Potato is very effective in removing dark spots, acne, pigmentation, and other skin problems. Wait for 15 – 20 minutes and rinse your eyes with cool water after removing the cotton balls. So, this was the first remedy, the second remedy is also very effective in lightening the dark circles under the eyes using the potato. Treat dark circles with potatoes. Alternatively, chill some freshly grated potato and wrap it in cheesecloth or gauze. 2 slices of raw potato, half an inch thick; 2 linen tissues; 1 mortar; Discover: The Health Benefits of Potatoes. There are many ways of using potato slices. Are you willing to do it? Potatoes contain natural bleaching agents. Take out the chilled potato and cut two slices. Do you know that Mermaids Are Still Alive? Wash your eyes with water. 5. Rinse off with water and pat dry your eyes. Place some of this raw potato paste in each tissue. Follow this remedy two times a day until the dark circles disappear totally. • You have to rub those slices over the eyelids and under the eyes. I get allergic reactions easily so im really not freaked out about it ( and probably nothing a benydril cant fix ) but im curious as to if this happend to anyone else? Grated potatoes to remove under eye puffiness Use cucumber slices . Ingredients: Two chilled cucumber slices; Procedure: This makes them great for reducing dark circles under your eyes. We have switched over to healthier substitutes like herbal teas and non-sugary drinks. Apply potato juice soaked in cotton balls on the dark circles for 15 minutes. Do this 2 times a week. Slice the potato, place them in a cold water and refrigerate for half an hour. It has many essential nutrients and anti-oxidant property that keep the skin firm, smooth and bright. How to Use Cucumber for Dark Circles? For this, refrigerate fresh cucumber and cut it into thick slices. However, there are medical treatments too that can give you a more effective … Grated frozen potatoes also work well as an eye pack or poultice. After knowing about potato and its effectiveness on Dark Circles, everyone wants to know how to use this potato for getting rid of the problem. Tomato. Next, you place the grated potato slices in the cheesecloth and tie it thoroughly to make it like a poultice. Leave it on for about 30 minutes and wash the eyes with warm water. Along with containing vitamins A and C, potatoes can also naturally lighten skin. Place the cold slices on your eyes for 10 minutes. Lay down to place these slices over closed eyes but be sure that it has to cover the dark colored circles. This ingredient is full of minerals and vitamins that are helpful to your wrinkles and dark circles. Include potato (in limited quantities) in your daily diet to reduce the dark circles from inside the body. There are two ways to use Potato for removing dark circles: Cut slices of potato and allow them to chill in the refrigerator for some time. Apply this with care to make sure no juice gets in your eyes. Potato and Lemon Juice is also a good combination. Studying or working for long hours in front of computers will help to achieve your desired results but leaves you with ugly dark circles under the eyes. DIY Remedies is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Let the slices cool in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Like cucumbers, potatoes are used as some of the most preferred home remedies for bags under eyes, puffy eyes and dark eye circles. Secondly, let me tell you why potato slice are considered to be good to prevent dark circles. 1. Apply these slices over your eyes and leave for 10 minutes. But also, there are many people who make use of potato slices to prevent dark circles. Youngisthan.in is a youth media company that has dedicated itself as a fun & developmental platform for the young population of India. What you have to do is, take a potato and extract its juice. If you want to keep it simple, you can freeze a … Not possible, right? Mint Leaves. Or you can mix potato juice and olive oil and apply regularly on dark circles. After 15 minutes wash your eyes with cold water. 5. Potato Slice To Prevent Dark Circles – People usually turn to cucumber in order to prevent all the dark circles, right? That’s why; you can try to prevent it by daily investing 10 minutes of your life in this task. After that, remove the potato slices and rinse it with cool water. Potato for dark circles under eyes - Simple home remedy for dark circles under eyes How to get rid of dark circles naturally? Potato Slices for Dark Circles. 2. Rinse off after few minutes. How to cover up dark circles 10.) This, in turn makes you look tired, exhausted, unhealthy and older, which is not fair. Put potato slices or cucumber slices under eyes. The usual reasons for dark circles include stress, hormonal changes, anaemia, dehydration, lack of sleep, lifestyle imbalances, allergies, overexposure to the sun, problems with pigmentation, skin thinness and the list continues. But also, there are many people who make use of potato slices to prevent dark circles. 2. What should you do? and apply under eyes areas to get relief from the problem. Once they are chilled, dry them with a clean cloth and place the slices over your for 10-20 minutes. 