The process technician of the future will have a specialized degree in process technology that will include instruction in engineering principles, physics, chemistry, process equipment and systems and operations. Navigate to first page in table listing Units of Competency. Process Manufacturing takes a formulation or recipe of ingredients and blends them together using a chemical reaction, heat, cold, fermentation, etc continuously or in a batch into a final product which is usually a liquid, powder, gas or solid. All assignments are to be completed in the workplace. Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology. Your dedicated consultant will guide you through the process of putting together a portfolio of evidence. Supersedes and is equivalent to PMA40113 Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology, ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier, Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier, Raw Material Manufacturing,Chemical, Hydrocarbon and Oil Refining, Chemical, Hydrocarbons, Refinery Plant Technician, the remainder may be chosen from Groups A, B and C (with a maximum of. You will learn to use and operate production equipment to directly produce particular materials and substances. To be awarded the PMA40116 Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology competency must be achieved in twenty-six (26)  units of competency: Note : Five (5)  elective units can be chosen from other qualifications in this Training Package, other endorsed Training Packages and accredited courses, as specified in Groups B and C. Note : Where prerequisite units are identified they must be counted in the total number of units required for achievement of the qualification. Our graduates enter the workforce with the necessary skills that are highly prized by companies that continually hire students directly out of our program.The San Jacinto College Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in process technology: 1. The PMA30116 Certificate III in Process Plant Operation is intended for advanced operators and operations technicians who use production equipment to directly produce products. TAFE WA has a broad range of courses that you can choose to study such as Automotive Technology, Civil Construction Design, Civil and Structural Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communications, Mechanical Engineering and Process Plant Operations specialising in oil and gas techniques. This qualification is typically used to develop employees performing a technical role that includes an ability to work independently and conduct technical problem solving according to the needs of the work in the manufactured mineral products industries. Group B – Support electives. Unit code. The PMA40116 Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology is a technical qualification for plant technicians and operations technicians who will typically be involved in solving complex problems which require theoretical knowledge, combined with an understanding … The PMA30116 Certificate III in Process Plant Operations has been developed as a technical qualification for use in the PMA08 Chemical, Hydrocarbons and Refining Training Package. The PMA30116 Certificate III in Process Plant Operations is a technical qualification for advanced operators and operations technicians who use production equipment to directly produce product. AUR31216 Certificate III in Mobile Plant Technology; Business. State and Territory Government Training Departments, Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet. About us Courses Campuses National Training Services Pty Ltd is a Registered Training Organisation. Once you've completed your Certificate IV in Process Plant Operations you can progress your career even further. Applications for this course may open again in May for study in Semester 2, 2021. Job roles/employment outcomes . This program will cost about $7,745* based on current tuition and fees. Tuition and fees are subject to change and do not include books, housing, or supplies. MEM30119 Certificate III in Engineering – Production Systems. At this level, operators/technicians would undertake more advanced operations, typically of integrated plant units in accordance with the operating procedur… It will be delivered at, AWO7,AWO6,AWM0,AWI6,AWF3,AWO5,AWB2,J592,J512,6484,6482,BAA3,YU05,YT99,YT98,AVT3,BAA1,S783,7186,7189,7188,7187,AWN5,AWN7,J590,J588,1673,1671,YT96,AWL8,AWJ2,AVS9,AVS2,AVV9,AVR3,AVR7,AWA4. Certificate III in Process Plant Operations Course Description. Visit our Fees and payment options page for more information. MENU. The Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology is intended for plant technicians. Victorian Skills Gateway. MSM40116 Certificate IV in Process Manufacturing. Program Description. Made up of course fees and resource fees, or RPL fees. MSMSUP300. An employer may also opt to pay on behalf of the apprentice or trainee. All rights reserved. By developing advanced manufacturingskills, you can position yourself at the forefront of the manufacturing industry, contributing to Australianproduction. Fees for apprenticeships and traineeships are charged at a rate per nominal hour of study. Covers