They were extremely touched by the extra personalizations. Restaurant menu, map for Lucky Tusk located in 28001, Albemarle NC, 1465 U.S. 52. more. Chelia S. 10/26/13. $ "The prints came out gorgeous and were perfect for my wedding. Lucky Tusk offers patio seating in the warmer months. Lucky Tusk is a Thai Food in Albemarle. They are open every day of the week. Make sure you click Allow or Grant Permissions if your browser asks for your location. Any design may incorporate your custom text to suit your occasion, making the ideal gift! Other traditional wedding gifts include Paper for the 1 Year Anniversary, Cotton Canvas for the 2nd Year Anniversary and Copper for the 7th and 22nd Year Anniversaries. 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Japanese, Sushi, Thai, Little Tokyo Restaurant ($$) $ - Cheap Eats (Under $10) Lucky Tusk. See restaurant menus, reviews, hours, photos, maps and directions. Is this your restaurant? Personalized art is perfect for weddings and engagements, the 10 year anniversary, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Godparent gifts ~ any truly special occasion in your life. The exterior is a little rough-looking, but give it a try. Connect with neighborhood businesses on Nextdoor. I usually get the simple teriyaki chicken, but they do offer a full sushi menu as well. 1465 U.S. 52, Albemarle, NC, 28001 • Map • Directions (704) 985-1127. 12 reviews with an average rating of 3.0 stars have been consolidated here. Albemarle, NC 28001 gorgeous and were perfect for my wedding custom art pieces from Lucky Tusk is a providing! Paper, metal or canvas mediums making the ideal gift your browser asks for your Location special couple custom pieces... 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