Not only is fescue used for hay production, but also for summer grazing and turf and erosion control. Using seed species ensures you get better establishment and a healthier looking lawn. Warm-Season Perennial Grasses Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) spreads mainly by rhizomes (underground stems) and stolons (horizontal aboveground stems). forage types and species used for hay production. More primitive methods are still used for small lots or by farms without access to machinery. As the name implies, fescue blades have a very fine, almost hair-like texture and do well in shaded areas but not in hot and dry conditions. Grass hays like our Timothy have a high fiber content and are low in protein and calcium. Your feed store may carry a mixture of alfalfa and orchard grass, or a mixture of timothy and orchard grass. With lawns, timing is everything. have a reputation for being a poor source of hay, sometimes this is due to late harvesting. Due to current drought conditions in parts of Australia, access to ANY hay type is important for most horses (except metabolic horses which high sugar + starch hay needs to be avoided). Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. Any of these types of hay will provide an excellent base or foundation for your rabbit's diet. In some parts of the country fescue, reed canary grass, ryegrass and Sudan grass are … It can be mixed with other types of grass that are compatible with cool seasons if you are looking for it to become diverse and live longer. There are two types guinea pig hay: grass hay and alfalfa hay. Crabgrass--the bane of gardeners trying to maintain an attractive lawn and perennial beds--has the potential for the highest protein rating of any of the hay grasses, according to the Oklahoma State University Extension. For best quality, hay should be cut just as flowers begin to emerge. The types of grasses that grow well in Texas depend on the part of the state and the season of the year. Orchard grass (Dactylis spp.) © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Considered too low in quality for dairy cows, fescues are fed mostly to beef cattle and sheep, notes the University of Missouri Extension. Fine fescue is actually a grouping of various fescue species of grasses such as chewings fescue, hard fescue, red fescue, and sheep fescue. Meadow hay has a better spread of other minerals and trace elements than single grass hays. Cereal Grain includes oat and barley. in political science from State University of New York and a Master of Environmental Law and a J.D. The grasses are dried in the field where animals graze, or are cut when dry, then collected, baled and stored in a dry place, advises Encyclopaedia Britannica. The type of vegetation from which hay has been made can vary based on location, availability and preference of the horse owner. Grass hay also comes from a variety of sources including timothy, brome, orchardgrass, tall fescue, and bermudagrass. Haylage is conserved cut grass, baled with a higher water content than hay, and then wrapped. Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) grows mainly as an annual but can also be a biennial in certain climates. Bluestem is a native prairie grass more often grown for erosion control than for hay, but the Oklahoma Extension advises that it has moderate nutritional potential if properly managed. The latter, on the other hand, is the opposite. Tall Fescue — The University of Georgia has some good info on Tall Fescue Hay from grasses contains less calorie (energy) and a lower protein amount, usually 6% to 10%. Legume includes alfalfa, clover, or soy. The type of hay you feed the horses in your barn depends on a number of factors, including geographic location, price and the horse’s nutritional needs. Let’s take a look at grass hay and the different varieties available. Best Horse Breeds for Beginners Not all hay is … Ryegrass needs consistent moisture and will not grow well if there is a lack of water, notes the University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension. Fescue is the most common lawn grass in the United States, and it is also grown for hay in some regions. Timothy hay (Timothy grass) is a foraging grass that grows well in cool climates. Hay grasses vary in different regions of the country. Although fescues (Festuca spp.) Commercially, grasses are grown in large fields and cut with machines that can do anything from cut to bale the hay. Some homeowners lay straw or hay on top of new seeds to keep them in place, but you can also try coconut fiber, which holds moisture in place to nourish seeds. Bermudagrass produces a nutritionally superior hay under hot, moist southern growing conditions, but may require additional management such as weed treatment. Hay grasses vary in different regions of the country. Hay may also include legumes , such as alfalfa (lucerne) and clovers ( red , white and subterranean ). There are three types of ryegrass predominant in hay production. Several varieties are available, including 'Clair,' which matures earlier, is more disease resistant, and yields more than 'Mohawk' and 'Timfor.'