process technology and process instrumentation, and includes courses in industrial safety awareness and basic math principles for industrial applications. ... math, physics, and chemistry to monitor and troubleshoot plant operations. degree in process technology is a two-year program designed to prepare you for employment as an operations technician in the process industry, which includes oil and gas production, mining and milling, transportation and refining, chemical manufacturing, power generation, utilities, wastewater treatment facilities maintenance, and food processing. Applicants must hold a Level 2 Diploma in Process Plant Technology. Your fees will depend on your eligibility for government funding or a concession rate, and the units you choose to study or seek to be recognised under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Course fees are the cost of your tuition, while resource fees pay for consumables provided to you to aid your study (such as printing and paper). To find out if you are eligible or to see the list of eligible courses visit our Student Loans page. This program will include a total of eight (8) weeks spent on campus (ACEPT Munster), split into two week block releases, twice a year, over two years. Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology This certificate will prepare you to work as a plant technician in the chemical, hydrocarbons and refining industries. To be awarded UEE43211 Certificate IV in Industrial Automation and Control, a student must successfully complete the following units of competency, comprising of: all core units, and; a combination of elective units achieving a total weighting of 760 points, of which: Issue work permits . Supersedes and is equivalent to PMA40116 Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology (Release 1). For these students, there will be a chemical engineering conversion semester at the start of the course. Some popular specialisations within manufacturing include Process Manufacturing, Competitive Systems and Practices, Process Plant Operations and Process Plant Technology. MSL973001. The PMA40116 Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology, as provided by Volt Edge, is a technical qualification for plant technicians and operations technicians who will typically be involved in solving complex problems which require theoretical knowledge, combined with an understanding of the production process and equipment across the plant. Find out more. MSMWHS201. Up to four  (4) relevant units may be chosen from this Training Package, other endorsed Training Packages and accredited courses where those units are packaged in a Certificate II, III or IV. Up to one  (1) relevant unit may be chosen from this Training Package, other endorsed Training Packages and accredited courses, where that unit is packaged in a Certificate IV or Diploma. Certificate III in Process Plant Operations, Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology, Diploma of Process Plant Technology and Advanced Diploma of Process Plant Technology Please contact the college to receive an indicative price for this course. No concession fees apply to RPL enrolments. Level 2 Diploma in Process Technology - Chemical Processes. Tuition and fees are subject to change and do not include books, housing, or supplies. Australian Apprenticeships career information. PMA40116 Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology. The PMA30116 Certificate III in Process Plant Operations, as provided by Volt Edge, is a technical qualification for advanced operators and operations technicians who use production equipment to directly produce product. Perform basic tests. Would you like to view 'PMA40116 - Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology' on the My Skills website? PMA40116 Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology Qualification Description. VC’s Process Technology Program offers a one-year certificate and/or a two-year Associate of Applied Science degree in process technology. MSMPER300. Manufacturing technologyis at the core of Australianinnovation and represents great potential for future growth. TAFE WA has a broad range of courses that you can choose to study such as Automotive Technology, Civil Construction Design, Civil and Structural Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communications, Mechanical Engineering and Process Plant Operations specialising in oil and gas techniques. *Estimate is in-state tuition for a Montana resident. Release 2. Accreditation No: 600/0820/9 This is a reference number related to UK accreditation framework Type: Credit based qualification This is categorisation to help define qualification attributes e.g. Please see the Apprenticeships/Traineeships section for more information. Release 2. Find RTOs approved to deliver this qualification. Participants must be able to demonstrate an understanding of the production process and equipment across the plant. This means that your fees will vary depending on the units you study as part of your training plan. If you have a technical mind, you are in luck. The PMA40116 Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology is intended for senior operators and