... its not all about you or your hurt feelings , you just don’t get to do this shit to real people because you are salty. Y/n L/n, also known as Y/n Meredith came to Manhattan to live with her father, Dr. Meredith whose occupation was a back-alley doctor. "You know shit about me!" Hope you like it! I have no right to do it. "You were right – I know nothing about this, I can barely understand your reasons, but I shouldn't judge you. Ash fights to protect Eiji and despite what he says, he can't let the omega go. "I'm so sorry about yesterday" said Eiji, speaking first. They were unarmed! "Then you have the worst sense in the world" Ash sighed and couldn't help but making a funny face. This one shot is set between Fly Boy In The Sky and the actual plot of Banana Fish. God, he was auch an idiot for not noticing anything earlier. I have been thinking since I finished the show and I thought it was almost bitter sweet how it ended even though it took an … There was still a voice inside his head that blamed himself for killing him, even when he did it to protect Eiji, like so many times before. I think, realizing that he would not see Eiji off at the airport due to his wound, Ash decided that he would say goodbye to Eiji in his own way. Ash stiffend at the touch, but his shoulders began shaking more visibly now. His two hands, curled into fists were trembling. I basically just made Ash and Eiji happy, this all I want in life currently. Hurt/Comfort; Okumura Eiji Gets A Hug; Someone get this boy some therapy; Summary. In a moment Ash was up from his seat and hovered above Eiji. Hope you like it! Skipper (Banana Fish) Sing Soo-Ling; Ibe Shunichi; Post-Canon Banana Fish; Summary "Stay by my side. Ash's eyes (green, too) pierced him as if he wanted to stab him with that glance. Apr 23, 2019 - Fanfic: Desire (Ash x Eiji), Banana Fish | FanFiction Banana Fish has ruined my life so I wrote this to lessen my depression. Your review has been posted. "Those people were cowards, traitors. After few moments the pain has subdued back to a headache. It doesn't have to be forever. I adore the idea of them in a slightly complicated but cute poly relationship. Sound of knocking on the doors snapped him out of his train of thoughts. He hated who he was – a killer, someone who could never be with Eiji, someone whom Eiji would never love. Meanwhile Ash and his gang snapped out of their conversation because of strange noise. Yut-Lung's birthday surprise party chat | ✔, Party doesn't start until he walks in | ✔. #eiji Nov 09, 2018. #eijiokumura Maybe this would please Eiji so he would spend some more time with him. But I think you're not a judge nor executioner. #bananafishedit #banana fish #eiji okumura #ash lynx #asheiji #okumura eiji #banana fish manga #myedits #mycolorings #yall i feel like i finally found my own coloring style #and i feel very happy about it #also yes the anime is rly beautiful but i think the manga is so cool and aesthetic as well Ash let himself relax slightly "sorry Alex". Ash?" They started talking in a hushed tone, Ash careful not to let Eiji hear something he is better not to know. After what happened in Golzine's he felt like he could face everything. #bfsecretsanta2019 Summary: All Eiji wishes was to be with Ash and live an ordinary life together… Or was that too much to ask for? Ash came back with a glass of water and a small pill in hus clenched hand. Eiji rised his arm, as if he could stop Ash, which obviously didn't happen. The one who felt sorry for what he had to do, the one who cried over his dead friends, the one who asked him not to let go. An alternative ending where Eiji saves Ash at the last minute before bleeding out. I think I've got it now, this posting sh**. -—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-. ... Fanfiction. "It's okay," Eiji whispers, feeling Ash kiss him fiercely and groan. #christmas This was not the Ash he would follow everywhere, he would risk his own life for. "Maybe" Eiji finally admitted. He yelled and pointed the gun at him. Some juice is okay, thanks Eiji" Kong nodded with a smile and thumb up. #fanfiction What kind of despicable person shoots his best friend in the head? Banana Fish short stories | Fanfiction [Fanmade/unofficial 'Banana Fish' stories] Banana fish one-shots and short scenarios written by me. ... Fanfiction. #happilyeverafter If all the events of Banana Fish still happened but the only difference being that Ash never fell in love with Eiji, I can assure you Ash would have lived at the end ,he would have been fighting Lao and gotten help. Ash considered ignoring him and saying he didn't want to talk but at that point he was too sick of everything. Banana Fish has ruined my life so I wrote this to lessen my depression. #anime Nothing!". "Eiji? The night gave way to the day and Ash didn't come home. It's what I am and I've never hidden it. Not if it was not in self-defense. As he walked back, he ressuringly squuezed Ash's shoulder who in turn tensed at the contact. Honestly, since their first kiss in jail (which maybe didn't count as such because it had just been a mean for an end) he started to see Ash in a different way. Banana Fish has ruined my life so I wrote this to lessen my depression. #ashlynx Warning: Contains angst and spoilers for the end of the anime/manga. Eiji would frantically scoop them out if he could, holding them into the scatter of dawn’s light and against his mouth in a lover’s kiss. By midday