum inflammation to serious disease those results in major damage to the soft tissue and bone that support the teeth. Subgingival Biofilms as Etiological Factors of Periodontal Disease. evolution depends on the host’s immune system. *Local contributing factors: are oral conditions that contribute to the disease progression. Microbial plaque is the main etiological factor of periodontal disease. for gingival recession: Periodontal diseases, Anatomical factors, Minor traumatic factors, Major traumatic factors, and Shared factors. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. 94 terms. I have attempted to deal with the etiology of periodontal disease as a whole because of the apparent uniformity of its infective phase, which seems to be one indispensable factor in the production of its several lesions and symptoms. YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE... 64 terms. The bacterial polysaccharides stimulate gingival neutrophils and macrophages to interleukin-1 (IL-1) production. Original articles that reported on the risk factors for periodontal disease were included. A dental biofilm is a community of microorganisms attached to a hard, non shedding surfaces. Poor self care, faulty dentistry, smoking/tobacco, nutrition, medications, diabetes, hormonal variations, heredity, and immunocompromised. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Etiological factors in periodontal disease. Etiological Factors of Periodontal Diseases •Local (extrinsic) etiologic factors •Systemic (intrinsic) etiological factors. The periodontal disease is a chronic, degenerative disease which is localised on the gingiva, periodontal ligament, cementum and alveolar bone. Dental calculus that represents mineralized bacterial dental biofilm is considered as secondary etiological factor in periodontal disease . The location, nature, and degree of the contributory agency or combination of agencies presumably determine the point of attack of the infection, its rate of progress, and its relative severity. the role of various etiologic factors in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease. ETIOLOGICAL FACTORS IN PERIODONTAL DISEASE 477 1. The bacterial polysaccharides stimulate gingival neutrophils and macrophages to interleukin-1 (IL-1) production. an inflammation of the outer coat of a vein) that usually affects mostly young males, often those who have active or healed tuberculosis. the etiological factor in periodontal disease development. Periodontol 2000. Abstract. OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Data. The location, nature, and degree of the contributory agency or combination of agencies presumably determine the point of attack of the infection, its rate of progress, and its relative severity. Eales' disease A non-specific peripheral retinal periphlebitis (i.e. Inadequacy (extremeness or unusualness) in any of these factors induces disease. In addition to this one uniform factor, however, there is a diversity of other causative agencies, which, singly or in various combinations, appear to make possible the infection. Etiology of periodontal disease 1. Poor oral hygiene 4. IL-1 causes a complex of redistribution processes with liver as the central organ. This book aims to provide clinicians with a refined understanding of the biology that underlies periodontal diseases, thereby offering a sound basis for improved clinica Fillings that have become defective 9. 4. Copyright © 1952 Published by Elsevier Inc. Copyright © 1952 Published by Elsevier Inc. HOW DOES PERIODONTAL DISEASE PROGRESS? Rather any of them may contribute to the process by causing or aggravating a deviation from the ideal architectural balance of teeth and periodontium, leading to abnormal retention of microbic pabulum or to disturbances of local tissue resistance, or to both. *The University of Michigan, School of Den­ tistry, Ann Arbor, Michigan. What factors contribute to periodontal disease?-Dental factors, Risk factors, Contributing factors and predisposing factors. Community … To allow an estimate of total need for periodontal therapy in population groups. In advanced stages, periodontal disease can lead to sore, bleeding gums, painful chewing problems and even tooth loss. Heredity 6. P eriodontitis is a multifactorial disease, and its etiological factors include microorganisms, environmental factors, and host factors. Some local contributing factors are dental calculus, poorly done restorations, decay, trauma, and the way teeth are shaped. I have attempted to deal with the etiology of periodontal disease as a whole because of the apparent uniformity of its infective phase, which seems to be one indispensable factor in the production of its several lesions and symptoms. 1. periodontal disease development, ch 16. None of these factors seems to operate by itself. In addition to this one uniform factor, however, there is a diversity of other causative agencies, which, singly or in various combinations, appear to make possible the infection. *Primary etiological factor: Plaque accumulation over long periods of time. Local predisposing factors in periodontal disease Are oral conditions or habits that increase an individual`s susceptibility to periodontal disease These factors … Define periodontal, etiologic factors of disease. the role of local factors in periodontal disease at dif- ferent times. If this cascade of inflammatory response is maintained for a sufficient period of time it eventually leads to an up-regulated activity of osteoclasts which cause bone loss. Taking medications that cause dry mouth 10. MEDLINE (1980 to Jan 2014), PubMed (using medical subject headings), and Google Scholar were searched using the following terms in different combinations: “periodontal disease,” “periodontitis,” “risk factors,” and “causal.” This was supplemented … 74 terms. The destructive process is initiated by bacterial LPS, but further. Accumulation of zinc in liver an … The main etiological factor is oral biofilm with microorganisms. What faulty dentistry can be risk for periodontal disease? I have attempted to deal with the etiology of periodontal disease as a whole because of the apparent uniformity of its infective phase, which seems to be one indispensable factor in the production of its several lesions and symptoms. In addition to this one uniform factor, however, there is a diversity of other causative agencies, which, singly or in various combinations, appear to make possible the infection. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, https://doi.org/10.1016/0030-4220(52)90228-4. Periodontitis. These other factors include local trauma, food retention, nutritional, endocrine, emotional, and toxic agencies, and preceding specific infections. 1993 Jun;2:83-97. The pathogenesis of periodontal disease was put on a rational basis for the first time by Page and Schroeder in 1976 [4]. The role of local factors in the etiology of periodontal diseases. The search for the pathogens of periodontal diseases has been underway for more than 100 years, and continues up today. First Online: 12 July 2017. It is characterized by recurrent haemorrhages in the retina and vitreous. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. 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