polymer technicians. The PMA40116 Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology is a technical qualification for plant technicians and operations technicians who will typically be involved in solving complex problems which require theoretical knowledge, combined with an understanding of the production process and equipment across the plant. The PMA30116 Certificate III in Process Plant Operations has been developed as a technical qualification for use in the PMA08 Chemical, Hydrocarbons and Refining Training Package. Certificate III in Process Plant Operations Course Description. Please note that, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing requirements, to continue your learning journey, this program will be delivered remotely where possible. Engineering is the branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures. Process Plant Technology - Associate of Applied Science (AAS). See how our students learn in a real-life industry setting equipped with an operating plant! Again, this option is suited to existing workers in the chemical, hydrocarbons or refining sectors, or similar industries. The senior operator/technician may be process-based and directly involved in production or they may be based elsewhere, for example, in a laboratory, although they will typically still have functions on the production floor. Navigate to previous page in table listing Units of Competency. MEM09003B. For more information or to find a course visit the TAFE International WA website. It covers the skills and knowledge required to for continuous and short term operation of an intermediate boiler and for start up and shut down after a prolonged break. Technicians undertaking the course will typically be involved in solving complex problems requiring theoretical knowledge, combined with an understanding of the production process and equipment … The Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) This qualification is customisable based on your company requirements. Supersedes and is equivalent to PMA40116 Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology (Release 1). Agriculture, Animals, Science and the Environment, English, Languages and Foundation Studies, Information Technology, Library and Digital, Advancing and progressing to the next semester, Horticulture, Landscaping and Conservation, Hair, Beauty & Massage Student Clinics (Murdoch and Mandurah), Jobs and Skills Centres (Mandurah, Rockingham and Thornlie), Kadadjiny-Mia-Aboriginal-Training-Resource-Centre-(Rockingham), Koora-Marr Aboriginal Training Resource Centre (Thornlie), Western Australian Defence Industry Workforce Office, 2020 Apprenticeship/Traineeship Fees List,,, Advanced Diploma of Maritime Operations (Marine Engineering Class 1), Certificate III in Warehousing Operations, Certificate IV in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver Grade 1 Near Coastal), Provide Medical First Aid On Board a Vessel Skill Set, Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Integrated Rating), Certificate IV in Maritime Operations (Master up to 35 metres Near Coastal), Follow Vessel Security Procedures Skill Set, Manage Provision of Medical Care On Board A Vessel Skill Set, Diploma of Maritime Operations (Watchkeeper Deck), Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations, Use an Electronic Chart Display and Information System to Navigate Safely Skill Set, Infection control Skill Set (Transport and Logistics), Diploma of Maritime Operations (Master up to 500 GT), Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Mechanical), Transmit and Receive Information by the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Skill Set, Advanced Training for Liquified Gas Tanker Cargo Operations, Certificate III in Aquaculture (Diving Operations), Certificate III in Aquaculture (Vessel Operations), Certificate II in Aeroskills (Aeroskills Mechanical Pre-apprenticeship), Scuba Dive in Open Water to a Maximum Depth of 18 Metres Skill Set, Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence - Helicopter), Observe Personal Safety and Social Responsibility Skill Set, Tanker Familiarisation (Liquefied Gas Tanker), Advanced Diploma of Maritime Operations (Marine Engineering Class 2), Certificate III in Marine Mechanical Technology, Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations, Advanced Diploma of Maritime Operations (Master Unlimited), Certificate IV in Aviation (Aviation Supervision), Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver Grade 2 Near Coastal), Marine Radio Operator's VHF and HF Skill Set, Operate Survival Craft and Other Lifesaving Appliances Skill Set, Diploma of Aviation (Aviation Management), Diploma of Maritime Operations (Marine Engineering Class 3 Near Coastal), Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Master up to 24 metres Near Coastal), Manage Firefighting and Fire Prevention Activities on Board a Vessel Skill Set, Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 1 Near Coastal), Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence - Aeroplane), Certificate III in Motorcycle Mechanical Technology, Certificate III in Automotive Refinishing Technology, Certificate III in Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanical Technology, Certificate III in Mobile Plant Technology, Certificate III in Surface Preparation and Coating Application, Certificate III in Automotive Body Repair Technology, Certificate II in Automotive Body Repair Technology (Panel Beating Pre-Apprenticeship), Certificate II in Engineering (Mechanical-Plant Mechanic Pre-Apprenticeship), Certificate II in Automotive Body Repair Technology (Vehicle Body Painting Pre-Apprenticeship), Certificate II in Automotive Electrical Technology, Certificate II in Automotive Electrical Technology (Automotive Electrical Pre-Apprenticeship), Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology (Heavy Vehicle Servicing Pre-Apprenticeship), Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology (Light Vehicle Servicing Pre-Apprenticeship), Certificate II in Automotive Air Conditioning Technology, Certificate III in Engineering - Mechanical Trade (Plant Mechanic ZG/Z), Certificate III in Automotive Electrical Technology, Certificate III in Agricultural Mechanical Technology, Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade (Surface Finishing), Certificate III in Automotive Manufacturing Technical Operations - Bus, Truck and Trailer, Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology, Certificate III in Outdoor Power Equipment Technology, Certificate II in Automotive Manufacturing Production - Bus, Truck and Trailer (Vehicle Body Building Pre-apprenticeship), Certificate III in Conservation and Land Management, Certificate IV in Conservation and Land Management, Diploma of Conservation and Land Management, Manage Pests by Applying Pesticides Skill Set, Chemical Risk Management Level 3 Skill Set, Certificate III in Companion Animal Services, Chemical Risk Management Level 4 Skill Set, Certificate II in Conservation and Land Management, Certificate III in Sports Turf Management, Certificate III in Landscape Construction, Certificate III in Accounts Administration, Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping, Certificate III in Business Administration, Certificate III in Business Administration (Medical), Certificate IV in Business Administration, Certificate IV in Project Management Practice, Certificate IV in Marketing and Communication, Certificate III in Painting and Decorating, Work Ready Painting and Decorating Skill Set, Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining, Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway - Trades) (Solid Plastering Pre-Apprenticeship), Painters Registration - Business and Estimating Skill Set, Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway - Trades) (Wall and Ceiling Lining Pre-Apprenticeship), Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway - Trades) (Wall and Floor Tiling Pre-Apprenticeship), Certificate IV in Civil Construction Supervision, Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway - Trades) (Painting and Decorating Pre-Apprenticeship), Painters Registration - Prepare Surface for Painting and Colour and Wallpapering Skill Set, Work Safety in Construction Skill Set (Fee Free), Operation (Electrical) Legislative Requirements, Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) (Electrotechnology Pre-Apprenticeship), Diploma of Building and Construction (Building) (Builder's Registration), Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician, Construction Apprenticeship Ready Skill Set, Design and Size Consumer Gas Installations Skill Set, Grid Connect Design and Install Clean Energy Council Skill Set, Design Grid Connected PV System with Battery Storage Skill Set, Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway - Trades) (Brick and Block Laying Pre-Apprenticeship), Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway - Trades) (Carpentry and Joinery Pre-Apprenticeship), Certificate II in Furniture Making (Cabinet Making/Furniture Making Pre-Apprenticeship), Plumbing Contracting Licensing (Business) Skill Set, Electrical Contractors Nominees Licence/Electrical Contractors Licence Course, Plumbing Contracting Licensing (Specialist) Skill Set, Certificate III in Bricklaying/Blocklaying, Data Communications - Install and Modify Performance Data Communication Structured Cabling, Introduction to Furniture Making Skill Set, Certificate II in Plumbing (Plumbing Pre-Apprenticeship), Infrastructure Ready Skill Set (Fee Free), Diploma of Applied Fashion Design and Merchandising, Diploma of Applied Fashion Design and Merchandising (Fashion Business), Advanced Diploma of Applied Fashion Design and Merchandising, Certificate IV in Applied Fashion Design and Merchandising, Civil Construction - Structural Design, Model and Drafting skill set, Applied Engineering Drawing and CAD Skill Set, Certificate II in Autonomous Workplace Operations, Certificate III in Engineering - Technical, Applied Engineering Mathematics Skill Set, Course in Working Effectively in an Automated Workplace, Advanced Mathematics and Engineering Calculus skill set, Industrial Control System Programming Skill Set, Applied Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics skill set, Certificate II in Engineering (Mechanical Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Pre-Apprenticeship), Mechanical