he was actually worried. He knew that Eiji would be dead if he hadn't done it, and he was the only innocent there. The boys went and sat on the couch. So this is basically a short story about what happens in episode 12 of the anime. He sat them on the table, but suddenly black and white spots blurred his vision, he groaned slightly as he gripped the chair to balance himself. Embed Story Share via Email Read New Reading List. Because he still was painfully aware of how close to ending their story was. If Eiji didn't accept him (which he completely understood) there was nothing else to discuss. That night they came back home together. Ash jelled. He sat on the chair for a few moments, just to make sure for this not to happen again, and to make sure he looks fine and normal when he goes to greet his guests again. However, it is assumed he has led a normal life until the events of Banana Fish. #happyending He could feel the rage running through his veins, a rage he couldn't contain inside his fists. One-shot. #halloween Millions of thoughts spun around in his head "boss!" He was disgusted with himself for asking him to stay in that moment of weakness, since he knew it wasn't possible. "You are already back" Eiji stood in the hallway, blue cloth in his dripping hands. #trauma 1.1k, Asheiji, T-rating, Fix-It for Banana Fish Ending Summary: The memories feel like dark black ink submerged in water — thinned and pulling apart, fading. I basically just made Ash and Eiji happy, this all I want in life currently. Alex go buy some medicine" Ash mutered and picked Eiji up. This is based off of @butleronice‘s adorable art of Shorter, Eiji, and Ash together. Eiji laid his head on Ash’s shoulder, staring off at the bruising sky with a small smile. he finished, desperately trying to make him listen to reason. Hope you enjoyed reading the part. Sorry if there are some grammer mistakes, my app for finding those is malfunctioning, once ut works again i will edit the part and got rid of mistakes. He could love him even if he was a killer. "I don't want to be a burden" he replied and flinched as Ash slammed the glass down on the table. It all comes down to Eiji and how deeply Ash loves him. It would be best for Eiji to get away from him, to come back home and forget everything. Even if it's just for now." (Episode 11-12) Also mostly set at 3 a.m, so late nights and early mornings. "Ash breathed out as he looked at the boy below him. since I chose this" he firmly stated. Eiji was hurt. Who knows when would he be back though. What happened? "Eiji you need to drink some medicine" Ash helped him seat up and shuffeled to the nerby desk where there was a bag Alex left. Also romance isn't my favorite thing, so I'm not too great with it, but this show put me through so much suffering so here you go. When one day Ash comes back home early with Alex, Kong, and Bones, Eiji leaves to get their drinks but he passes out from exhaustion in the kitchen. How could you killed them in cold blood?! Eiji didnn't believe it, he just couldn't. A/N: It may contain spoilers from this episode and the previous ones. The dots that appeared in his vision connected and darkness engulfed him, he fell with a thud while the tray clashed on the floor and glasses broke with a sharp sound. WANTED(AshXReader Banana Fish Fanfiction) Fanfiction. "You know nothing. It didn’t matter much how long it had been, except when Ash found himself idly calculating the hours since… Its not the stab wound that killed the Lynx it … Eiji is sure that Ash feels a pain like that, an endless pain that the green eyed boy tries to hide every day, a pain that Eiji can see through Ash´s smile. Eiji was an accomplished pole vaulter before an injury interfered with that. Recommended by: sodapop7665; Status: Complete Ash princess-carried Eiji to their room and softly put him on the bed and wrapped him in blanket. Alex called as he stopped in front of the doorframe. banana fish banana fish au banana fish au fic rec ash lynx eiji okumura haha sorry for being gone for so long but here have some AU r : ash r : eiji r : asheiji r : AU r : fantasy r : modern r : coffee shop r : sci fi "And you thought that by countinuing over-working yourself even with your high fever was a good idea" Ash hissed as he put his hand on the table and leaned on it, his back facing Eiji. Aaa I was reading a continuation of thw anime on wattpad, but I accidently didn’t save it! Eiji felt a bit ridiculous trying to lecture someone while he was wearing green pajamas but it was not the most important thing at the moment. Alex walked in with a small white bag dangaling in his hand. #oneshotcollection Alex looked at him dumbfounded "Now?!" So he could tell himself it was right to love him despite him being perfectly capable of killing. An alternative ending where Eiji saves Ash at the last minute before bleeding out. Eiji would frantically scoop them out if he could, holding them into the scatter of dawn’s light and against his mouth in a lover’s kiss. Art by ksjmin. This is not you!" Bye. He knew that whatever was happening between them, it had an expiration date, which he still hated. "I, uh..." Eiji hesitated. He patiently waited for the whole morning but Ash didn't show up. "Yeah, but I still have a few things to take care of" Ash stated as he took of his shoes and put on his slippers. It was easy to understand as well as the reason why he needed true affection. Kong and Bones shrieked in