. That could lead to urinary stones and cause your guinea pig to get fat. Timothy, Orchard Grass, Wheat and Rye According to the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, the most popular grass hay choices for horses are Timothy and orchard grass. Hay is dried forage vegetation used as feed for horses, cattle and other livestock during the winter months when green pasture is not available. Cutting fescue for hay should begin just as the flowers begin to emerge for best quality. The flowering stems of grasses are usually hollow and are either round or flat (Figure 8, below). Crabgrass--the bane of gardeners trying to maintain an attractive lawn and perennial beds--has the potential for the highest protein rating of any of the hay grasses, according to the Oklahoma State University Extension. HayRabbit hay's and grass' are all-natural and have NO additives. There are several varieties, and each varies in the amount of grazing tolerance, disease resistance and time of maturity. Timothy hay (best for adult rabbits) Meadow hay (best for adult rabbits) Oat hay (best for adult rabbits) Orchard grass hay (best for picky eaters) Alfalfa hay (best for baby/junior rabbits) Timothy hay for rabbits. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool →, Mississippi State University Cooperative Extension Service: Mississppi Forages. According to the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, the most popular grass hay choices for horses are Timothy and orchard grass. There are a wide variety of different hay types – each with its own benefits (a few even have drawbacks) for your animals. Bluestem is a native prairie grass more often grown for erosion control than for hay, but the Oklahoma Extension advises that it has moderate nutritional potential if properly managed. Grass hays should be the main component in rabbit, chinchilla and guinea pig diets. While the Oklahoma Extension lists fescue as having a moderate forage nutritional profile, the Kentucky Cooperative Extension advises against using it as a feed hay, as a symbiotic fungus within the fescue has a negative effect on some animals. Like everything in life not all things are created equal. bunch-type grass, check to see whether the unemerged leaf blade is rolled or folded. According to the Mississippi State Cooperative Extension Service, bahiagrass grows easily, producing large quantities of hay, but its feed quality is not as beneficial as that of bermudagrass. Hay consists of grasses, and sometimes other types of plants, that are dried and used for livestock feed and other applications. In this article, I’ll be discussing all of these different kinds of hay, their compositions, and the effect they will have on your horse’s diet. Hay tends to be harvested between the end of May and end of July. Typically, orchard grass is lower in protein than timothy, but it is a favorite amongst horses and owners. Timothy is a European native grass transplanted by early colonial settlers and it has now become ubiquitous in American fields and roadsides. Types of inflorescence. Alfalfa. Let’s take a deeper look at each of these two types of Bermuda grass varieties below! The Kentucky Extension also states that horses are likely to waste considerably more fescue hay than other types of hay. Rhodes, Teff, Lucerne, Meadow or Oaten? Hay can be broken down into two main categories: grass (e.g. It has a shallow root system and cannot tolerate drought well, notes Anderson Hay & Grain. Stems. There are 4 main types of hay, which vary depending on the type of seed used. This type of grass is considered to not be too aggressive nor retiring, which means that it does not die out quickly nor does it grow fast. hay/grass. According to the Mississippi State Cooperative Extension Service, bahiagrass grows easily, producing large quantities of hay, but its feed quality is not as beneficial as that of bermudagrass. hay image by dinostock from Figure 9. It's a perennial grass suitable for growing areas in high altitudes and cooler climates, and grows well in the northeastern U.S. Usually considered a premium hay, it's often fed to horses rather than cows or sheep. Annual ryegrass is the grass of choice for frost seeding to improve pasture quality because it establishes rapidly, yields better than other ryegrass types through summer, and has the highest yields in the seeding year. Depending on the species, fescues are hardy in USDA zones 5 through 9. Hay is dried forage vegetation used as feed for horses, cattle and other livestock during the winter months when green pasture is not available. Most lawns are a mixture of different grass types. The differences between grass and hay are minor but if misunderstood, could affect your rabbit’s health. Lush green sod grass isn’t just useful for beautiful yards and gardens; hardy, robust kinds of grass are suitable for sports fields, golf courses, and parks. Most hay consists of either legume crops, like alfalfa or clover, grasses, or a combination of both legumes and grasses. • Use fertilizer. It grows in USDA zones 4 through 8, notes North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension. Difference Between Zoysia Grass & Crabgrass, Effects of LV 400 2, 4-D Weed Killer on Horses, University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension. Due to … Some of the most common kinds of hay are timothy hay, bermudagrass hay, oat hay, alfalfa hay, and clover and grass hay. Inflorescences . This grass tolerates a wide range of soil types and soil pH values, making it adapted to most of the southern U.S. Bermudagrass provides good nutrition for cows during the … It is considered a high-quality hay and is suitable for most types of livestock. Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), hardy in USDA zones 3 through 8, is grown mostly in the northeast and some western states, and is used for both forage and hay. is a perennial grass with fibrous roots that can be used for both pasture grass or hay. Palatability and nutrient levels drop after seed heads form so it … However, grass hay is very high in fiber. The former is rich in fiber and low in calories, calcium, and protein, which makes it the best hay for guinea pigs. Timothy, Fescue) and legume (e.g. Timothy. These grasses are cut and stacked by hand, dried and stored. Always consult your vet or an equine nutritionist before you decide which hays to feed your horse, as their results can vary widely from breed to breed. Using this guide Before you plant Before purchasing grass seeds, you may want to consult the grass management and descriptions section of this book. It's hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 10. TYPES OF HAY. Certain varieties are resistant to toxic fungus, including 'Fawn' (Festuca 'Fawn'), 'Kenhy' (Festuca 'Kenhy') and 'Johnstone' (Festuca 'Johnstone'). She holds a B.A. Hay has a higher fiber percentage than green leafy fresh grasses, and this fiber is required to keep their digestive tracts moving and it’s the best to keep their teeth from overgrowing. All Rights Reserved. Types of Hay. Rye grass hay, the most common hay found in pet shops, is a by-product of the grass seed growing industry. It is used for both forage and hay, and it's grown mainly in the southeastern U.S. Most hay consists of either legume crops, like alfalfa or clover, grasses, or a combination of both legumes and grasses. Ligule types. It is also recommended for use as a cover crop when establishing new seedings of pasture. Alfalfa, Clover). Grass hays include bromes, fescues, orchard grass, rye grass, wheat grass, timothy, coastal Bermuda or Bluegrass. There are several different categories of hay: legume (such as alfalfa and clover), grass (such as timothy, brome, orchard grass, bluegrass), cereal grain straw (such as oat hay, cut before the seed heads mature), and mixed (legume and grass). Anderson Hay & Grain: What is Timothy Hay? We carry 3 different basic types of hay: Grass, Legume and Grain. Do You Rake the Grass After You Cut With a Sickle Mower? (See Johnsongrass.) It is more shade tolerant than other grasses used for hay, but grows well in full sunlight. Commonly used plants for hay include mixtures of grasses such as ryegrass (Lolium species), timothy, brome, fescue, Bermuda grass, orchard grass, and other species, depending on region. Some of the more common grass hays include timothy, brome, orchard grass and bluegrass. It contains lower levels of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals than legume hay. Hay is dried forage vegetation used as feed for horses, cattle and other livestock during the winter months when green pasture is not available. Orchard hay is another common type of grass hay – it usually has a thicker blade than timothy hay but can be softer in texture. Popular types of grass include Kentucky bluegrass, Bermuda grass, centipede grass, perennial ryegrass, and fine fescue lawn grass. Grass Hay can be timothy, orchard grass or other types of grass or broom grass. 2. Bermudagrass and bahiagrass are two common hay grasses grown in the southern United States. There are three types of ryegrass predominant in hay production. The HayRabbit Difference . There are three forms of seed heads (Figure 9, below): panicle (branching), spike (unbranched, with uniformly spaced spikelets) and spike-like panicle (unbranched, with uniformly spaced spikelets). Timothy is a European native grass transplanted by early colonial settlers and it has now become ubiquitous in American fields and roadsides. Intermediate ryegrass (Lolium hybridum) is a cross of annual and perennial ryegrasses, and is less winter hardy, growing in USDA zones 4 through 9, but higher yielding than the other types. from Vermont Law School. Types of Grass • Oat Grass • Wheat Grass • Barley Hay • Bromegrass • Bemudagrass • Barn Dried Hay / Dried Grass Oat, wheat and barley are all types … A freelance writer since 1978 and attorney since 1981, Cindy Hill has won awards for articles on organic agriculture and wild foods, and has published widely in the areas of law, public policy, local foods and gardening. • Layer on top. Hay is regional and the names of the grasses will change depending on the location in which you live. Oat — The Graff’s mixture also included oats! They may or may not be baled. Clover — The Graff’s in Illinois planted a mixture of various types of hay including clover. , lucerne, Meadow or Oaten weed treatment are a mixture of timothy and orchard grass, timothy orchard... Will change depending on the location in which you live – a short leafy plant – while are... Of pasture the amount of grazing tolerance, disease resistance and time of.... 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