Engineering Design, Modelling and Drafting skill set, Certificate III in Engineering - Industrial Electrician, Certificate II in Process Plant Operations, Certificate II in Computer Assembly and Repair, Certificate III in Process Plant Operations, Certificate II in Data and Voice Communications, Maintenance Planning, Scheduling and Coordination Skill Set, Certificate IV in Engineering (Instrumentation), Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design, Certificate III in Engineering - Mechanical Trade (Refrigeration/Air Conditioning), Certificate IV in Engineering (Skills Set - HVAC Commissioning), Certificate III in Engineering - Mechanical Trade (Mechanical Fitter ZA), Diploma of Engineering - Technical (HVAC), Certificate II in Split Air-conditioning and Heat Pump Systems, Advanced Diploma of Engineering Technology - Electrical, Certificate IV in Electronics and Communications, Certificate IV in Electrical - Instrumentation, Diploma of Electronics and Communications Engineering, Advanced Diploma of Process Plant Technology, Certificate II in Integrated Technologies (Pre-vocational) (Robotics Control Systems), Certificate I in New Opportunities for Women (NOW), Certificate IV in Spoken and Written English for Further Study, Certificate IV in Leadership and Mentoring, Certificate II in Spoken and Written English, Certificate I in Spoken and Written English, Certificate III in Spoken and Written English, Certificate II in General Education for Adults, Certificate III in General Education for Adults, Certificate I in General Education for Adults, Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care, Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing), Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability), Certificate IV in School Age Education and Care, Certificate II in Introduction to Aged Care (Aged Care Pre-traineeship), Certificate II in Introduction to Disability Care (Disability Care Pre-traineeship), Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care, Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community), Diploma of Training Design and Development, Administer and Monitor Medication Skill Set, Skin Needling Workshop (Collagen Induction Therapy), Certificate III in Health Services Assistance, Certificate III in Health Services Assistance (Assisting in Nursing Work in Acute Care), Certificate III in Sterilisation Services, Certificate IV in Preparation for Health and Nursing Studies, Infection control Skill Set (Food Handling), Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management, Certificate II in Meat Processing (Food Services), Certificate III in Meat Processing (Retail Butcher), Certificate II in Baking (Baking Pre-Apprenticeship), Digital Photography (Intermediate) Skill Set, Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology (Cyber Security), Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology (Network Administration), Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology, Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology, Diploma of Information Technology Networking, Certificate IV in Digital Media Technologies, Certificate IV in Digital and Interactive Games, Certificate IV in Information Technology Networking, Certificate IV in Computer Systems Technology, Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade (Light Yc), Certificate III in Marine Craft Construction, Certificate III in Engineering - Mechanical Trade (First Class Machinist), Certificate III in Engineering - Composites Trade, Certificate II in Engineering (Mechanical Fitter and Machinist Pre-Apprenticeship), Certificate II in Engineering (Heavy Fabrication Pre-Apprenticeship), Certificate IV in Engineering (Fluid Power), Certificate III in Engineering - Mechanical Trade (Marine Fitter), Certificate III in Engineering - Mechanical Trade (Fitter and Machinist ZB), Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade (Marine), Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade (Heavy Yg), Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade (Heavy/Welding YH), C Grades in Year 11 WACE General English, and OLNA; or NAPLAN 9 Band 8, C Grades in Year 11 English and Maths or equivalent, Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices, Use organisation computers or data systems, Contribute to the development of workplace documentation, Undertake first response to non-fire incidents, Undertake first response to fire incidents, Monitor chemical reactions in the process, Operate and monitor compressor systems and equipment, Transfer bulk fluids into/out of storage facility, Undertake ship loading/unloading operations, Communicate and monitor pipeline activities, Monitor and operate tailings management facilities, Undertake crane, dogging and load transfer operations, Break and make flanged joints using hand tools, Undertake fire control and emergency rescue, Apply offshore facility abandonment and sea survival procedures and practices, Obtain representative samples in accordance with sampling plan, Monitor, operate and control reverse osmosis and nano-filtration processes, * From February 2018 this will no longer be delivered at Beaconsfield. 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