union. Such was the case that he couldn't help but to contact two of his most trustworthy men in order to find him. I basically just made Ash and Eiji happy, this all I want in life currently. Eiji knows that love can´t fix everything, that sometimes love is not enough to heal a soul that has been hurt again and again and all over again. #wattpride. Eiji's flight was at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon. He wrapped his arms around him and leaned his head on his back. I think I've got it now, this posting sh**. Ash didn't come back and he stayed there in his pajamas, barefoot, wondering if he had made the right choice. #sick I'm here" Eiji murmmerd as he countinued to hold now bawling teen. But Banana Fish is a never ending story, you can feel the waves from it long after you finish it because its too real. Banana Fish - Another missed flight by Purple_Pirate23. Eiji took it and gulped it down with cold, refreshing liquid soothing his burning throat. "What happened?" Disclaimer: Banana Fish belongs to Akimi Yoshida, not me. Also romance isn't my favorite thing, so I'm not too great with it, but this show put me through so much suffering so here you go. But if he could choose, he preferred it to be later. He pushed his cover off of himself and stumbeld towards Ash. I almost had a heart attack because of you" Ash hissed under his breath as he gazed at his still tremebling hands. But Shorter didn't deserve to die, much less by his hand, even if he asked for it himself in his last lucid moment as he realized there was no hope for him. Hello everyone! Even killing. Also romance isn't my favorite thing, so I'm not too great with it, but this show put me through so much suffering so here you go. He was completely able to take care of himself, but he had many enemies as well. Banana Fish has ruined my life so I wrote this to lessen my depression. I thought you already knew it" Ash replied, coldly. It was barely seven, but he had nothing to do but sleep. Eiji Okumura is the deuteragonist of the Banana Fish series. But, what if he didn't came home today, would Eiji pass out and would lay in the kitchen until he was back? He was more than the hand holding the gun. Lost Fic. Banana Fish Ash X Eiji fanfic2 “Reason to Live” Alternate Ending Part One It had been two weeks, maybe longer. His fault, all of it. #ashxeiji "I'm a killer. He knew he'd never love him because he was a killer. (Slow dancing in the kitchen in socks at 3 a.m) Hey Baby, I Think I'm Gonna Marry You (Banana Fish Fanfiction / AshEiji) 1.7K Reads 104 Votes 1 Part Story. "He called, but the boy didn't reply, his eyes closed and brows furrowed, was he in pain? Anime/Manga: Banana Fish fanfiction archive with over 346 stories. After escaping Golzine, Eiji holds on to a new secret and he knows telling Ash can only do more harm than good. Eiji asked as he looked past Ash, Alex was there talking with Kong and Bones. " You.. You don’t even realize how good you are.” Ash rested his head atop Eiji’s and hummed, an old Patti Page song, and didn’t reply for a moment. Eiji sat quiet for a few moments. It would be the best, in fact. Do you know i almost had a panic attack when i saw you laying in the kitchen" it was not a question that needed a answer. A Banana Fish fanfiction by Milkdreams Chapter 1: All of the Lights December 1st in New York City; 24 days until Christmas and three months since The Notorious P.I.G. One kiss turns into another, and Eiji's head spins again but for a different reason than pain. Eiji rised his arm, as if he could stop Ash, which obviously didn't happen. Eiji keeps the fact he's an omega a secret from Ash, but after being kidnapped and taken to Dino's, he finds out. He sat there in quiet, thinking in his head about everything and esppecially last few days. Not much is known about his personal life, or other personal interests besides pole-vaulting, and that he was offered multiple scholarships for it, and later on, photography which he continued to pursue. One day, something inside Eiji clicked. He picked it up and threw it into the bin without a look. Shall something happened to him? Shorter was dead. That he'd get used to it. Ash's lips feel warm and spit-sticky. For some reason, Ash didn't find revenge so attractive anymore - it was something secondary. "Maybe I don't know anything about you, after all. DITTO. ... banana fish shoreiji shortbread cookie banana fish fanfiction my writing. No, not that. He wanted to die happy, and he believed it was a fitting end for him, so he did. They got just what they deserve.". "Hng, A-ash" Eiji shakingly called out with hoarse voice since he had just woken up. Banana fish one-shots and short scenarios written by me. He turned out to be at the library – a place he would never thought about as a refuge for a kid from the streets like him. He wasn't sure if it was the daring smirk, the unwashed lemon hair, or the simple body language of the other man that told Eiji … Live ” Alternate Ending Part one it had an expiration date, which obviously did n't back! Himself for asking him to get Eiji to their room and softly put him on the table,., thanks Eiji '' Kong nodded with a small pill in hus clenched hand case that he could tell it. Of fridge of his head about everything and esppecially last few days,... An idiot for not noticing anything earlier sorry Ash '' Eiji stood in the hallway, blue cloth his... 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