12. We know that potato alone is a powerful weapon that triggers dark circles. Your email address will not be published. There are many ways of extracting potato juice and of applying potatoes on your under-eye area to combat dark circles. Apply this mix on the under eye affected areas like a mask. Wash the potatoes thoroughly. It also contains nutrients and anti-oxidants that reduce the puffiness under the eyes. Let it sit for 20 minutes. Green Tea Bags. Dark discoloration of skin under the eyes is referred as dark circles or dark rings or shadows. Potato, This was all about using potato slice to prevent dark circles. Mint leaves have a cooling effect on reducing dark circles and help your eyes to be healthy. - Potato Slices for dark circles under eyes #VaselineBeautyTips #BeautyHacksEyebro..., #diybeautydarkcircles #diybeautygifts Best Picture For beauty bar For Your Taste You are looking for something, and it is going to tell you exactly what you are looking for, and you didn’t find that picture. Cucumber is the best choice and the most widely used home remedy to treat dark circles. Wait for 10 – 15 minutes and remove it. Then take a relaxed position and close your eyes to place these slices on each eye. Many things can cause dark bags to form under your eyes, including fluid retention, changes in hormones, sleeping on your back, allergies or a lack of sleep. 11. Said to be even more effective than cucumber, thin slices are placed over the eyes for around 10 minutes which lighten the skin, causing bruise-like circles to fade. However, for efficiency we can make a homemade cucumber and potato mask, two excellent plants for skin care and, above all, to shrink the puffy eye bags and reduce unsightly dark circles.. To make this mask you just need half a cucumber and a half a peeled potato, blend both ingredients. Peel a raw potato and slice it into large pieces. Leave it for about 20 minutes, and then rinse it off with cold water. ... Grated Potato. If you want to stop dark circles, then you must stop taking stress, you must also start eating healthy food, and give up the habit of sitting for long hours in front of computer. This makes them great for reducing dark circles under your eyes. Add the butter, olive oil, rosemary, parsley, salt and pepper to the potatoes. Tell us which method worked best in dealing with your dark circles. Try these potato methods to make your eyes free from dark circles. Or place a tomato slice on dark circles and message it gently for 2 – 3 minutes. Then take a cotton ball and dip it into the potato … How to Prepare? Properly wash the potato to remove soil and other dirt on it. Rinse it off after 20 minutes with cool water. Dark circles are a recurring issue in the modern day world largely owing to the lifestyle we millennials follow. They help you lighten your skin, remove dullness and reduce the puffiness. Repeat daily until your dark circles begin to fade. This is probably the simplest way to treat dark circles naturally. Easy home remedies for dark circles and diminish it. Continue the same process for 2 – 3 times daily. Raw grated potato or even cold raw potato slices have proven to have lightening effects on the skin. Potato Slice To Prevent Dark Circles – People usually turn to cucumber in order to prevent all the dark circles, right? DARK circles can be a pain to cover up, but are part of daily life for a lot of people who juggle work, family life and running a house. Potato is very effective in removing dark spots, acne, pigmentation, and other skin problems. Rinse it off after 20 minutes with cool water. Repeat these instructions twice daily as desired. Firstly, dark circle is a common problem and all of us go through it. Let me list down some effective ways in detail that help in reducing dark circles around the eyes and makes the skin look shiny and healthy. “Potato contains a natural bleaching ingredient in it that results into lightning the skin. Now we are going to know why and how this works as anti – dark circle remedy. Medical Treatments for Dark Circles. Always prefer to use fresh and raw potatoes for dark circles treatment. Other than using potatoes for dark circles, you have to consume healthy diet, get plenty of sleep, reduce stress with yoga and meditation, do exercises regularly, etc. But also, there are many people who make use of potato slices to prevent dark circles. Or slices of potato, to be exact. Lie on your back for 15 minutes with the slices in your eyes, and let the coolness seep into the skin and eyes. Apply fresh raw potato juice instead of potato slices on affected under eye areas using cotton balls. It can be applied in the form of juice, slices or puree. Iron. Second remedy for dark circles treatment The second remedy is also very effective in lightening the dark circles under the eyes using the potato. 3. Natasha Patel; 1 Jun 2020, 17:20; Updated: 1 Jun 2020, 17:24; DARK circles can be … Potato and Honey Mask for Dark Circles: Cucumber Slices. Now if you have dark circles under your eyes - take two potato slices, and … Potato for dark circles. Take a potato and grate well, run it … Mint leaves are also high in vitamin C that helps to treat dark circles under eyes and improve your skin health [16]. Now take a cloth or a towel and wrap the piece of potato in it and slowly place it over your dark circles. Cold water can also help to reduce puffiness and dark circles as … Natural Home Remedies for Health & Beauty, June 20, 2016 By Sruthika Leave a Comment. After that you have to take a slice of tomato and apply some tomato juice over that so that this boosts the efficiency of the treatment. Don’t worry; it’ll only take 10 minutes of your busy day. Potato Slice To Prevent Dark Circles – People usually turn to cucumber in order to prevent all the dark circles, right? It is also a great bleaching agent that makes your skin fair and gives you younger-looking skin. Now take a cloth or a towel and wrap the piece of potato in it and slowly place it over your dark circles. Then, mash them using the mortar. Especially, potatoes are very suitable for every kind of skin. Cucumber is usually the vegetable we turn to when looking to reduce puffiness and dark circles under the eyes, but in Spain women turn to potatoes. The enzymes and the astringent properties help … Use the slices just like cucumber, placing over the eyes for half an hour or so. Many things can cause dark bags to form under your eyes, including fluid retention, changes in hormones, sleeping on your back, allergies or a lack of sleep. Raw potatoes are really good for dark circles. Use Cold Water to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Eyes. Place over your eyes in such a way that it covers dark circles. Some try to hide it using make-up, but others don’t care about it much. Cut two 1-inch slices from the middle of potato leaving the skin on. To challenge this unfair situation, you have to use some effective natural remedies at home. Fill the 10 cups. Learn how your comment data is processed. Then take a relaxed position and close your eyes to place these slices on each eye. This method does not require extracting the juice; instead, you can use potato slices to reduce dark circles directly. Required fields are marked *. Let it sit for about 20 – 25 minutes or overnight, if placed at night time. Potato Slices. Potato Slices for Dark Circles Raw potatoes are really good for dark circles. Green tea is useful for many purposes, and it is found in every kitchen, probably. Chop 1 potato and blend it along with 1 teaspoon of raw honey and 2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil till you get smooth paste. Let the potato slices lie on your eyes for 20 minutes. You don’t have to cut potato and then apply the slices directly, you can try out some other ways, and don’t worry you’ll get the same result. Potato contains natural bleaching agents that will help lighten the skin under your eyes. Honey has anti-inflammatory property that soothes the inflamed eye areas. Bags can make you look tired and rundown – even when y… Once they are chilled, dry them with a clean cloth and place the slices over your for 10-20 minutes. Apart from removing the dark circles, it will also help the skin look smoother and softer. Rinse your face thoroughly with cold water. It easily lightens dark circles. Use the slices just like cucumber, placing over the eyes for half an hour or so. Raw potato also contains bleaching properties just like the tomato. Dark circles make you look tired and as if you haven’t slept properly for days. 2 slices of raw potato, half an inch thick; 2 linen tissues; 1 mortar; Discover: The Health Benefits of Potatoes. To try for yourself, refrigerate a few spuds, then slice them. The astringent present in raw potatoes removes excess water from under the eyes, thus removing the under eye puffiness. So to prevent it all, there’s one thing that you must use daily and i.e. Keep in mind to use potato juice, if not slices. All you need to do is, remove the cucumber and potato juice, and dip cotton ball into it, and then apply it under your eyes. Once it is chilled then soak 2 clean cotton balls in this mix and place the balls over eyes. 2 ways that you can use potato for dark circles under your eyes, I saw instant results! Olive oil provides the essential moisture and nourishes the skin to prevent dryness. 8. Place the two slices over your eyes making sure they cover the darkened area completely. It also reduces inflammation. Peel a raw potato and slice it into large pieces. Place 1 chopped potato, 4 tablespoons each of fresh lemon juice and water in a blender. Dark circles, on the other hand, might be caused by an iron or calcium deficiency, lack of sleep, stress, metabolic disorders, sun exposure, and well—your genes. The chilled potato slices will soothe your eyes and the enzyme catecholase helps in removing the dark circles. You know what; you can use the mixture of Potato and Cucumber together. Like the best salad ingredient, it is the commonly available home remedy that can give you big time relief from dark circles. Blend it for few minutes until smooth and refrigerate the mix for few minutes. Vitamin A which is present in the Potato also nourishes skin and allows it to be smooth.” Potato slices not only prevents dark under eye circles, but it also results into fighting with all the other problems. The youth can find their daily dose of Information, Counselling as well as Entertainment here at Youngisthan.in, You May Not be Foolish it’s Three Colors that Fools. Firstly, dark circle is a common problem and all of us go through it. Apply it over dark circles. First, peel the raw potato and cut into two slices, about half an inch thick. Method – 1: (Potato Slices) This is a most widely used method of potato for treating dark circles and puffy eyes. Potato Slices on Eyes Remedy for Bags Under Eyes. Is something serious to be taken care of 2016 by Sruthika leave a.... 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